HOW.TO use the programme››This programme is written in›TurboBasicXL for the Atari 8 bits.››The programme is VCRPLUS.TRB››After the programme initializes, it›will ask you whether you want to›create a code or decode a value.››Press C to create a code or D to›decode (naturally!)›› DECODING››Why would you want to decode›anything?››If you get a newspaper listing (as do›I) which has VCR+ codes but DOES NOT›list the default channel, you will›have to find the default channel in›order to use the channel mapping›feature (Step 4 of the owner's›manual) to cause your VCR to record›on the correct channel (see your›owner's manual and the READ.ME file›if this makes no sense).››By decoding one of the values from›the newspaper listing, you can obtain›the default channel used in the›paper's listing and use the channel›mapping feature to enable use of the›paper's codes on your VCR.›› +-+-+››To decode the value, simply enter the›year (you only have to enter the last›two digits), the month and the code.››The programme only supports codes of›up through six digits (NOT seven or›eight digit codes!).››Make sure the month is correct... for›if, for example, a show is listed as›starting at 1:30 AM and this is›listed toward the end of the listing›for OCT 31, it really starts ON›NOV 1st and you must use›NOVEMBER (11) for the month instead›of OCT (10)!››The time of the start is given in›24 hour format (so 19=7 P.M.), and›the duration is given in minutes.›› +-+-+›› CREATING CODE››You will be prompted for the Year›(only the last two digits are used),›the Month (1-12), the Day (make sure›it is correct!), the starting time›and the duration.››The DAY must be correct (for example,›if a show starts at midnight at the›end of OCT 3, it starts on OCT 4!)››The starting time must be given as›HR.MM in twenty-four hour format (so›7:30 P.M. is entered as 19.30).››A show starting at midnight of the›end of OCT. 3 is given a date of 4›and a starting hour of 0.00!››(NOTE: If you enter a date of 3 and›an hour of 24.00, the programme will›change the time to 0.00 and increase›the date... there is a problem with›relying on this, however, as the date›is only rolled over to 1 (and›increase the month) when it passes›31... you could wind up with code for›Sept. 31 at 0.00 hours!... not too›good!))››The starting time MUST be an integral›number of half ours (so 19.00 and›19.30 are valid, but 19.15 for›7:15 P.M. is NOT valid!).››The duration must be an even number›of half hours up through five hours›(so it must be an integer from 30›through 300 which is divisible by›30).››The channel must be no larger than›64; however, for channels beyond 48,›depending on the starting time and›duration, a seven digit code could›result, and I am not sure if the›algorithm gives the correct result in›this case, so the output will note›that in this case, the code MAY not›be correct.›› +-+-+››The code for the input and output is›straight forward... you may want to›add the command to open a channel›(say, OPEN #1,4,0,"D:SHOWS") for›input and for output›(OPEN #2,8,0,"D:CODES) and change the›INPUTs to INPUT #1 and the prints to›PRINT #2 and a loop to go through the›CODEing routine for the values in a›text file called SHOWS on the default›drive (usually drive 1, unless you›remapped it using MyDos or the›SpartaX cartridge). This would enable›you to create a file of VCR+ codes›from a text file of channels, dates,›starting times and durations.›› +-+-+››Hope this is useful to folks!›