To: Subject: a demo... From: Reply-To: Comments: Trial Message-Id: <> Date: Sun, 20 Dec 92 23:20:38 PST Organization: Indescribable Creations included please find "KNVSFRKS.ARC" in UUE format. ARC contains: RUNTIME.OBJ - turbobasic XL runtime package (yawn) AUTORUN.CTB - the compiled version of the TBXL demo & player KNVSFRKS.DIG- the Parrot structured sample file instructions: load RUNTIME.OBJ from DOS. If AUTORUN.CTB is on drive 1, program will start, otherwise, [L]oad it from runtime's prompt. KNVSFRKS will be loaded from default drive. have a nice day __________________________________________________________________________ | / |\ | H E \ Y B E R |/ E N [ ]