Date: 6 Mar 91 02:47:26 GMT From: noao!ncar!csn!! (Frank E. Seipel) Subject: Dropzone, .OBJ, GAME, A.N.A.L.O.G. 47, OCT 1986 To: DROPZONE by Steven Hiller from A.N.A.L.O.G., issue #47, October 1986 "Suddenly, your scanner detects the presence of an alien. Moments later it screams into view, charging headlong at you. In desperation, you back off, firing salvos of raw energy bolts at your attacker. One strikes home, and the alien pod disintegrates into scintillating dust. You were lucky that time, but how much longer will you be able to survive in the Deathzone? Deathzone is a fast-moving, 3-dimensional arcade game that will work on all Atari 8-bit micros. [You should probably rename this file AUTORUN.SYS (it may or may not work otherwise, depending on your DOS). Also boot without BASIC, or with BASIC disabled (i.e., hold down option on booting XL/XE machines).] Playing Deathzone If you followed the instructions correctly, you will now be looking at the title page for Deathzone. Both the lowest (L) and highest (H) scores are shown. You can start the game either by pressing the trigger of joystick 1, or by pressing the START key. If you should wish to abort a game before completion, either the SELECT or OPTION keys will bring you back to the title page. When you begin the game, you'll notice that the screen is divided into sections. At the very top is a horizontal line whose length indicates how close the alien is. Two sets of directional arrows at either end of the line indicate whether the alien is to your front, left, right, or rear. The next line is the status line, showing your score from let to right, lives remaining and current level of play. Further down, there's a standard radar scanner superimposed on the sky. The white central dot represents your own position, of course. By using the joystick, you can move in and out of the screen, or swivel on the spot. You must do your best to avoid both the aliens themselves and the energy bolts they fire. Each time you're hit, you'll lose a life. You'll need to dodge, reverse away and fire rapidly, in order to destroy the aliens before they reach you. Incidentally, you can pause the game with the SPACE BAR and continue it by moving the joystick. Every so often, an alien pod with rather different characteristics will attack you. If you should succeed in destroying it, you'll receive an extra life and move up to the next level. There are a total of six levels, each progressively more difficult than the last. Should you complete the last level, well...wait and see! Last, a word of thanks to my brother for writing a "black-box" 16-bit math package, around which the game was based"