Changes in 0.1.9

- Corrected bug in IRQST and IRQEN
- Corrected minor bug in player missile collision detection
- Amiga version is now full screen + Menus
- Faster disk I/O
- Added ATARI800 environment variable. This allows the emulator to be
  run from different directories. If ATARI800 is unset it will still
  try to load the OS images from object/ below the current working
- colours.h replaces colours.dat
- Added man page.
- New way of handling Joysticks, Triggers, Paddles and Console Keys
- Corrected handling of CHBASE which was causing K-RAZY ANTIKS to
  display garbage.
- Corrected handling of VCOUNT which was causing screen handling
  errors in Star Raiders (galactic map) and Henri (game screen).
- Added Sound API. A test sound implementation is available for
  the Linux SVGALIB version via /dev/sequencer - It's not very good
  and has only been used to test the API. It is enabled by starting
  the program with the -sound option. Listen to the title screens
  of Necromancer, K-Razy Antiks and Henri (these are the best
  I've heard).
- argc and argv are passed to the platform specific initialisation
  code - Atari_Initialise(). This allows platform specific options
  like -sound on the Linux SVGALIB version.
- Extra Amiga options -ocs -ecs and -aga. Currently the default is
  AGA. The -ocs and -ecs have been tested on an A1200 with the
  OCS and ECS emulation modes enabled. At the moment it is not
  guaranteed to work on real OCS or ECS equiped machines since it
  has only been tested under Workbench 3.0. Hopefully someone will
  provide some feedback.
- Another two Amiga options -grey and -colour. The -grey option
  produces a grey scale display on OCS, ECS and AGA machines. The
  -colour option produces a full colour display on AGA machines and
  up to 32 simultaneous colours on OCS and ECS machines.
- The DOUBLE_SIZE compilation flag for the X11 version has been
  replaced by a runtime options. The runtime options are -small,
  -large and -huge.

Changes in 0.1.8

- Allows direct use of GRAFP0, GRAFP1, GRAFP2, GRAFP3 and GRAFM without
  using DMA.
- -rom16 option to load standard 16K ROMs.
- -a option to load object/atariosa.rom
- -b [default] option to load object/atariosb.rom
- Simplified screen generation for host - Player missile graphics
  collision detection has been moved into 'atari_custom.c'
- Corrected read from PORTB (XL/XE emulation)
- GTIA support for *all* antic modes.
  i.e. GTIA can be enabled in graphics mode 0 (antic mode 2) just like
       a real 800. POKE 623 with 64, 128 or 192 to test.
- Amiga version can be compiled using either DICE C or GNU C - see Makefile

Changes in 0.1.7

- Issue cpu cycles during screen update (corrects VCOUNT problem)
    As a result DLI are not occuring on the correct mode line.
- Support for 256 bytes/sector ATR files
- Handle Insert, Delete and Tab keys properly
- Handle Shift + Control + A-Z properly (X11 only)
- Cartridge support tidied up (Thanks to Dave Bennett)

Changes in 0.1.6

- Correct Colours (Thanks to Chris Lam)
- Fetch correct number of screen bytes with horizontal scrolling enabled
- Speed improvements for Antic Display Modes
- Support for ATR files (128 bytes sectors only)
- Support for XL/XE ROM (Reset etc. do not work???)
- Corrected Bug in BCD SBC instruction.
- Added X11 window Expose event (Thanks to Ivo van Poorten)
- Control characters within CURSES (Thanks to Ivo van Poorten)
- Improved Portability
- Remove '-b' flag (Use -rom object/ataribas.rom instead)
- Graphical Support for Amiga 1200
- Faster 6502 Emulation
- X11 Joystick emulation now uses the mouse

Changes in 0.1.5

- CURSES text only mode (Support for various terminals)
- Display list jump instruction corrected.
- Fixed SIO module (It didn't update DSTATS)

Changes in 0.1.4

- Changed GetByte and PutByte to macros
- Added SVGALIB support for Linux which is much quicker than X11.
- Added support for OSS Super Cartridges (Thanks to Dave Bennett)
- -rom option to specify alternative cartridges
- -oss option to specify alternative OSS Super Cartridges

Changes in 0.1.3

- Compilation option for double size screen
- Trigger now initialises to not pressed
- Joystick now initialises to central
- Fifth Player support added
- Support for Paddle 0
- Preparation for changing GetByte and PutByte to macros.

Changes in 0.1.2

- Now include <stdlib.h>  in atari_custom.h

- Resets count to countdown as soon as it reaches zero. This was causing
  problems with the RESET Key - count went negative.

- Removed XImage structure. I am now updating only the pixels that have
  changed within a Pixmap. XCopyArea is used to move the Pixmap onto
  the Window. XCopyArea is not called if no pixels are changed. As a
  result I am trying a higher refresh rate.

- Correction for BASIC version - I left some X11 stuff in resulting in
  unresolved sybols.

- Remove unused status variable from atari_h_device.c

- Added some test Amiga Intuition Code - not usable (No Colour or Keyboard)
  It manages to get the 'READY' prompt up! Atari Basic Blue is one colour
  and everything else is the other. When keyboard support is added you
  will be able to use Atari Basic.

- Registers are now allocated variables within atari_custom.c. They are
  nolonger stored in main memory area.

Changes in 0.1.1 

- Outputs an error message when ROM images are not available.

Version 0.1.0

- Initial Release