› MyDOS File Selector v.0.4› By Bill Kendrick,› New Breed Software 1996›› January 13, 1996›››About MyDOS File Selector:›› This powerful program gives you› a menu from which you can easily› select and run executable binary› programs, read text files and› navigate MyDOS subdirectories.››Features:››- Compatible:› + MyDOS 4.53 compatible› + MyDOS subdirectory support› + SIO2PC and APE compatible› + APE PC Mirror compatible› + Changes the current directory to› the file you're loading's path› + Built-in text file reader› + Understands ATASCII, ASCII and› Unix text files› N Strips LFs from ASCII files› N Page-up command in text reader››- Easy to use:› + Easy listing navigation› + Joystick or keyboard control› + Safe Exit-to-DOS command› + "Same directory" (".") entry› lets you reload the same listing› without going out and back into› a subdirectory› + "Previous directory" ("..")› entry adds the "back" command to› joystick naviagtion› + Always remembers where you were,› even when coming back out of a› MyDOS sub-directory››- Configurable:› + Configuration file› + List filtering by filename› extension› + Wildcards allowed in filters› + User defined screen colors, font› and title colors› + Sort listings (by descending or› ascending by name or extension)› + Directories are sorted above› files››N = New features for version 0.4›››Installation and Startup:›› Simply put this program on a› bootable MyDOS (4.53) disk.› DUP.SYS is unnecessary if you want› to boot directly into File› Selector (but the "exit" command› will not work unless DUP.SYS is› available somewhere).›› If you wish the menu to appear› at boot time, name it› "FILESEL.AR0".› (Or if other autorun files exist,› rename it appropriately, making› sure it's the last to be loaded.)›› If you want to load the menu› from the DOS menu, be sure DUP.SYS› is available. When the DUP.SYS› menu appears, [L]oad "FILESEL.COM"› from the menu.›››Controls:›› Selecting:›› Selecting a file is done with› the arrow keys or a joystick.› Both the arrow keys (with or› without the [CONTROL] key down)› and the joystick directions move› the highlight by one selection.› Arrow keys with [SHIFT] move the› highlight to the to the extreme› (far left or far right of a row,› or top or bottom of a column).›› You can also select files by› their first letter. Press a› letter ([A] through [Z]) and the› next entry having that letter› as their first character will be› selected.›› Loading Programs:›› Press [RETURN] or [FIRE] on a› selection to load and run it.›› Subdirectories:›› To enter a subdirectory, press› [RETURN] or [>] on it. The new› directory listing will be› loaded.›› To return from a subdirectory,› press [BackSpace] or [<]› (anywhere), or select the ".."› directory entry. The parent› directory will be reloaded.› (The highlight will also be› where it was when you entered› the directory!)›› Viewing Text Files:›› Any file which doesn't begin› with the standard Atari "FF,FF"› binary-load file header will› instead be displayed on the› screen. This is useful for› reading text files.›› Before the file is loaded, the› first 100 characters are tested› to find character 155's (Atari› EOL), 13's (ASCII CR) and 10's› (Unix NL). Depending on which› is found first, any of that› character found in the text file› will be converted to an EOL on› the screen. If CR's are found,› any LF's (character 10's) will› be stripped. This should make› reading IBM, Mac and Unix text› files easier.›› One screenful of 40 column› text will be displayed and then› it will pause.›› During the pause, press [ESC]› joystick [LEFT] to abort the› display and return to the file› selection menu, or press any› other key, [FIRE] or joystick› [DOWN] to continue reading.›› Press [UP] or joystick [UP] to› reload the previous screenful› of text (you can read back to› the beginning of the file, with› a 256 page limit).›› Press [T] to jump to the top› of the file.›› NOTE: Because APE's PC Mirror› doesn't support random access of› file data, the "previous screen"› and "top of file" commands won't› work correctly.›› Changing Drives:›› Press a number ([1] to [9]) to› select the "root" directory of› that drive.›› Reloading A Directory:›› To reload a directory (useful› if the disk was changed somehow)› select the "." directory entry.›› If you're at the "root" of a› disk (not in a subdirectory),› you can simply type the number› of the drive it's in to reload› it.›› PC Mirror Subdirectories:›› APE PC Mirror subdirectories are› supported. APE allows the Atari› to access to PC subdirectories by› making them "normal" files (and› APE itself remembers what dir-› ectory you're in).›› When the Atari tries to open a› PC Mirror subdirectory, APE recog-› nizes this, changes the directory,› and returns an error (139).›› To access an APE directory,› simply try to open the entry on› the menu. File Selector will try› to read it as a text file, realize› it is an APE subdirectory, pause› for a moment (to give slower PC's› enough time to change the direct-› ory) and reload the listing (which› is now the new directory).›› NOTE: I can often not open APE› PC Mirror subdirectories with File› Selector. If you have any sug-› gestions as how to remedy this, or› if you have the same problems,› please contact me. (Mention what› model and speed PC you have and› what version of APE you're run-› ning.)›› Quitting:›› Press [ESC] or [RESET] to exit› to the MyDOS menu.›››Configuration File:›› When the MyDOS File Selector› loads, it assumes "D1:" as the› current path and looks for the› file "D1:FILESEL.DAT".›› Also, every time a directory is› changed or a new drive is sel-› ected, a file in the new directory› named "FILESEL.DAT" is looked for.›› It reads it, two or three lines› at a time. (Blank lines are› skipped.) It interprets the first› line as a command and the second› line as data (a parameter) for the› command.›› The following commands are› available:›› BACK Backgd color (hue*16+lum)› Default: "0" (black)›› FORE Foreground lum› Default: "15" (bright)›› BORD Border color (hue*16+lum)› Default: "0" (black)›› FONT Set a font for the screen› If no drive/path is› given, the current path› (where this "FILESEL.DAT"› was found) is used› Default: NONE (OS font)›› TBACK Backgd. color of the› title (hue*16+lum)› Default: "128" (dk blue)›› TFORE Foreground title lum› Default: "15" (bright)›› TBORD Border hue of the title› (shades of this hue used)› Default: "144" (bluegrn)›› TITLE Screen title (ie,"Games")› Default:› "File Selector v.0.4"›› MASK Extension filter mask› See below.› (ie, "COM,EXE,OBJ")› Default: NONE (All files)›› SORT Sort files. The modes› are:› "NAME" sort by fname› "EXT" sort by ext.› "!NAME" sort backwards› by filename› "!EXT" sort backwards› by extension› Default: NONE (No sort)›› About the Mask:›› The mask is a set of 3-char-› acter strings (which can option-› ally be separated by commas› (",")) representing extensions› that will be "listable". When› the directory ("D1:*.*", for› example) is read, only files› that have extensions that match› one of the extensions listed in› the mask are shown (MyDOS Sub-› directories are, of course,› always shown, no matter what› their extension. To show APE› PC Mirror directories, you'll› need to specify any extensions› that your MSDOS subdirectories› have for example, " ", (three› blank spaces) which would show› all files and subdirectories› that have no extension.›› If the mask is empty› (default), then all files are› shown.›› The "?" wildcard character is› supported. If you wish to list,› for example, all of your MyDOS› autorun files on a disk, the› mask entry "AR?" can be used.› (Instead of listing ALL possib-› ilities ("AR0" through "AR9").)›› Sample FILESEL.DAT File Using All› Commands:›› --------------------------------›› BACK› 128›› FORE› 12›› BORD› 4›› TBACK› 142›› TFORE› 0›› TBORD› 0›› TITLE› Games›› FONT› TIMES.FNT›› MASK› COM,EXE,OBJ,AR?,DOC,TXT›› SORT› NAME›› --------------------------------›› This will give a dark blue› background, light text, and a› dark grey border for the menu› and text-reader area. The title› lines will have a light blue› background, dark text, and a› shaded grey border.›› The screen will be titled› "Games" and all files with the› extensions "COM", "EXE", "OBJ"› and MyDOS "AR#" (autorun) files› (executables), and "DOC", and› "TXT" (text files) will be list-› ed, sorted by name.›››Bugs:›› A strange bug keeps File› Selector from loading certain› programs. Try replacing your› "DUP.SYS" (MyDOS menu) with the› File Selector program if you wish› to boot up into File Selector and› have come across programs which› won't run when File Selector is an› AutoRun file.›› Please see the section on using› PC Mirror regarding any difficult-› ies in chaning subdirectories with› File Selector.››Planned Features:›› + Online help› + File info. display› + 62-sector graphics viewer› + 9-sector font viewer›››Credits:›› Suggestion (idea): Michael Kling› Program/Documents: Bill Kendrick› Thanks to: All supporters›››Support:›› If you need help, wish to submit› ideas, have bugs to report, or› want more information about this› or other New Breed Software› programs, you can contact me via› postal mail or the Internet:›› Postal:› New Breed Software› c/o Bill Kendrick› 1530 Armstrong Ave. #47› Novato, CA 94945-2574›› E-Mail:› kendrick@zippy.sonoma.edu›› World Wide Web:› http://zippy.sonoma.edu/'kendrick/› (where "'" is a tilde)››