
Usage: 6502 [-atari] [-xl] [-xe] [-hprefix/] [-b] [-c] [-d] [-1..9]
            [disk1.xfd ... disk8.xfd]
	    [-rom filename]
	    [-oss filename]

-atari	Enable Atari 800 Emulation Mode [default]
-xl	Enable Atari 800XL Emulation Mode [not complete]
-xe	Same as -xl at the moment

-rom	Loads the following 8K ROM Cartridge
-oss	Loads the following OSS Super Cartridge
-db	Loads the following DB Super Cartridge
	(Private 32K Cartridge Format - not for general use)

-1..9	Trade off between speed and screen refresh rate. The lower the
        number the more often the screen is refreshed and the slower the
        CPU emulation. :-(
-a	Use object/atariosa.rom
-b	Use object/atariosb.rom [default]
-c	Enable RAM between $C000 and $CFFF
-d	Enable DEBUG Mode. Monitor is entered straight away. Only
	useful for basic version.
-h	Subdirectory for H device defaults to H/

	H1: Store files in native Atari Format
	H2: Convert linefeed to normal ASCII.

X Window Options

-small	Creates a small window where one Atari 800 pixel is represented
	by a single X Window pixel.
-large	Creates a large window where one Atari 800 pixel is represented
	by a 2x2 X Window rectangle.
-huge	Creates a huge window where one Atari 800 pixel is represented
	by a 3x3 X Window rectangle.


-sound	Select this if you want to try the test sound implementation.
	You must have the file in your current directory.
	The file can be obtained from sndkit.tar from

Amiga Options

-ocs	Select this if you are using an OCS based Amiga. Note: This
	option has only been tested under OCS emulation on an A1200.
	There could be Workbench compatibility problems on a real OCS
-ecs	Select this if you are using an ECS based Amiga. Note: This
	option has only been test under ECS emulation on an A1200.
	There could be Workbench compatibility problems on a real ECS
-aga	Select this if you are using an AGA based Amiga.
-grey	Produce a grey scale display.
-colour	Produce a full colour display on AGA Amigas and up to 32
	simultaneous colours on OCS and ECS Amigas.

Curses Options

-left		Use columns 0 to 39
-central	Use columns 20 to 59
-right		Use columns 40 to 79
-wide1		Use columns 0 to 79 (Spaces between characters)
-wide2		Use columns 0 to 79 (as above but Normal/Reverse spaces)

Atari Basic

Atari Basic is nolonger activated by the '-b' command line option.
It is now loaded in the same way as every other cartridge. This does
not affect the XL/XE version which has Atari Basic as standard.

Example 1 - Standard Atari 800 Emulator

	6502 -rom object/ataribas.rom

Example 2 - Atari 800XL Emulator

	6502 -xl

Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers

Unlike PC Xformer, I have not tried to emulate the exact keyboard layout,
instead, I have tried to make your native keyboard work as normal.

Note: The function keys will eventually be changed to a more logical

X11 Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers

F1	Warm Reset (This doesn't work under Open Windows)
F2	Option
F3	Select
F4	Start
F5	Cold Reset
F6	Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode)
F7	Break Key
F8	Crude Disk 1 Changer
F9	Exit Emulator
F10	---
F11	---
F12	---

ALT	Atari Key (Either ALT Key will work)

Joystick 0 is operated by the mouse position relative to the center of the
screen. The mouse button acts as the trigger.

Paddle 0 is operated by moving the mouse pointer across the window.

SVGALIB Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers

F1	Warm Reset (This doesn't work under Open Windows)
F2	Option
F3	Select
F4	Start
F5	Cold Reset
F6	Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode)
F7	Break Key
F8	---
F9	Exit Emulator
F10	---
F11	---
F12	---

`	This character replaces the CAPS lock key because I have not
	found a way of detecting it. A future solution maybe to
	automatically issue a CAPS lock key when a transition is
	made between lower and upper case keys. i.e. If svgalib
	return 'a' followed by 'A' it could send 'a' 'CAPS' 'A' to
	the Atari.

Joystick 0 is operated by the numberic keypad (make sure that the numeric
keypad has been enabled).

	7 8 9
	4 5 6
	1 2 3

	And 0 is the fire key.

At the moment it is not possible to use a Paddle with the SVGALIB version.

CURSES Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers

F1	Warm Reset (This doesn't work under Open Windows)
F2	Option
F3	Select
F4	Start
F5	Cold Reset
F6	Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode)
F7	Break Key
F8	---
F9	Exit Emulator
F10	---
F11	---
F12	---

Some control have special meaning within curses and should not be used.

	Avoid Control + C, J, M, Q, S and Z

The remaining control characters can be typed. Control characters are
displayed on the screen with the associated upper case character in bold.

No Joystick or Paddle support in this version.

AMIGA Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers

F1	Warm Reset (This doesn't work under Open Windows)
F2	Option
F3	Select
F4	Start
F5	Cold Reset
F6	Toggle RAM/ROM between 0x8000 and 0xbfff (PIL Mode)
F7	Break Key
F8	Crude Disk 1 Changer
F9	EXIT Emulator
F10	---

Joystick is operated as normal with joystick plugged into port 2.
Paddles are not support at the moment.

BASIC Keyboard + Joystick & Paddle Controllers

No Frills text. Upper and Lower case letters, 0-9, !"$% etc.
No Reset, Option, Select, Start, etc.
No Joystick or Paddle support in this version.