HASH1›› Polynomial/Sequential hashing› -----------------------------››Suppose we have a finite commutative›ring with identity, R and consider›the power series ring R'=R[[x]].›Suppose we have power series p,q with›p*q=1 in R[[x]], that is,›p*q=1 in R'.››Suppose a is in R' and is a›polynomial and deg(a)=D-1, and let›R"=R[[x]]/(x^D), (drop all terms of›degree greater than that of a) and›note that p*q=1 in R".››Consider q, q*q, q*q*q, etc. in R".›This must be finite, so there exist k›and l (k<>l) such that q^k=q^l in R",›or if k0) such that›(in R") q^n*a has the same degree›as a (that is, the coefficient of›x^(D-1) is non-zero) (NOTE that as we›do everything mod x^D, we will not›have degree GREATER than x^(D-1)).››Let a'=a*q^n (in R"), which has D›coefficients (as did a)... this is›one to one on polynomials of›degree D-1 (for if a'=b' where a and›b have degree D-1, and n and m are›the exponents used for a and b, we›have in R", q^n*a=q^m*b, if m=n, then›multiplying by p^n we see that a=b,›while if m