› Leather Goddesses of Phobos Solution› › This is a fast walk through the Leather Goddesses of Phobos,› gathering all eight objects necessary to build the machine that will› help defend the Goddesses. Also clues are marked so you could have› somebody look them up.› › To begin walk either NW or NE depending on how you want to play› the game. Inside the restroom do what you came in to do, then sit on› the stool and WAIT.› Once inside the cell take the stool, flashlight and the brown› food. Open the door and go S. Open the southern door and go S. Take› the piece of paper and read it.› › ***CLUE***› This is the type of word find puzzle. You should find eight word› and circle them. The leftover letters make up the clue.› ***END OF CLUE***› › After solving the puzzle you know that "Hissing frightens› flytraps". Drop the paper. Here you met Trent or Tiffany, from here› on referred to as "your companion". Go N, U, N and turn on the› flashlight. You will see a wicker basket on the shelf. Drop the stool› and climb on the stool. Take the basket. Get off the stool. Stand in› the black circle which takes you to the jungle.› Hiss and after the flytraps dies go W, take the jar with› untangling cream and go E, E, E to the clearing. Take the can of› stain. Go NW to the back of the house. Trade your flashlight for the› machine. Take the machine, open the machine, put the jar inside,› close the machine and turn it on. Open the machine, take the jar and› drop the machine. Knock on the door. Inside go D to the lab and put› the brown food inside the cage. Wait a few times until the mad› scientist straps you and your companion on the slabs and pushes the› red switch. Inside the cage WAIT until the scientist leaves the room,› then take the brown food, eat it, bend the bars, take the rubber hose› and exit the cage. Drop the hose, untie your companion, push the red› switch. Get off the slab, take the hose and stand inside the black› circle.› Inside the vizicomm booth push the knob, open the box and take› the coin. Exit the booth and stand inside the black circle.› Go S, put the cream on the angle and take the 82 degree angle› from King Mitre. Drop the jar. Go N. Enter the barge, push the purple› button, push the orange button and WAIT a few times. When a dock› appears on the northern shore push the orange button, exit the barge› and go N. Take the lip balm and the message and read it.› › ***CLUE***› This message is a three letter transposition code and backwards.› ***END OF CLUE***› › The message instructs you to contact wife (husband) with a› certain number and get the secret map. Identify yourself by asking› her (him) to kiss your kneecaps. Write down the number which was also› backwards and drop the message. Go S, enter the barge and push the› orange button. Wait until you see docks on both sides of the canal› and push the orange button. You should be on My Kinda Dock. Exit the› barge and push the orange button. Go E, NE. Solve the riddle.››››››››› › ***CLUE***› The answer to the riddle is kind'a stupid, but real,› nonetheless.› ***END OF CLUE***› › After your companion is sent to his death (don't worry this will› happen three more times during the game and each time he reappears› miraculously) is your turn to answer the riddle. The answer is "A› Riddle". Go W and ask for the wife (husband) whose number you wrote› down earlier. Go W and WAIT. When the wife (husband) appears tell her› (him) "KISS MY KNEECAPS". Take the torch and the map and go D.› Presto, your companion is here.› › ***CLUE***› Read the comics book to find out what to do in the catacombs.› ***END OF CLUE***› › In the catacombs you have to CLAP every five seconds, HOP every› nine seconds and KWEEPA every eleven seconds. A second is similar to› a move. Save the game here just in case you loose track of the moves.› › Do the following exactly or else you will be in trouble:› NW, N, NE, E, CLAP, NE, NE, SE, HOP, CLAP, KWEEPA, D.› NW, NE, CLAP, N, HOP, S, NE, CLAP, U.› KWEEPA, NW, TAKE THE PHONE BOOK, CLAP, HOP, NW, S, SE, CLAP, S,› N, KWEEPA, CLAP, HOP, SE, SE, D.› CLAP, NE, W, KWEEPA, CLAP, HOP, E, W, SW, CLAP, SW, TAKE THE› RAFT, KWEEPA, HOP, CLAP, N, NE, E, NW, CLAP, N and UP the ladder.› › In the laundry room drop the map and the torch and take the pin.› Go N, SE and U. Stand inside the black circle. WAIT until the floor› collapses and you fall into the cell.› Some time before your companion gave you a matchbook, so drop› it. You don't need it anymore since the puzzle is solved. Also drop› the raft. Now it is time for a little space travel, so go S, U, N and› stand inside the black circle.› Go W and stand inside the black circle.› Take the sword, go S, mount the horse and go W. Dismount the› horse, take the suit, put it on and open the hatch. Go N. Kill› Thorbast (Thorbala) with the sword. You will have to do this a few› times until you knock his (her) sword out of his (her) hand and it› starts spinning slowly towards you. Take the sword.› › ***CLUE***› Be a SPORT!!!› ***END OF CLUE***› › Give Thorbast (Thorbala) his (her) sword. It couldn't be easier,› right. Now kill the monster, untie the woman (man) and follow her› (him) inside the space yacht. After she (he) goes into the next room,› if you feel like it open the door and go E. Don't knock on the door.› When all is done here, exit the space yacht, go S. Surprise!!! Go E› until you see a black circle in an alcove. Stand inside it and most› likely you will end up on My Kinda Dock. Sometimes you will end up in› some other place, so you will have to find your way back to the cell.› From My Kinda'a Dock go E, E, to the garden and D the well.› Exit the barge, (oh no-not again), and go S, S, E. Pay the› penguin and go SE. Enter the tent, take the baby, put the baby in the› basket and cover the baby with the blanket. Exit the tent and go S.› Put the basket on the stoop and WAIT. WAIT. After the woman goes back›››››› inside the igloo open the door, enter the igloo, take the cotton› balls and exit the igloo. Go N, NW, W and stand inside the black› circle.› Go W and meet your companion. Paint the circle, drop the can and› stand inside the black circle.› Go NE and U. Look out the window. Take the sheet, rip it, tie› the strips together, tie the rope to the bed and throw the rope out› the window. Do not go down; instead let your companion do it. WAIT› until she (he) goes down. This is the last time it happens. WAIT› again and your companion reappears with the headlight. Take the› headlight. Go DOWN THE STAIRS, E, move the sod and stand inside the› black circle.› Go N into the cell, take the raft and the painting, go S, U, U› and stand inside the black circle.› Go E. Now is the fun part. You will have to kiss the frog, which› isn't easy.› › ***CLUE***› With all the objects you have it should be obvious what you have› to do here.› ***END OF CLUE***› › Put the balm on your lips, put the pin on your nose, drop all› but the balm, pin, rule book and loincloth. Put the fingers in your› ears, close your eyes and kiss the frog. Take all. Remove the lip› balm and the pin, drop the pin and go W, W. Show the painting to the› mouse, take the mouse, drop the painting, go E, N, N. The stupid king› did it again!!! Go N, put the raft on the water, enter the raft, and› WAIT until you see a dock on the southern shore (not the one you are› at right now). Grab the dock go S, E, S. Pay the owner. Search the› dust, go N, open the tube, take the black circle and drop it, drop› the tube and stand inside the black circle.› Inside the boudoir WAIT a few times and then the action will› take you to the main plaza. From here on direction are provided by› the game itself.› Did it! It looks so easy now. Well, see you later with the GAS› STATION GIRLS.› › John Castravet ›