----------------------------------------------------------------rev.9-8/9/95--- Welcome to: THE UNOFFICIAL ATARI 8-BIT NEW USER, EMULATOR HELP FAQ Revision 0.9, August 8, 1995 By Bill Kendrick _________________________________________________________________ [ Differences from Rev.0.8: Added the missing list ending tags and some active links (still trying to make it newdex-friendly! [frown!] ] [ Differences from Rev.0.7: (Weakly) Converted to HTML! ] [ Differences from Rev.0.5: Corrected descriptions of Atari computers; Corrected PC Xformer 3.0 dealer list; listed where Mule and Util can be found] _________________________________________________________________ For general help (hardware, magazines, etc.) please check the Official Atari 8-bit FAQ file: [ not done ] Finally, you can always ask Michael for a copy at mcurrent@carleton.edu _________________________________________________________________ Summary of Atari 8-bit's and emulated 8-bit Atari's: * Real Ataris: Atari 8-bit computers were produced between 1979 and 1987. The major models released were the: + 400 - 8K-16K, 400/800 OS, CTIA or GTIA graphics (depends when made) + 800 - 8K-16K-48K, 400/800 OS, CTIA or GTIA graphics (depends when made) + 1200XL - 64K, 1200XL OS, GTIA graphics + 600XL - 16K, XL OS, GTIA graphics + 800XL - 64K, XL OS, GTIA graphics + 65XE - 64K, XL OS, GTIA graphics + 130XE - 128K, XL OS, GTIA graphics + XEGS (Game System) - 64K, XEGS OS, GTIA graphics (Had Missile Command) All of the XL's except the 1200XL had BASIC installed on ROM. BASIC can be purchased on cartridge for the 400/800/1200XL's. * Emulated Ataris: + On IBM PCs/compatibles: o PC Xformer 2.0 and 2.5x. 2.0 is limited and supports only 800 OS. Both public domain (were always PD). o PC Xformer 3.0x. Supports all OSes, 320K RAM, player/missile collision detection (which MANY games use!) + On Apple Macintoshes: o Rainbow + On Atari STs, TTs, and Falcons: o ST Xformer 2.0 and 2.5 released for the Atari ST 16-bit machines. Very limited. Now public domain (used to be commercial). _________________________________________________________________ Capabilities of an Atari 8-bit: GRAPHICS: * The Atari has maximum resolution of 320 x 192 (standard, non-overscanned screen) x 2 colors. 160 x 192 x 4, 160 x 192 x 2, 160 x 96 x 4, 160 x 96 x 2, 80 x 48 x 4, 80 x 48 x 2, 40 x 48 x 4 graphics are also supported. 40 x 24 x 256-character (128 normal, 128 inverse, character set indirection available) text mode is standard (2 colors). * 40 x 24 x 128-multi-colored-character (4 colors per character allowed, the other 128 characters have 4th changed into a color 5) and 40 x 12 x 128-multi-colored-character screen modes are available. * GTIA graphics support 80 x 192 x 16 shade-only, 80 x 192 x 16 hue-only, and 80 x 192 x 9 color screen modes. * Normal (bordered), narrow (underscanned), and wide (overscanned) screen modes are available. * Screen modes can be mixed (by lines) down the screen using the Display List (a program which is executed by the ANTIC graphics chip every screen refresh (60 times per second on real NTSC Ataris). * Fine scrolling (both vertical and horizontal) can be enabled on any line on the screen. * All other screen attributes (color, player/missile horizontal position, screen width, player/missile/playfield priority, etc.) can be ajusted at any point down the screen via a "Display List Interrupt." * Four 8-bit wide, 128 or 256 byte high single color players, and four 2-bit wide, 128 or 256 byte high single color missiles are available. A mode to combine the 4 missiles into a 5th 8-bit wide player is also available, as is a mode to XOR colors or blacken out colors when players overlap (good for making three colors out of two players!) Players and missiles have adjustable priority and collision detection (which is not supported by the PC Xformer 2.0 and 2.5 and ST Xformer programs). SOUND: * Four voices of 8-bit pitch-resolution, 4-bit volume-resolution, 8-distortion sound can be produced. 2 voices (1 and 2, and/or 3 and 4) can be combined to make 16-bit pitch-resolution. Also 4-bit volume-only modes can be enabled for digitally sampled sound replay. * A fifth "voice" is produced by the internal speaker on Atari 400/800's (for keyclick and buzzer) and in the XL's and XE's this was (fortunately!) rerouted through the normal audio output, and the keyclick can be disabled. * Some hardware stereo upgrades (like "Gumby") exist which double the number of voices. _________________________________________________________________ Objective of this file: At the time of its release (mid 1994), much discussion went on in the comp.sys.atari.8bit Usenet newsgroup about the Atari 8bit emulator for IBM / MSDOS based computers, PC Xformer 2.0 (XF2 for short). Many people in the 8-bit community had gotten, well, fed up with the XF2-based questions which did not pertain to them, or to the really dumb questions which were in fact understandable to new or rusty Atari 8-bit users, but had just gotten on the nerves of some of the comp.sys.atari.8bit readers/digest subscribers. This file was created to reduce the number of 'newbie' and XF2 questions. Now it's becoming a fairly good reference (and got me the job of writing the commerical 3.0 release's documents!). This FAQ will present answers to simple questions like "how do I turn off BASIC" (a good answer to that of course is, READ THE FRIGGIN' MANUAL) and "how do I get a disk directory?" (which is less obvious on Atari 8-bits, err.. MOST 8-bits [grin]). It will also direct people who are unaware of the large amount of Atari 8-bit support (NOT NECESSARILY EMULATOR SUPPORT) and perhaps become a supplement for the many official and unofficial files floating around the net (like the official FAQ, the Vendor/Developer List, the Who's Who list, etc.). Since revision 0.4 of this file, PC Xformer 2.5, a replacement for 2.0, and 3.0, the first commercial release, have been released. It is assumed that the reader has the latest versions of PC Xformer (2.5 or 3.0), although if you have 3.0, I must say, those documents are great! (If you don't get the joke, look at the name of the author of the manual, and look at my name.) Since revision 0.7 of this file, Rainbow, an Atari 8-bit emulator for Macintoshes, and "6502", an Atari 8-bit emulator for Unix, have been released, and a 4.0 version of PC Xformer has been announced (and will require Windows 95). _________________________________________________________________ -- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: -- 1. What does "READY" mean? This is the Atari BASIC prompt. See below for hints on Atari BASIC. 2. Why doesn't this program load? The program may not work under the Atari 800 Operating System, it may require the XL/XE Operating System. Be sure you're in 800XL or 130XE mode. (130XE mode is only supported by XF3.0, not 2.5, but there is no real difference in the operating systems.) It may not work under the XL/XE Operating System (rare cases), switch to 800 mode. Be sure you turned BASIC off before trying to load it if it cannot run with BASIC on. It might be a BASIC game! Be sure you're in BASIC and use the BASIC "RUN" or "LOAD" (and then "RUN") command. Also, be sure it works with the BASIC you have. Some programs only run in BASIC XL or XE (which are both cartridge-based BASIC's not currently supported by the Xformer), and some run with TurboBASIC XL (disk-based). It may just refuse to run on the emulator. 3. How do I turn off BASIC? To toggle BASIC on and off, press [SHIFT]-[F10] ([F10] is [RESET], note: on a real Atari 8-bit, [SHIFT]-[RESET] does not have this effect). 4. Why doesn't this game/program run correctly? It may use player/missle collision detection which is not supported on the XF2.5. You might have to shell out the $29.95 for 3.0! See "Why doesn't this program load?", above. 5. How do I exit XF and return to DOS? Press [F5]. Note: this does NOT temporarily 'shell' or 'jump' to MSDOS. 6. How do I get to Atari DOS? In BASIC, type "DOS" at the "READY" prompt. Reboot without BASIC on. Be sure you have a DOS-bootable disk image as the first MSDOS parameter after the "XFORMER" command. (DOS25.XFD and MYDOS45.ATR are both DOS boot-disk-images and are both in the XF25.ZIP file or on your XF3 disk). 7. How do I use MSDOS files with XFormer? Add the files to the command line and use them as their respective drives (be sure the first drive is a DOS-bootable disk image). Example: XFORMER MYDOS45.ATR filename.ext When booted the Atari will have two drives, D1: will be the MyDOS 4.50 disk image and D2: will be a write-protected disk which contains only the file "filename.ext". Note: there are bugs in XFormer which make accessing files from different directories a bit hard, just use the MOVE (or COPY and DEL) commands in MSDOS to get the file to the directory where you call XFORMER from. Use the MSDOS program S2PC (S2PC.ARC available in the Utilities directory at the UMICH archives) which allows you to access files within a MyDOS/compatible .ATR disk image without using an SIO2PC or the XFormer. S2PC let's you read, write, delete, change directory, and view the directory of a MyDOS/compatible .ATR disk image. It can be used via command-line parameters from MSDOS, or as a menu. If you can, use the MSDOS program ATARIMG, which is much like S2PC but has a nicer, more graphical (less-menu driven) interface. (Unfortunately, this doesn't run on all IBM's!) 8. Just what ARE .ATR and .XFD files? Refer to the XFormer and SIO2PC manuals for details on these files. Simply put, they are Atari disks, stored as files which are as big as the disk they represent (an 88k disk image will use 88k on the IBM). .ATR files are used by SIO2PC (see below) as well as the XFormer (and the S2PC program mentioned above). .XFD files are used by ST Xformer (the Atari 8-bit emulator for Atari ST's) and PC Xformer (XF2,XF25,XF3). 9. What's SIO2PC? Refer to the XFormer and SIO2PC manuals for details on this program. This is a program which runs on IBM/compatibles which, with the use of a simple (and relatively inexpensive) cable, makes the IBM act as though it were an Atari disk drive. (Up to four drives, actually). It uses disk image files (.ATR's) and can also let the Atari access single IBM files (much like XFormer does) as a single file all alone in its own disk. It also currently allows Print-Thru (all access to the Atari "P:" (printer) device can be redirected to the IBM's printer, screen, or MSDOS file; different translations/conversions are user-defined when the Print-Thru mode is turned on). Finally, with the use of two programs on the Atari 8-bit (the only two programs that currently have anything to do with SIO2PC that have been written (to my knowledge) for the Atari 8-bit), the IBM can be controlled remotely (commands are sent from the Atari, typing on the IBM is not necessary) and files can be sent directly to the IBM's drives. _________________________________________________________________ -- Getting around on the Atari: DOS and OS -- Note: This section will simply discuss Atari BASIC, the Atari OS, and Atari DOS 2.5 and MyDOS 4.5x (because these topics seem the most relevant to the less-knowledged/experienced Atari 8-bit users). * AtariDOS and MyDOS QuickReference: MyDOS (4.50 and 4.53) presents the user with the following commands: + [*] Disk directory of current directory (like "dir *.*" in MSDOS) + [1]-[9] Disk directory of a disk drive (like "dir a:\*.*" to "dir i:\*.*") + [A] Disk directory (like "dir " and optional output destination) + [B] Quit to cartridge + [C] Copy file(s) ("[source],[destination]" copies from one place or disk to another, just "[source]" copies from one place on one disk in a drive to the same place on another disk in the same drive (asks for swapping)) + [D] Delete file(s) (add "/N" to delete without being prompted first) (add ">*.*" or ":*.*" after a subdirectory name to delete the files within it. A subdirectory name alone will delete the subdirectory (if it is empty and unlocked)). (Acts like both "del" and "rd" in MSDOS.) + [E] Rename file(s) (renaming multiple files is allowed, but be careful). (like "ren [old] [new]" in MSDOS - with MyDOS, use "," between old and new masks.) + [F] Locks file(s) from overwrite, deletion and appending (like "attrib +r [mask]" in MSDOS.) + [G] Unlocks file(s) (returns them to their default state). + [H] Writes DOS files to a disk (this creates a disk which boots with the current version of MyDOS you are using and also has the menu file "DUP.SYS" on it as well). (This is like "sys"(?) in MSDOS.) + [I] Formats a disk (add "/N" after the drive number to do a quick-format of an already-formatted disk (ie, just a very fast "delete `*.*'"). + [J] Duplicate disk (copies an entire disk, including boot sector, when using XFormer, it's much quicker to just copy one .XFD or .ATR to another). + [K] Make binary file: saves memory and makes it binary-loadable. See [L]. + [L] Load binary file: loads a compiled program. (like "[filename]" in MSDOS, except any ".EXE", ".COM", ".OBJ", etc. is still required.) + [M] Run at address. Mainly for advanced users. Reboot is "E477", reset is "E474" (these are the hex values of the addresses where the routines to reboot and reset are.) + [N] MEM.SAV: when this is on, whenever you go to DOS (from BASIC, for example) it will write what is in memory to a file "MEM.SAV" so that when DUP.SYS (the menu) loads it isn't lost forever. When you exit DUP.SYS with the "B: Run Cartridge" command, MEM.SAV is reloaded and the environment should be as it was when you left. It's probably quicker to simply "SAVE" your programs (if in a language) which aren't nearly as big as all of the memory that MEM.SAV saves. + [O] Options: this presents the user with some options. Mainly for advanced users or special setups. See the MyDOS docs for details. + [P] Set density. Forces a drive to be recognized at a certain density if MyDOS can't figure it out. (??) + [Q] Make a subdirectory. (like "md" or "mkdir" in MSDOS). + [R] Set default directory. (like "cd" in MSDOS and "cwd" in SpartaDOS) This makes "D:" now the same as a subdirectory or other drive. ie, "D2:" will make all calls to "D:" act as though they are to "D2:" instead. Some programs when prompting for filenames do not add "D:" to the beginning if one is not present, they add "D1:". If you don't trust a program to look to "D:" instead of "D1:" and you want it to look to some place OTHER than "D1:" (ie, where "D:" is pointing which could be a VERY long path list), just add "D:" to the beginning. ALSO, some programs don't even ADD "D:"'s if they aren't in the filenames you give and may give errors (138, for example: device not present, ie, if you said "TESTFILE.DAT" it may think you want "T:" instead of "D:TESTFILE.DAT"). + [S] Set ramdisk number. This is also under [O]ptions. + [V] Verify writes. This is also under [O]ptions. When Verify is on, writes will be slower but 100% reliable. With it off, writes will be much faster but possibly not as reliable (on bad disks, for example). Default is off. AtariDOS presents the user with the following commands which are identical to MyDOS's commands: A,B,C(no swaping),D,E,F,G,H, I(some densities),J,K,L,M,N AtariDOS 2.5 presents the user with the following commands not present or not the same as MyDOS's commands: + [O] Duplicate file. This is used to copy a file from one disk to another using only one drive. (In MyDOS, giving just a source will make [C]opy act like DOS 2's Duplicate.) + [P] Format Single. In DOS 2.5, this is used to format 88k (Single Density) disks. To format an Enhanced Density (127k) disk, just use [I]. In DOS 2.0, [I] is the only format option and only handles 88k. (I may be wrong, but I have never had a Double Density drive under Atari DOS 2.0 or 2.5!) * General DOS and OS questions: 1. How do I access the disk drives? First, you need to have booted with a DOS. All but one DOS is on disk (SpartaDOS X is on cartridge). When the Atari boots up, it does some of its 'boot-up stuff' which includes looking for a disk drive connected and turned on which is set up as drive #1. It then begins to load from the disk's "boot sector". If none exists or there's a nasty error on the disk, you get the "BOOT ERROR" notice until the error is fixed. (On SpartaDOS disks, even non-bootable disks have a boot sector, but all the boot sector is is a small program which displays a 'not a boot disk' error). To end the digression, the answer to 'how do I access the disk drives' starts with 'you must boot the Atari with a DOS'. Check the 8-bit FAQ and the UMICH and other FTP archives for lists of DOSes available for Ataris, but the most used are Atari DOS (for compatibility with almost ALL older software), MyDOS (for an Atari DOS compatible high-end DOS), and SpartaDOS (for a very high-end DOS which looks much like MS-DOS but unfortunately cannont run all software which runs fine with Atari DOS and MyDOS.) Note: SpartaDOS does NOT run on Atari 400's and 800's (except the cartridge versions and I believe disk version 1.1). Now that you have a DOS loaded, the Atari understands the "D:" device (see below for Atari devices). Since there is more than one disk drive, you have to be able to tell them apart. The Atari uses numbers when it has more than one of the same device, so "D1:" is drive 1, "D2:" is drive 2, "D3:" is drive 3, etc.! After the "D:" device name comes the filename. Of the most used DOSes, only MyDOS supports lowercase letters in filenames, but since most programs force uppercase entry for filenames, nobody really seems to use lowercase in their filenames. 2. How do I copy things from one place to another? Atari DOS and MyDOS give you the "C" command in their menu interface. When it asks for a source and destination, you can use wildcards (* and ? like in most other DOSes) to copy more than one file at a time. You can also present no destination so that a file can be copied from one disk in drive 1 to another disk in drive 1, for example, and the DOS will ask you to insert each disk. 3. What are subdirectories? Subdirectories are places where files go which are just like the normal directory of a disk, except the they happen to be WITHIN that normal directory, or even another subdirectory. For example, you can have your disk divided up into the "GAMES" files, the "GRAPHICS" files and the "SOUNDS" files. A directory of the disk (the "root" or "base" or "trunk" directory) will simply list the three subdirectories, "GAMES", "GRAPHICS" and "SOUNDS". Then, if you ask for a directory listing of the "GAMES" subdirectory, you will see the files (and perhaps other subdirectories) within the "GAMES" directory. Think of it as a tree. For people familiar with Macintoshes, "Folders" are simply subdirectories. A window which appears when you open a "Disk" Icon is the "root", and all of the "Folders" within it have more windows in them which also have file and folder icons. Here's a comparison to using subdirectories on different DOSes root 'GAMES' 'SPACE' within 'GAMES' AtariDOS D: n/a n/a MyDOS D: D:GAMES: D:GAMES:SPACE: SpartaDOS D: D:GAMES> D:GAMES>SPACE> MSDOS (IBM) \ \GAMES\ \GAMES\SPACE\ Note, only Atari DOS would be using drive 1 here, all other DOSes are not necessarily using drive 1, and MyDOS and SpartaDOS may already 'be within' a subdirectory. In MyDOS and SpartaDOS (and MSDOS), you can change the 'current' or 'default' directory to a different place (a different drive or a subdirectory). "D:" can stand for "D1:" (like AtariDOS always does) or "D2:GAMES:SPACE:"! PLEASE READ THE MYDOS OR SPARTADOS DOCUMENTS FOR DETAILS ON THIS! 4. What does "P:", "E:", "K:", etc. mean? As stated before, the Atari has devices. "D:" is added when a bootable disk in drive 1 is read. Other exist as well: o C: Cassette Readable and writeable, no filenames. o D: Disk Drive Readable, writeable, random access, directory, files, multiple devices (up to 9 on MyDOS and newer SpartaDOS, 8 on AtariDOS). o E: Editor Readable, writeable. This is how input from the keyboard and output to the screen is normally handled. If you wish to type a small file up by hand and have it sent to the printer or a file, use "E:" as the source. o G: Graphics Printer Writeable. This is not built into the Operating System but must be loaded. This is an Epson-compatible printer driver which can easily dump graphics. o K: Keyboard Readable. This is just the keyboard. Input from it is not `echoed' back like with the "E:ditor". o M: "Multi-Mouse" Readable, writeable? This is not built into the Operating System but must be loaded. This is a handler which runs in the background and accepts input from either a mouse, a joystick or a touch-tablet and displays a mouse pointer on the screen. o P: Printer Writeable. Send data to this and it will appear on the printer. You can print files (documents, etc.) by using "P:" as the destination. The Atari XL/XE OSes support "P1:" and "P2:", although I believe this usage is rare. o R: RS232 (COM port) Readable, writeable, concurrent mode. This is not built in to the Operating System, but is loaded. It supports modems. The Atari 850 Interface has it's "R: handler" 'built-in', which means the Atari also looks for an 850 (or other compatible interface) and receives the "R: handler" code from it. Other interfaces and the Atari 'direct-connect' modems require a file to be loaded which contains the "R:" code. "R1:" and "R2:" is also supported, but also its usage seems rare. o W: Windowing (screens) Readable, writeable. This is a graphics 8 graphical windowing driver (rarely used, unfortunately!). It must of course be loaded as well. o Z: RTime8 Real-time Clock Readable, writeable. This is also not built in to the OS, but loaded. This is loaded from disk and lets the user access the "RTime8" real time, battery-backed up clock for the Atari 8-bit. (This is a cartridge-based device). I am unaware of any "Z:" clone which let's you set the Atari internal (non-real time, non-battery-backed-up) clock if you do not have an RTime8, although I'd love to see one! [hint!!] 5. How do I print something from DOS? As stated above, just use the "C"opy command, then use the file you wish to print as the 'source', and "P:" as the 'destination'. Example: "D1:DOCUMENT.TXT,P:" _________________________________________________________________ -- Getting around on the Atari: BASIC -- What does "READY" mean? Again, this is simply the prompt that Atari BASIC (and most older BASIC's) presents the user when it is in "Immediate" mode. * Entering a command will cause it to act immediately. * Entering a line number and then a command will place that line into the current program. * Entering a line number alone will remove that line from the current program. * To start a program, use the "RUN" command. * To erase a program, use the "NEW" command. * To clear variables, strings and arrays, use the "CLR" command. * To load a program, use the "LOAD" command followed by a filename (see below). To load and run a program, use the "RUN" command followed by a filename. * To save a program, use the "SAVE" command followed by a filename. * To list a program, use the "LIST" command followed by an optional destination device ("D:file.lst", "P:"rinter) and an option start and end set of lines seperated by (a) comma(s). Where can I learn Atari BASIC? A (set of) file(s) will be created explaining all of Atari (and Turbo) BASIC's commands and their usage. (A larger file may be produced which will be based on examples provided in the Atari BASIC Reference Manual). (As of August 1, 1995, these particular files do not exist). How do I quit BASIC? * Type "DOS" to quit BASIC and return to DOS. * Type "BYE" to quit BASIC and exit to the OS's "bye" routines (Atari Memo Pad on 400/800's, Atari Rainbow on 1200XL's, and Self Test on other XL's and XE's). (Note: On 1200XL's, use [HELP] to go to the Self Test when the Atari Rainbow appears). * For XFormer users, remember, [SHIFT]+[F10] reboots and toggles BASIC. Why don't strings work? Strings must be "dimensioned" like arrays in Atari BASIC. Strings are special character arrays. See the BASIC usage/etc. files mentioned in the answer to question 2. Simply put, to make a string that will accept up to "#" character, use DIM [name]$(#). Example: DIM A$(10) - now A$ can contain between 0 and 10 characters. How do I make graphics? Use the "GRAPHICS" command to switch between the following screen modes: (Note: All modes except 0, 9, 10 and 11 have four lines of 40 x 24 x 2 sized text covering the bottom of the screen. Add "16" to the mode number to remove this window (but do not make any PRINTs or PUTs to the standard output otherwise a GRAPHICS 0 screen will appear)) (Note: Add "32" to the mode number to keep the screen from clearing when it appears. One problem, however, all screens overlay each other so unless you only use certain modes at certain times, parts of some screens will become (or start out) with 'garbage' on them.) * 0: 40 x 24 x 2 text * 1: 20 x 24 x 5 text * 2: 20 x 12 x 5 text * 3: 40 x 24 x 4 graphics * 4: 80 x 48 x 2 graphics * 5: 80 x 48 x 4 graphics * 6: 160 x 96 x 2 graphics * 7: 160 x 96 x 4 graphics * 8: 320 x 192 x 4 graphics * 9: 80 x 192 x 16 luminence-only graphics * 10: 80 x 192 x 9 graphics * 11: 80 x 192 x 16 hue-only graphics * 12: 40 x 24 x 4-colored text * 13: 40 x 12 x 4-colored text * 14: 160 x 192 x 2 graphics * 15: 160 x 192 x 4 graphics COMMANDS: Commands available in Atari BASIC for manipulating simple graphics include: * PLOT x,y - plot a pixel * POSITION x,y - position cursor * COLOR c - set drawing color (c=color or character value) * DRAWTO x,y - draw a line from cursor location (set with "POSITION", "PLOT", "DRAWTO" or "LOCATE") * LOCATE x,y,r (where r is where result will be stored) * SETCOLOR c,h,l (c=palette location, h=hue, l=lum) COLORS: Note: COLOR command colors are not identical to SETCOLOR command colors: * COLOR 0 will draw using the background color, set with SETCOLOR 4,hue,lum * COLOR 1 will draw using color "0", set with SETCOLOR 0,hue,lum * COLOR 2 will draw using color "1", set with SETCOLOR 1,hue,lum * COLOR 3 will draw using color "2", set with SETCOLOR 2,hue,lum Except in GRAPHICS mode 10, where COLORs 0, 1, 2, and 3 must be POKEd into memory locations 704, 705, 706 and 707 (the player/missle graphics color locations). Examples of this will be presented in the BASIC usage files. (Sorry) How do I make sound on the Atari Remember, XFormer 2.5 doesn't support sound! (XF3.0 does) But anyway, in Atari BASIC: SOUND c,p,d,v * c=channel (0-3) * p=pitch (0-255) * d=distortion (0,2,4,6,8,10,12 or 14) * v=volume (0-15) The buzzer character is CHR$(253) aka [CONTROL]+[2] (NOT [CONTROL]+[G]) How do I move the cursor and edit? The Atari "E:" device (standard input/output which is the "editor") allows the following characters for editing: Key: AtASCII #: Use: ----------------- -------- --------------------------------------------- Atari none Turn inverse on/off (Atari 400/800 kybds) Inverse [Triangle] none Turn inverse on/off (Atari XL/XE kybds) CAPS none Turns caps-mode to lowercase (400/800 OS) CAPS none Toggles caps-mode from upper to lower (XL/XE) Sh-CAPS none Turns caps-mode to uppercase (all OSes) Ct-CAPS none Turns caps-mode to [Control]-[Lock] (all) Up ([^-]) 28 Move cursor up Down ([^=]) 29 Move cursor down Left ([^+]) 30 Move cursor left Right ([^*]) 31 Move cursor right Space 32 Move cursor right (overwrites w/Space char) BackSpace 126 Move cursor left (deletes previous char) Delete ([ShBkspc]) 156 Deletes a (logical) line (1-3 physical lines) Insert ([Sh>]) 157 Inserts a physical line Ct-Delete ([^Bksp]) 254 Deletes char under cursor, pulls rest left Ct-Insert ([^>]) 255 Inserts space under cursor, pushes rest right ClearScn ([^ Note: Inverse characters have values of the normal version of the characters plus 128. (The only non-viewable inverse character is inverse-ESC, or what would be the [ESC],[RETURN] combination. The character exists, but must be set into screen RAM by hand. Oh well, at least you still have 255 easily viewable characters! [grin]) How do I make the editor characters appear As shown above, you must have an ESC sent before them. * When simply entering text, type [ESC] then the edit key and the character for that edit key should appear. * When entering text in a PRINT statement, you must have it send an ESC beforehand, so first type [ESC],[ESC] to make an ESCape character appear, then type [ESC] then the edit key and the character for that edit key should appear. When the PRINT statement is executed, the first ESCape (which you typed as two [ESC]'s) will make the editor SHOW the following character (even if it is an edit character), then the character which you entered (with [ESC] and then the edit key) will make that character appear. This makes it difficult to align a set of PRINT statements which make a multi-line picture or menu which uses viewed edit keys. It is probably best to have all of the lines in your program with the PRINT statements that can fit visible on the screen, then edit them (without putting any of the ESCape characters in, then when the picture looks like how you want it on the screen, move the cursor to on top of each edit-key character and press [Control]+[>] (Control-Insert). A blank space should appear under the cursor and the rest of the line should move right. Now, type [ESC],[ESC] and an ESCape edit-key character should appear where the blank space was. When you are finished doing that for each line with those PRINTs in it, BE SURE TO ENTER THEM INTO THE PROGRAM BY PRESSING [RETURN] ON EACH OF THOSE LINES! Whew! Set the memory location "766" to "1" with the command "POKE 766,1" to turn on the no-edit mode (ALL characters except End Of Lines will appear, even ClearScreens!) When you want to go back into normal mode, set the location back to "0" with "POKE 766,0". What's with the colors changing? THIS, MY FRIEND, IS THE FIRST EVER SCREEN SAVER! This is called "Attract mode" as was used on the Atari 2600 and Atari 400/800/XL/XE series (and probably on the 5200 and 7800 but I cannot confirm this). When a key hasn't been pressed for 7 or 9 (depending on OS, model, etc) minutes, the screen colors begin changing, thus protecting your TV or monitor from having a static image burned on it. * To turn this mode off, press a key, or, if within a program, use the command "POKE 77,0" at least once every few minutes (IF the screen is active, otherwise turning it off would be kinda useless). * To turn it on, wait 7 or 9 minutes without pressing a key or having location "77" set to "0", or set location "77" to "128" with "POKE 77,128", voila! instant attract mode! How do I access 'devices' on the Atari? The following commands are available to Atari BASIC's (and also variations on these are available in most other Atari languages!): * OPEN #a,b,c,d$ Opens channel 'a' for access to 'd$' in mode 'b' with auxillary mode 'c'. Channel 'a' must be free or else a 'Channel already open' (129) error will occur. To explain the different "modes", here are simply some examples: + OPEN #1,4,0,"K:" Input from keyboard + OPEN #2,8,0,"P:" Output to printer + OPEN #3,12,0,"D:FILE" Random access to disk + OPEN #4,9,0,"D:DATA" Append-output to disk + OPEN #5,13,0,"R:" Concurrent to RS232 (modem) + OPEN #6,6,0,"D:*.TXT" Directory access to disk (reads directory of "*.TXT" mask) * CLOSE #a Closes channel 'a' (freeing it for use) * GET #a,b Reads a byte from channel 'a' and stores it in 'b' * PUT #a,b Puts byte 'b' onto channel 'a' * INPUT #a,b$ Reads a string (up to 255 bytes and a REQUIRED 'end of line' (character 155)) from channel 'a' and stores it in 'b$' * INPUT #a,b Reads a string (up to 255 bytes and a REQUIRED 'end of line' (character 155)) from channel 'a' and stores the numeric value of it in 'b' * PRINT #a,[stuff] Just like the normal BASIC PRINT statement, but sends the information to channel 'a' (semicolons, comas, and mixed types are of course allowed). * STATUS #a,b Reads the error 'status' of channel 'a' and stores it in 'b' * XIO a,#b,c,d,e$ General I/O call. This a little complicated and may be expanded upon in a future revision. Just be aware of the following: + a - command + b - channel to use (usually must be free) + c - auxillary mode 1 + d - auxillary mode 2 + e$ - file or device to act upon Examples: + XIO 32,#1,0,0,"D:FILE,OLDFILE" renames file + XIO 33,#1,0,0,"D:OLDFILE" deletes file + XIO 34,#1,0,0,"D:GAMES" creates a directory in My- & Sparta-DOS + XIO 35,#1,0,0,"D:NEWFILE" locks a file from over-write and deletion + XIO 36,#1,0,0,"D:NEWFILE" UNlocks a locked file + XIO 40,#1,4,0,"D:PROG.OBJ" loads and runs a binary file (like "L" in Atari and MyDOS) + XIO 40,#1,5,0,"D:PROG.OBJ" loads a binary file (like "L" in Atari and MyDOS with the "/N" option) + XIO 41,#1,0,0,"D:GAMES" changes default directory that drive/subdirectory (all calls to "D:" will now occur within that drive/directory) + XIO 254,#1,0,0,"D2:" FORMAT a disk (in Atari DOS 2.5, this is format 'enhanced', to format 'single' density, use XIO 253) (in MyDOS, this is format, but not 'enhanced', use: + XIO 253,#[channel],1,0,"D[drive]:" for formatting a drive in enhanced mode). NOTE: 39 and 40 are the same. Also note the useage of AUX1 in the "XIO 40" example. __________________________________________________________________________ -- Getting Atari files to an IBM: -- 1. How can I read Atari disks on my IBM? Note: Someone please give more details or corrections here! Thanks! If you have double-density Atari disks, you can use the program "Util" on the IBM which can read double-density Atari disks. Please see the Atari 8-bit FAQ for more details. If you have an Atari 1050 disk drive, you can use the program MULE to copy files, one file at a time, 20k chunks at a time, from the Atari to the IBM. You first must format a 180k disk on your IBM, the run MULE on your Atari to get a file onto the MULE disk, then run MULE on the IBM to get the file onto the IBM. Tedious, isn't it? MULE wasn't meant to be a fully-functional program, just a demo to show that this was even possible. If you're fortunate to have a Black Box interface on your Atari, you can get an external IBM drive and the Black Box's add-on, the Floppy-Board and simply copy files from your Atari disks or hard drive(s) onto IBM disks via the floppy board, then load them up on your IBM. 2. Ok, I can't do any of that, now what? You can use SIO2PC, which is a program for IBM's which turns your IBM into a set of Atari disk drives. You need the SIO2PC cable (which you can purchase, assembled or unassembled, or buy parts and build it yourself) and the SIO2PC software (available at UMICH). Connect your IBM to your Atari, load SIO2PC, and then run the program FILE2PC on the Atari to transfer files to the IBM's hard drive. Or instead create a disk image within SIO2PC and copy files from one disk (a real Atari floppy) to another (the SIO2PC image) with the Atari or MyDOS "C"opy command. If you want to extract files out of the SIO2PC disk image file and store them on your IBM's hard drive or floppies as single files, either again use FILE2PC or use S2PC, an IBM program which can extract files from or add files to MyDOS-compatible SIO2PC disk images! You can use two modems (one on your PC and one on your Atari) to download files from your Atari 8-bit. If you don't necessarily want files that you already have on your Atari 8-bit, you can download files from the huge collection available at FTP sites and Atari 8-bit supporting bulletin boards and save them onto your IBM. If you have only one modem, so you can't connect both your Atari 8-bit and your IBM together via modems, you can do it via null-modem, OR you can upload files from your Atari to some bulletin board or account you have access to, and then connect the modem to your IBM and download the files. 3. Is there any easier way to get Disk Communicator (Atari disk image) files to and from SIO2PC disk images or PC Xformer XFD disk images other than using Disk Communicator 3.2 on my Atari! I mean, both files are disk images! They're both on my PC's hard drive! [cry] (AND NOTE: DiskComm. doesn't like SIO2PC a lot of the time anyway!) Yes! There's an IBM program out called "DCM2DSK". (Why "DSK" and not "ATR"? To keep people from getting confused with the ATR-8000(?)) There's also C source to a very similar program called "DCMTOATR" which works on PC's (a PC executable version comes in the archive) and Unix and probably any other system with a good C compiler. __________________________________________________________________________ -- Where to get or FTP files mentioned in this FAQ: -- * PC Xformer 2.0 and 2.5 can be downloaded via FTP from: + "ftp.clark.net": Directory/file-path: systems/msdos/emulators/xf25.zip (or xf2.zip) + "atari.archive.umich.edu" FTP site: Directory/file-path: atari/8bit/Xf2/xf25.zip (or xf2.zip) + Branch Always Software's Home page: URL: www.halcyon.com/brasoft/ * PC Xformer 3.0 can be purchased for $29.95 (prices may vary) from: + U.S.A.: o American Technavisions 510-352-3787, fax 510-352-9227 o B & C Computervisions 408-986-9960, fax 408-986-9968 o Mid Cities Computers 310-867-0626, fax 310-920-8933 o Rising Star Computers 800-252-2787, fax 513-254-7970 o Toad Computers 800-448-8623, fax 410-544-1329 + Germany: o Atari Bit Byter User Club +49 02366-39623 (same for fax) o KE-Soft +49 06181 87539, fax: +49 06181 83436 + United Kingdom: o Micro Discount +44 021 353 5730, +44 021 352 1669 + or directly from Branch Always Software: (USA) 14150 N.E. 20th Street, Ste 302, Belleuve, WA 98007. 1-206-369-5513, fax 1-206-885-5893 e-mail: BraSoft@aol.com * Rainbow can be downloaded via FTP from: + [ not done ] * The following programs are availabel at the "archive.umich.edu" FTP site: + SIO2PC: atari/8bit/sio2pc/*.* (all files are SIO2PC/utility files) + Mule: atari/8bit/Diskutils/mule.com (Atari), mule.exe (IBM), mule.txt + Util: atari/8bit/Utilities/myutil.zip (IBM) __________________________________________________________________________ -- The End --