MICROCHECK 130XE 1988 VERSION››This program is a modification of "Microcheck", written by Clayton Walnum. It is for the Atari 130XE, and uses the RAMDISK to 'store' the various modules that make up Microcheck.››This 88' version includes three new modules for the MICROCHECK program; Hardcopy, Checkwriter, and Budget Summary. For specific information on the original MICROCHECK refer to Analog issues #27 and #28. Information on Hardcopy and Checkwriter can be obtained in Analog issue #53. You may also find modifications for Hardcopy and Checkwriter in Analog issues #56 and #57. Docs for Budget Summary are included with this arc'd file. (BUDGET.DOC)››To load Microcheck 130xe, put all the files on a formatted disk with DOS 2.5, and boot. All of the Modules (except one) are copied to RAMDISK. Checkwriter is the only module not put in RAMDISK, and you will be prompted to insert the program disk when you want to run this file. This version allows you to leave the DATA DISK in drive #1 and still preform ALL (except checkwriter) functions with only one physical drive.››I've tested ALL functions in this version and they DO work properly. My sincere apologies for the mistakes made in the previous file I uploaded.››Enjoy.......››Dan J.›