MYDOS 4.51 -- Released June 14, 1989 MYDOS 4.51 restores some of the "features" of 4.3, including being written in Atari AMAC syntax (that is, compatible with MADMAC and my own A65 assemblers). This seems more consistent than MAC/65. See the following list for the changed code. Like 4.50, it mostly fixes bugs in features that never worked right in the past. the changes are very minor. Changes from 4.50 to 4.51 -- 1.Lock/Unlock work the way they used to. Query is the default. 2.A bug inserted into the program load code is corrected (some code that has to be resident was moved into the DUP overlay area). 3.The code to work around I/O errors deleting the program file in most BASIC program "starter"s is re- inserted (inadvertently removed in 4.50). 4.Formatting of disks with bad sec- tors is reenabled (with warning). 5.Corrected code to copy DOS.SYS from one diskette to another (this never really worked before). 6.The RAMdisk configuration code in- serted by Bob Puff was retained, but the old code (with specifiable I/O port) is restored for non- Axlon, non-XE compatible RAMdisks. 7.The correction to keep the VTOC of other disks from being corrupt- ed when I/O errors occurred while writing a VTOC was worse than the problem (any I/O error scrambles all VTOCs with output files open). Perhaps the best fix is to retry forever? Anyway, this is still a problem area. 8.And, of course, the assembler A65 is included. The executable code in MYDOS 4.51 was all assembled using A65. Copying DOS.SYS -- we now . . . 1) load the 3 boot sectors into RAM from the source disk. 2) copy the actual file, renaming it "diamond"OS.SYS on the destina- tion disk. 3) write the 3 boot sectors to the destination drive (updating the sector link mask, link location and sector size flag). 4) rename "diamond"OS.SYS to DOS.SYS (updating the sector size flag and the starting sector number of DOS.SYS). To do (before 1990, at least): 1. Add script (batch file) support. 2. Enable BASIC if no cartridge is installed and the [B] command is issued. Then, disable BASIC if the [L] or [N] commands are issued. Any volunteers? Enjoy, Charles Marslett Usenet: Compuserve: 73317,3662 June 16, 1989