›››#: 184147 S1/Games› 27-Mar-87 10:55:48›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: AR'S››FOR ALL THOSE SKEPTICS (ANF RIGHTFULLY›SO), THE DUNGEON - C64 IS IN TEST. THE›ATARI-8 IS TWO WEEKS BEHIND. THE LIGHT›AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL CAN BE SEEN›AND IS GROWING STRONGER.››#: 184239 S1/Games› 28-Mar-87 14:45:34›Sb: #184166-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146››I AM THE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER›AT INTELLICREATIONS (AKA DATASOFT). I›SPEAK FROM FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE.››#: 184268 S1/Games› 28-Mar-87 20:25:53›Sb: #184147-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423››Bless you my child for you have given›me new hope.›› Juan››#: 184417 S1/Games› 30-Mar-87 11:51:18›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››YOU CAN RETURN VERSION 1.2 OF AR-THE›CITY (ST) FOR A RECUT TO VERSION 2.O›TO: INTELLICREATIONS, INC. 19808›NORDHOFF PLACE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311›ATTN: CUSTOMER SERVICE * BE SURE TO›STATE THAT YOU ARE RETURNING THE›DISKETTE FOR THIS PURPOSE. *››#: 184418 S1/Games› 30-Mar-87 11:54:45›Sb: #184302-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: RICK GRIDLEY 72347,171 (X)››THE ST VERSION OF THE DUNGEON WILL NOT›BE STARTED UNTIL THE 8 BIT VERSION IS›DONE. I DO NOT EXPECT IT TO SHIP›BEFORE CHRISTMAS. THE ST VERSION WILL›NOT TAKE AS LONG TO PROGRAM AS THE›8-BIT VERSION. THE DUNGEON 8-BIT WAS›PROGRAMMED FROM SCRATCH. NONE OF THE›››››››ORIGINAL CODE FROM THE CITY WAS USED. ›SINCE THE ST VERSION OF THE CITY WAS›PROGRAMMED WITH THE EXPECTATION OF THE›DUNGEON AND LATER SCENARIOS, THE›ADDITIONAL SCENARIOS WILL COME OUT›QUICKER SINCE THE LOW LEVEL CODE HAS›BEEN DONE.››#: 184603 S1/Games› 01-Apr-87 11:57:11›Sb: #184501-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146 (X)››FUTURE PROGRAMS SHOULD NOT TAKE AS LONG›TO PROGRAM. THE ORIGINAL CIT WAS A›LICENSED PRODUCT. THAT IS PHIL PRICE›WROTE THE PROGRAM AND WE PORTED HIS›CODE TO THE OTHER 6502'S (APPLE, C64). ›THIS KIND A PORT RESULTS IN EVERYTHING›IN THE ORIGINAL SHOWING UP IN THE OTHER›MACHINES, BE THEY FEATURES, BE THEY›BUGS. TO EXPAND AND MAINTAIN *100K'S*›OF UNDOCUMENTED SOURCE IS A NIGHTMARE. ›SO THE DUNGEON AND ALL THE PRIMITIVES›WERE PROGRAMMED FROM DESIGN. ANY›PROGRAMMER ON THE PROJECT (68000, 6502,›6809) CAN SUPPORT THE CODE BECAUSE THE›CONCEPTS ARE MAINTAIN ACROSS›IMPLEMENATATIONS. ALL THIS WORK WAS›DESIGNED TO BE RE-USABLE. IT CAN'T PAY›TO SPEND 40+ MAN-MONTHS ON A PROJECT›AND THROW IT AWAY AS THE NEXT SCENARIO›COMES ALONG.›..SO EVERYTHING IS PLANNED TO MOVE›SMOOTHER: CUSTOMER SERVICE, PROGRAM›MAINTENANCE, PROGRAMMING. BUT, THE›BEST LAID PLANS OF MICE AND MEN....›*ONLY THE TIME WILL TELL*››#: 185144 S1/Games› 07-Apr-87 22:13:04›Sb: #184904-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: LONNIE J. SCHULZ 76625,2433›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75 (X)›› It will be a much welcomed›pleasure. And being 4 LEVELS it will›keep me happy for a while. Thanks for›the news.› Jasper out.› AKA Lonnie Schulz››#: 185241 S1/Games› 09-Apr-87 18:44:09›Sb: #185144-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: LONNIE J. SCHULZ 76625,2433››Guess what?››››››› They've changed it again.›Called on the 8th of this month and was›told "late April".›(sigh)› Juan››#: 185259 S1/Games› 09-Apr-87 21:51:33›Sb: #185241-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75››Now, i really do believe that it will›never come out!››aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhh››Bill››#: 185770 S1/Games› 17-Apr-87 04:15:15›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››Your lack of enthusiasm is WELL›understood. Excuse my nose but, what do›you mean by breaking out the XL? Are›you on an ST?›I called today and it's the first week›of april.››#: 185894 S1/Games› 18-Apr-87 15:15:36›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ERIC TUCKER 73217,2055›To: A.R. PLAYERS››HEY EVERYBODY! Has anybody heard this›one yet:›What did one spore say to the other›spore?›"Let's stay here 'till we're mold and›gray!"››(ha, ha, ha)››(Yeah, I know it's stupid)››I was walking into the "tavern", and›the band decided to toell me this joke›I just thought I would pass it on...››What is going on with this dungeon -›whoever keeps saying how long it will›be obviously doesn't know what is going›on - I remember way back when it was go›ing to come out in earyl september.››O Well!››››››››If anybody knows how ling(long), Just›tell me (Eric Tucker 73217,2055››#: 185920 S1/Games› 18-Apr-87 22:30:38›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: CHRIS PETERS 73147,317›To: ALL››Hey there, does anybody know anything›about The Dungeon?? Like when it's›supposed to come out? I've been waiting›for quite a while, as I'm sure everyone›else has and I was just wondering if›anyone had some information that I›didn't...› Chris Peters››#: 185949 S1/Games› 19-Apr-87 03:55:55›Sb: #185920-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: CHRIS PETERS 73147,317 (X)››I called them about a week ago and they›said it'd be out in the first week of›May.›› Juan››#: 185980 S1/Games› 19-Apr-87 19:46:54›Sb: #185920-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Sean Kelly 72505,1316›To: CHRIS PETERS 73147,317 (X)››Let it take its time. I'm still just a›level 8er.››#: 186794 S1/Games› 01-May-87 22:02:31›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75 (X)›› Yes, it's true, you can join›guilds in the ST version. I have yet to›accomplish this feat.› I couldn't tell if you second›paragraph was a question or not, but if›it was: Elfin mail is second only to›crystal plate armor.›› Jeff››#: 186970 S1/Games› 04-May-87 00:03:10›Sb: #186957-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›››››››To: Sean Kelly 72505,1316 (X)››Phil Price left Datasoft about Xmas of›1985. The company was going under and›he got a job programming mainframes.›He has been advising Intellicreations›on the Dungeon. You can see why the ST›version is not as good or at least very›different from the 8-bit. Phil wrote›AR for the 8-bit Atari and nothing›else. Hope this clears some things up.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 187019 S1/Games› 04-May-87 20:48:49›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: Fran Bonito 76626,137 (X)››CONGRADULATIONS... WHAT LEVEL CHARACTER›ARE YOU PLAYING AND HAVE YOU FOUND OUT›HOW TO GET TO THE STAR WIZARDS GUILD. I›HAVE REACHED ALL THE GUILDS EXCEPT THAT›ONE? WHEN THE DUNGEON MODULE COMES OUT›HOW DO WE ENTER THE DUNGEON?››#: 187020 S1/Games› 04-May-87 20:51:15›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››WHERE AND HOW DID YOU GET A FLAME SWORD›IN ALT RLTY? I HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERY›WHERE AND I CANT FIND ANY MAGICAL›WEAPONS I DO HAVE A MAGICAL SPIKED›SHIELD BUT I NEED SOMETHING THAT I CAN›ATTACK WITH ALSO ARMOR WOULD BE VERY›NICE!››#: 187025 S1/Games› 04-May-87 21:31:34›Sb: #186895-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75 (X)›› I wish I knew what the›requirements were. Mostly they seem to›be based on intelligence, strength,›character. I have not met the›requirements for intelligence (18) or›character yet. There is a crystals›option in the ST versionis not in the›8-bit version, and I thi nk it has›something to do with the guilds.›› Jeff››#: 187026 S1/Games› 04-May-87 21:35:24›››››››Sb: #187020-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174 (X)›› Being under treasure finding›potions helps a lot. In the 8-bit›version, the MAG. FLAMESWORD is _VERY_›hard to find. My level 11 character has›found only one. On the ST version,›though, the things are all ver the›place! The only way to find them is to›fight for them.›› Jeff››#: 187038 S1/Games› 04-May-87 23:05:39›Sb: #186969-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››I have, and I did!!!!!!!!!!››NEE NEE!››Go away or I will taunt you a second›time!!!!!!!!!!!!› › Juan››#: 187041 S1/Games› 04-May-87 23:12:57›Sb: #187025-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››What is a "cystals option"????!!!!!!››Juan›››#: 187043 S1/Games› 04-May-87 23:23:04›Sb: #187019-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174 (X)››I interupt to bring you a special›bulliten, dungeon entrance located at›2n,60e,› Sorry, I remembered that I should have›given you this clue through Email, well›the other is in the NE quadrant.››Have you rented Monty Python yet?›› Juan››#: 187088 S1/Games› 05-May-87 21:56:54›››››››Sb: #187019-#Alternate Reality›Fm: Fran Bonito 76626,137›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174 (X)››Hi, Miles -- I'm playing Big Butt,›Level12 (kills everything and›everybody) and Gemini, Level 11 (kills›only evil critters)...but haven't›played either in a couple of months›except for very short periods of time. ›Looks like I've gotten to just about›every location EXCEPT Star Wizards and›Acrinimari's Gate. As for the dungeon,›by my map (admittedly not the greatest)›the entrance is a little northwest of›the Last Stop and if my recollection is›correct, you have to go through at›least one secret door. Seems I heard›someplace that there's two entrances;›maybe someone else can help us both out›on that one. Seems I also have heard›that the Dungeon will be a freestanding›game, anyway. Sooooo, until that time›comes.... Fran››#: 187135 S1/Games› 06-May-87 22:40:08›Sb: #186970-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Sean Kelly 72505,1316›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››#: 187187 S1/Games› 07-May-87 19:03:48›Sb: #187135-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Neil Bradley 72337,146›To: Sean Kelly 72505,1316››I >JUST< bought a 1040 ST,and the VERY›FIRST program I put in it was AR. I›must admit, the graphics were great,›but the sound was very poor, compared›to the 8-bit. Judging from what I had›read of the ST, I expected more quality›sound and got a much inferior. To tell›you the truth, it was hard to recognize›the familiar theme. The smith's hammer›seems to go "Boink" vice the crisp›clear sound on the 8-bit. I haven't›done any character building on it yet,›as I have been swamped at work, and had›little time for my computing. Will let›you know how things go. Wiz the Great›(LVL 12 - 8bit) Neil››#: 187193 S1/Games› 07-May-87 20:41:26›Sb: #187187-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146 (X)›››››››› Don't blame the ST, blame the›software. And if you think the hammer›sounds bad, wait 'til you hear the›thunder.›› Jeff››#: 187194 S1/Games› 07-May-87 20:43:13›Sb: #187041-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›› It lists crystals just like›gems, jewels, gold, etc. I think they›have something to do with casting›spells, but I'm not sure. The›Documentation doesn't even mention›them.› Jeff››#: 187208 S1/Games› 07-May-87 22:21:28›Sb: #187088-Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Fran Bonito 76626,137››The other entrance (and the one I›intend to use) is in the wall area›south of the Flaming Dragon Tavern and›the Sleeping Dragon Inn. It is close to›an Inn and a Tavern.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 187209 S1/Games› 07-May-87 22:23:26›Sb: #187135-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: Sean Kelly 72505,1316››Let's all hope that the sequels are up›to the levels of quality and playability›of the City. Cross your fingers.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 187276 S1/Games› 08-May-87 23:08:03›Sb: #187026-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››WHAT CHARACTER DID YOU HAVE TO FIGHT TO›GET THE FLAMING SWORD. I CAN FIGHT›ALMOST ANYTHING AND WIN EXCEPT THE›NIGHTSTALKER THE DRAGON, AND THINGS ON›THAT LEVEL. RIGHT NOW MY CHARACTER IS›LEVEL 9 AND I FIGHT ABOUT ANYTHING THAT›MOVES. I HAVE FOUND ALL OF THE GUILDS›EXCEPT THE STAR WIZARDS GUILD. COULD›YOU TELL ME WHERE IT IS AS WELL AS›››››››ANYTING ELSE OF IMPORTANCE.››THANKS...››#: 187278 S1/Games› 08-May-87 23:14:32›Sb: #187088-Alternate Reality›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: Fran Bonito 76626,137››THANKS... I HAVE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER›THE PLACE FOR THE DUNGEON AND IT IS›RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE. IF I DO FIND THE›STAR WIZARDS GUILD I WILL LET YOU KNOW.›I HAVE FOUND THAT SOME OF THE LOCATIONS›THAT I HAVE SEEN ON MAPS ARE WRONG.›LATER...››#: 187279 S1/Games› 08-May-87 23:17:06›Sb: #187136-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: Sean Kelly 72505,1316››MY CHARACTER "SIR QUINCY" IS LEVEL 9. I›HAVE MY INTELLENGENCE AND STRENGTH WAY›UP BUT I CANT SEEM TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT›MY STAMINA. HAVE YOU FOUND THE STAR›WIZARDS GUILD?››#: 187280 S1/Games› 08-May-87 23:20:41›Sb: #187206-Alternate Reality›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››DO YO HAPPEN TO KNOW HOW TO GET TO THE›STAR WIZARDS GUILD. I HAVE FOUND THEM›ALL EXCEPT THAT ONE. ALSO HOW DO YOU›GET ALL OF THE CLOSED ESTABLISHMENTS›OPENED OR IS THAT IN THE PALACE MODULE?››I AM LEVEL 9 AND GROWING SIR›QUINCY!››#: 187285 S1/Games› 09-May-87 01:52:30›Sb: #187276-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›› I Don't remember what I killed to›get the flamesword - I don't think it›matters. I potion of treasure finding›is essential, though.› If you don't know how to "choose" your›potions, ask and I will tell you.› The Star Wizard's guild is in the›SE quadrant, just to the NE of Smiley's›shop, if I remember correctly. It can›››››››only be reached by way of one path, and›it's HARD (lot's of one-way walls. Don›Wyman has maps if you want, but it's›more fun to make your own. You'll›eventually get there using trial and›error and logic.›› Jeff›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››Sorry to interrupt... What's this about›"choosing" potions? Have I missed›something very important about AR?›Please send details. I will be in your›debt.› Floyd Walker› 72247,36››#: 187360 S1/Games› 09-May-87 20:20:59›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ERIC TUCKER 73217,2055›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››Hi, Don... you sent me some AR maps›about 6 months ago, and I have a›question that seems pretty common about›the Star Wizards Guild - Where Is It!!!›I have decided that it is "Q" in the›southwest quadrent, but it is awfully›hard to get to - I have tried several›times, w but I always end up on the›wrong side of a one-way wall. HELP!!!!››#: 187391 S1/Games› 10-May-87 11:35:18›Sb: #187279-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174››The Star Wizard's Guild is in the›Southern half of the city. The›coordinates are 12-28. It is difficult›to find ever without a map. All I can›tell you is to follow a generally›counter-clockwise circle and keep›trying. I have a complete set of maps›of the city if you need more help. Just›leave me a message and I will give you›the price and address.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 187392 S1/Games› 10-May-87 11:41:04›Sb: #187280-Alternate Reality›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174››To be perfectly honest there are only›2 ways to find the Star Wizard's Guild.›One is to keep trying to find your way›into a very difficult maze, and the›››#: 187337 S1/Games› 09-May-87 15:28:31›Sb: #187285-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Floyd Walker 72247,36›››››››other is to get a map. Either way is›difficult. If you need a map just leave›me a message and I will send you info›as to price and address by E-mail. The›"closed" areas either will remain›closed or be opened in further sequels.›This is particularly true of The›Palace, the Dungeon, The Arena and The›Wilderness. There is also another guild›in the Arena area which will be open›when that sequel comes out. Actually,›Phil Price said that there will be two›in there, The Mercenary's guild and the›Warriors guild. Hope this helps.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 187394 S1/Games› 10-May-87 11:52:31›Sb: #187360-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ERIC TUCKER 73217,2055››Eric, go to the bottom (south) of the›maze. Go to the SE corner and turn N.›A compass will help. Go 4 squares N.›Turn W and go 1 square. Turn N and go›2 squares. Turn W and go to the Shop.›Turn S and go 1 square. Turn W and go›1 square (the shop should be on your›right). Go S 1 square. Go W 2 squares.›Go N 2 squares. Go W 1 square. Go S 4›squares, then go E until you hit the›Guild. You will have to pass through 1›solid wall just before it. This is as›close as I can come to showing you how›to get there. If you make 1 wrong turn,›you have to start all over. Good Luck.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 187524 S1/Games› 11-May-87 23:23:00›Sb: #187337-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: Floyd Walker 72247,36 (X)››› Choosing potions is a result of›the way the game was programmed, not›really an aditional feature. First,›find several potions and save your›character on a few backup character›disks (using a sector copier). Then›re-load your character and take some›potions. Didn't get what you wanted? If›not, quit and reload another charater›from another backup. Keep doing this›until you get the potions you want, but›be sure you keep at least one backup at›all times.› On the ST version the potions are›››››››determined when they are left, so this›method doesn't work. The 8-bit version,›though, determines what the potions›will be when the are opened, thus›allowing you to do this little trick.›It is _VERY_ helpful. (I'm under the›influence of TREASURE FINDING! about›90% of the time.)›› Hope that helps,› Jeff››#: 187684 S1/Games› 14-May-87 17:46:14›Sb: #Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: ALL››Unsheath your weapons, the Dungeon›approaches.››Dungeon Tidbit: There are 200+ unique›items in the Dungeon. You can even›define your own.››#: 187722 S1/Games› 15-May-87 00:25:04›Sb: #187684-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423 (X)››› Unique items such as ...?›Weapons, armour, or magic devices?›› Jeff››#: 187763 S1/Games› 15-May-87 10:57:17›Sb: #187722-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700 (X)››AFFIRMATIVE.››#: 187857 S1/Games› 16-May-87 12:43:04›Sb: #187839-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75 (X)››I am the source. I am the software›development manager at›IntelliCreations. I oversee the›development of the software products›from IntelliCreations. I also catch›the heat when things go bad (lateness,›bugs, consumer complaints). That's why›I periodically review what you have to›say about AR. I strive to extract the›››››››best possible product from the›programmers. Sometimes what I or the›programmer feel is best, isn't for the›paying/playing public. So the feedback›I glean from Compuserve helps to mold›the form of future releases. I am›taking the ST comments to heart before›we release the Macintosh version (its›the same code.)›So the final word on the progress of›the Dungeon is ME (executive veto is›reserved by the programmers). It is›still in the test cycle and I expect to›ship it early next week. This›precludes any addition testing cycles›(i.e. a bug is found).›Another Dungeon tidbit: There are 50+›spells to know and love.››#: 187895 S1/Games› 17-May-87 10:48:31›Sb: ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: ERIC TUCKER 73217,2055››re: Star Wizards Guild›IT TOOK ME 60,000 EXP POINTS TO FIND›BUT I FOUND IT. WHEN I TRIED TO SAVE MY›CHARACTER I FOUND THAT MY CHARACTER›DISK WAS TRASHED. I LOST TWO LEVELS.››IF YOU FIND THE LONG SECRET PASSAGE›WITH DOORS LINING BOTH SIDES GO TO THE›LAST DOOR ON THE LEFT AND FOLLOW THESE›DIRECTIONS:››9-E,4-N,1-W,2-N,2-W,1-S,1-W,1-S,2-W,2-N,1-W,4-S,5-E.››IF YOU NEED TO KNOW WHERE THE PASSAGE›IS I WILL ONLY SAY TO LOOK AROUND THE›FIRST PASSAGE ON THE WESTERN MAIN›STREET ALONG THE SOUTH WALL.››#: 187896 S1/Games› 17-May-87 10:50:19›Sb: #ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717 (X)››HOW DO YOU GET THE HOUSE OF ILL REPUTE›AND THE CASINO AS WELL AS JACKS FITNESS›CENTER OPEN?››#: 187900 S1/Games› 17-May-87 12:26:36›Sb: #187896-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Neil Bradley 72337,146›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174››According to the newsletter that›››››››Intellicreations puts out, those›establishments will be opened in later›scenerios. (I personally think that it›will be in 'the Palace').› Neil››#: 187975 S1/Games› 19-May-87 01:43:01›Sb: #187857-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423 (X)››Hi,› Well, thanks for the news. It is nice›to see someone in your position here›with that much interest.››DID YOU SAY 50+›SPELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!›I am about to return my City disk›because of the Scurvy bug, will it be›possible to play with my character in›the Dungeon while› I wait for the recutting or do I›HAVEto load it on the City again,›first? He is down to 7 hit points(!).›I was wondering one more thing, are›there LOTS of new monsters? 'Cause I'm›10th level and I have only met a Night›Stalker once in the City.› Juan››PS You wouldn't by any chance know when›the Dungeon newsletter wil start?››#: 188034 S1/Games› 19-May-87 23:17:41›Sb: #187896-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174››These places are not available now.›They may be in future sequels, but›also may never be opened. I understand›that the Acrinimirils gate may be used›in the Dungeon though. Glad to see you›found the Star Wizard.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 188089 S1/Games› 20-May-87 22:27:23›Sb: #187857-#Alternate Reality›Fm: CHRIS PETERS 73147,317›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423 (X)››Hi there... I just called a software›shipper to find out the latest info on›when The Dungeon would be shipped and›he said that Intellicreations was›bought by Electronic Arts and that the›››››››shipping of the Dungeon could be help›up for some time.. Do you know if this›is true or how long the shipping may be›delayed? Thanks› Chris Peters››#: 188102 S1/Games› 21-May-87 00:17:56›Sb: #188089-Alternate Reality›Fm: Don LeBow 70717,720›To: CHRIS PETERS 73147,317 (X)››>>Chris...› It is indeed true that›Intellicreations has been picked up by›EA, under it's 'Affiliated Labels'›program. As I understand it, it's not›actually a 'buyout'. Rather, EA has›been setting up 'distributor'›arrangements (in return for a cut of›the profits) for some of the smaller 8›bit software houses. That means that›the little guys gain a little more›marketing muscle (Well, guess it's›better than letting them slowly fade›away...) Given the General›Complications of something like this, I›imagine there'll be some delay. But›hopefully not too much. Your best bet›is to get in touch directly with EA.›Anyone got a phone number, out there???››>>don››#: 188150 S1/Games› 21-May-87 20:14:19›Sb: #188089-Alternate Reality›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: CHRIS PETERS 73147,317 (X)››I'm beginning to think that the dungeon›will never come out. I'm extremely›sick of 'waiting it out'. I've already›c elled my order at computability. ›When it comes out, i will buy it in a›store, maybe...if it takes this long›every time a new installment comes out,›i doubt i'll be interested in the game›any more.››Bill››#: 188181 S1/Games› 22-May-87 00:24:59›Sb: #188034-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›› Don-› What is the Acriminarilis gate? I›››››››have seen the name here a few times›before, but never did know.› Rocky››#: 188211 S1/Games› 22-May-87 18:11:47›Sb: #187975-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75 (X)››Yes you can play City characters in the›Dungeon. Everybody sit down. You can›not take your Dungeon character back to›the City!! Too many problems. A City›character is translated into a Dungeon›character (the City version will still›exist.)›No I don't know when a Dungeon›newsletter will start.››#: 188212 S1/Games› 22-May-87 18:13:57›Sb: #188089-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: CHRIS PETERS 73147,317››IntelliCreations **** WAS NOT ****›bought be Electronic Arts. They will›be the North American distributor of›the DATASOFT line. The Dungeon has not›been delayed at all by this›association. We are trying our best to›get the C64 version shipping this›weekend.››#: 188252 S1/Games› 23-May-87 04:49:08›Sb: #188211-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423 (X)››So you mean that when I explore the›Dungeon and find goodies I won't be›able to bring them back into the City?›I realize that the Dungeon isn't out›yet but, what is the NEXT one going to›be and if it is possible, could you I›meant round off, it's release date to›the nearest year or season?›› Juan››#: 188282 S1/Games› 23-May-87 14:26:03›Sb: #188252-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75››PRECISELY. The original code wasn't›written to handle objects which weren't›››››››conceived at the time the City was›programmed. So there really isn't a›good way to go back to the City. We›thought about "lockers" for non-City›items and adjusting STATS and alike for›characters going back to the CITY, but›we see it as a one-way road for›practical purposes.›Next installments do not have a release›date.››#: 188283 S1/Games› 23-May-87 14:28:13›Sb: Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: ALL››A little bit a news: The Dungeon C64›was ***released*** to production today.›A little bit a bate: The Dungeon has›an expanded MAP, Combat system, and›Magic system.››#: 188367 S1/Games› 24-May-87 15:29:40›Sb: #188283-#Alternate Reality›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423 (X)››i don't mean to be rude or anything,›but we would really rather not know how›much you favor the commodore by release›dates, let us know when you bother with›us scummy ataris.››#: 188399 S1/Games› 24-May-87 19:47:24›Sb: #188367-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277 (X)››I POSTED THAT ANNOUCEMENT BECAUSE, AS I›EARLIER DESCRIBED, THE ATARI VERSION›LAGS THE COMMODORE VERSION BY TWO WEEKS›(DEVELOPMENT REASONS). THEREFORE, I›EXPECT TO PUT THE ATARI VERSION INTO›PRODUCTION IN TWO WEEKS!!.››#: 188437 S1/Games› 25-May-87 10:22:20›Sb: #188399-#Alternate Reality›Fm: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423 (X)››Sorry if i sounded angry, but i kinda›was upset...again sorry if i sounded›rude. oh well, what's another two weeks›after 9 months?››Bill››››››››#: 188452 S1/Games› 25-May-87 14:38:39›Sb: #188437-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: BILL CLEMENTS 72637,277››No problem. I expect short fuses. I›can only hope that the wait will be›worth it. If you don't think so, I'll›still be here listening to your›complaints - remember, the customer is›the boss.››#: 188453 S1/Games› 25-May-87 14:41:05›Sb: #188438-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146 (X)››The ST version (2.0) of the City is›shipping. We don't have an announced›date for the Dungeon - ST. The›earliest will be XMAS. Project›priorities have not been firmed up yet.›We need to see how the 8 bit version›fares before we comment a lot of›resources to producing the 16 bit›version.››#: 188466 S1/Games› 25-May-87 18:34:45›Sb: #188453-Alternate Reality›Fm: Keith Ledbetter 72457,3442›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423››John,› I just purchased AR for the 520ST›last week and love it! However, when›mine boots up, it says 'Version 1.2' --›I see you said version 2.0 in your›previous message. What are the changes›from 1.2 to 2.0? Should I send mine in›and upgrade? If so, how do I go about›it.› Thanks,› Keith››#: 188468 S1/Games› 25-May-87 18:45:22›Sb: #188453-#Alternate Reality›Fm: Neil Bradley 72337,146›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423››John,› A couple of comments on the ST›version (2.0) which I have here in›front of me. I ahve a character that is›now 5th level, and he has only found 1›potion. Strange that I ahve been›››››››hearing that the ST 2.0 version is›generous wit re, but I sure haven't›found any!› According to the Intellicreaton›newsletters, you can tell the alignment›of the creature you are facing by the›music. I have a difficult time›determining whether the "apprentice",›"Mage" and "Wizard" are good, evil or›neutral chars. Any help?\› Also, Thanks for the info on the›Dungeon, I really didn't expect it to›be out that quick, and Christmas is a›good time.› Thanks for your time. Neil›Bradley››#: 188474 S1/Games› 25-May-87 20:07:58›Sb: #188468-Alternate Reality›Fm: john oreo 75126,1257›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146 (X)››John, Just a quick question on the›atari 8-bit version of the DUNGEON. ›Will you be using the same copy›protection scheme on it that was used›on the city. It makes the game›unplayable on an INDUS or PERCOM drive.›With the city, I had the disks recut›twice and still couldn't get them to›work on my drives. The response I got›from intellicreations was that they›couldn't get the info to make the disks›work with an indus (even though the›people who handle INDUS are located in›chatsworth also). You would increase›the sales if you could make the DUNGEON›to work with the atari compatible›drives. So, could you let us know in›advance, saves a lot of frustration›and bad publicity.›››››››››››››››››››››››››#: 188548 S1/Games› 26-May-87 22:48:43›Sb: #188181-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: DON WYMAN 72456,2717›To: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101 (X)››I have no idea what Acrinimirils Gate›is. I heard somewhere that it will be›used in the Dungeon, that's all.›Don Wyman (thorex level 14)››#: 188578 S1/Games› 27-May-87 16:01:29›Sb: #188466-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: Keith Ledbetter 72457,3442 (X)››YES YOU SHOULD SEND YOUR VERSION IN FOR›AN UPGRADE. THIS UPGRADE IS DONE AT NO›CHARGE. I WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU›UPGRADE YOUR DISK. SOME OF THE ITEMS›THAT WERE FIXED ARE 'HOLES' IN THE MAP.›THESE HOLES WOULD LET YOU 'WALK' YOU›CHARACTER THROUGH CODE. NOT AT ALL A›PLESEANT HAPPENING. JUST SEND IN THE›ORIGINAL DISK TO INTELLICREATIONS AT›THE ADDRESS ON THE BOX.››#: 188579 S1/Games› 27-May-87 16:05:22›Sb: #188474-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: john oreo 75126,1257 (X)››I WON'T GET INTO THE DEBATE ON WHETHER›COPY-PROTECTION PRESERVES OR HINDERS›SALES. SUFFICE IT SAY THAT WE ARE›LOOKING AT DIFFERENT PROTECTION›METHODS. I AM NOT AT ALL HAPPY WITH›THE ENTIRE PROTECTION SCHEME USED WITH›THE CITY. AS FOR COMPATIBLE DRIVES, WE›WORKED CLOSELY WITH INDUS AND TRIED TO›KEEP OUR PRODUCTS COMPATIBLE. THAT IS,›UNTIL THEY WENT OUT OF BUSINESS. WE DO›HAVE INDUS AND TRACK AND OTHER DRIVES›HERE. THE PROGRAM WILL BE TESTED ON›THEM AND I WILL POST THE RESULTS FOR›THE CONCERNED CONSUMER.››#: 188580 S1/Games› 27-May-87 16:07:47›Sb: #188491-#Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: MILES SIMMONS 70406,174››NO, NEW OBJECTS AND ALIKE COULD NOT BE›SUPPORT. WE FELT IF WE HAD TO STRIP›THE CHARACTERS OF DUNGEON SPECIFIC›ITEMS BEFORE RETURNING TO THE CITY, IT›WAS NOT WORTH IT. OUR SYSTEM SHOULD›››››››SUPPORT OTHER SCENARIO SPECIFIC ITEMS,›EVEN THOUGHT THEY HAVEN'T BEEN›CONCEIVED YET. SO THIS REALLY A ONE›WAY ROAD FOR ***CITY*** CHARACTERS.››#: 188611 S1/Games› 27-May-87 22:25:10›Sb: #188581-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423 (X)››Since Acrinimirils Gate is in the City,›and once we go into the Dungeon we›can't go back,› How can we use it?›› Juan››#: 188641 S1/Games› 28-May-87 15:14:31›Sb: #188610-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75››It has been discussed. It would›require alot of work and we would have›to have a way to recover the costs›involved.››#: 188642 S1/Games› 28-May-87 15:16:53›Sb: #188611-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75››Well, you might not be able to "USE"›it. But, there are definite›correlations between the CITY and the›DUNGEON. City players will have and›advantage in playing the DUNGEON. ›Maybe I should say good players.››#: 188655 S1/Games› 28-May-87 18:40:39›Sb: #188468-Alternate Reality›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146 (X)›› Let me hop in here, I think I›can help. The ST version or AR has a›lot of potions if you kill ghosts,›spectres, and wraiths.› They are easily charmed (try it at›least three times before trying normal›battle), bt beware, since they can›drain away strength points permanantly.›› Jeff››#: 188686 S1/Games››››››› 29-May-87 00:05:26›Sb: #188642-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: ROCKY NESSET 70426,101›To: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›› JOHN-› Rumors abound about an Acriminirils›gate. The name keeps popping up here›once in awhile, though its meaning›isn't clear to me. What is it? I asked›that question here, before, and was›told that it was something in the›dungeon. Now someone mentions that it›is in the city. Ihave been all over the›city (at least I think I have), and›haven't run into it. I figure you're›probably the best person to ask. So I›will... What the heck is the›Acriminirils gate? Is it in the city or›the dungeon?› By the way, do you know which part›of the game you'll finish next? I›personally hope it is the Wilderness.›With some imagination, it could really›be interesting.› Rocky››#: 188835 S1/Games› 31-May-87 13:51:07›Sb: Alternate Reality›Fm: Neil Bradley 72337,146›To: John Butrovich 76244,423 (X)››John,› I brought my ST to work this weekend,›and AR was one of the programs I›brought with me. Every time I looked›in the room where the ST was, there›were at LEAST 4 people playing AR! ›Every other disk was left untouched!› I hope that this is good news! Neil›Bradley››#: 188847 S1/Games› 31-May-87 17:35:09›Sb: #188843-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: DON WYMAN 72456,2717››Don,›› Glad to see you bought the ST. ›What do you think of it so far? During› the opening credits of AR the version›# is in the upper right corner. It is› version 1.2 you should return it for›version 2.0.› Jeff› Thorex›(lvl 14)››››››› Conan ›(lvl 10)ST››#: 188906 S1/Games› 01-Jun-87 11:40:18›Sb: #188784-Alternate Reality›Fm: JOHN BUTROVICH 76244,423›To: JUAN A. PEGUERO H. 76046,75››We have the source code. But, as just›about any programmer will tell you,›understanding someone else **large**›programs is just about impossible. The›problem is further compounded by the›fact that it was programmed in assembly›language. The form and structure of an›assembly language programm exists only›in the mind of the programmer. I am›presently finishing a program which has›15,000 lines of assembly language›source code. I don't expect anybody to›ever understand the working›relationships between the code modules.›I barely keep it straight in my mind.›Anyway, it wouldn't be a simple fix to›Phil's code to support the Dungeon›structure. In fact, the solution›discussed is to rework the Dungeon code›into the City code. We would take the›under-pinnings of the Dungeon code and›try to remake the City in all its›glory. You gue[]3....newline›(01-Jun-87 11:45:41)›the state of the scenario it is playing›in, was expanded and redesigned in the›process. We tried for a long time to›support the idea of take a character›back to the City, but as time went by,›it became futile. The supports all›those features that the City lacked. ›We tried to especially satisfy those›needs a of player coming from the City›and expecting certain capabilities. I›think we succeeded. You will be the›final judge.››#: 188916 S1/Games› 01-Jun-87 19:13:35›Sb: #188847-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Neil Bradley 72337,146›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402 (X)››Jeff,› A question for you. I have FINALLY›found a couple of potions, and 1 was›Treasure Finding. However, when I›quaffed it, no "Treasure Finding" was›listed on my main page, right under the›sentence about Xbec's Demise (like the›8-bit), and it was not listed in the›››››››Active Magic screen. I did not notice a›lot of treasure like in the 8-bit›either.› Another question (smile). Have you›joined a guild yet? Neil Bradley› Wiz the Great (Lvl 12)/(Lvl 7 ST)››#: 188981 S1/Games› 02-Jun-87 17:32:50›Sb: #188916-#ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›To: Neil Bradley 72337,146››Neil,› I've taken 4 or 5 treasure›findings potions with no apparent›effect. The other potions all seem to›have the same effects as the 8-bit›except that› the invulnerability potions only to›seem a short time. Have you noticed›that› the potions don't change when you›examine and then save them. No I have›not been able to join a guild yet,›guess my characters are to evil. I›read where you have to be squeaky›clean,disengage from anything human I›think and offer items to good›characters.› Jeff››#: 189007 S1/Games› 02-Jun-87 22:02:07›Sb: #188981-ALTERNATE REALITY›Fm: JEFF APPLE 72327,2700›To: Jeff Hand 76556,3402›› I agree, Treasure finding›seems to have no effect, but I think›the Invulnerability potions last longer›than they are listed. I have take›several, and all have diasappeared from›the active magic list, but when in›combat I often get a "... which is›stopped by magic!" message. None of my›armor is magic, though, so it musrt be›thpotions kicking in.›› Jeff››››››››››››››