List games››Hit any key to continue››Game hints listing:››KAZOO›GHOSTBUSTERS›DIMENSION X›PITFALL›CRYSTAL CASTLES›SPELUNKER›DONKEY KONG JUNIOR›GHOST CHASER›OLLIE'S FOLLIES›PHAROAH'S CURSE›MINER 2049'ER›BLUE MAX›CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN›BALLBLASTER›SPARE CHANGE›THRESHOLD›CANYON CLIMBER›ENCOUNTER›HARD HAT MACK›JAGGI LINES›CAVERNS OF MARS›STRIP POKER›SOFTPORN ADVENTURE›DIAMON JIM›PHAROAH'S PYRAMID›PREPPIE II›PYRAMID›SPARE CHANGE›SNOKIE›LODE RUNNER›BURIED BUCKS WILLIE›NIGHT MISSION›CAVERNS OF MARS›ONE ON ONE›ULTIMA II›ULTIMA III›TRANSYLVANIA›MASK OF THE SUN›ZORK I›DEADLINE›DECISION IN THE DESERT CODES›POLE POSITION›Spook House›Weird Wanderer›CONGO BONGO›TRANSYLVANIA›LEISURE SUIT LARRY›ALTERNATE REALITY THE DUNGEON›þZOMBIES(OR REALM OF IMPOSSIBILITY)›GENERAL/ ANY›››Hit any key to continue›››(L,F,N,S,A,Q, or ?) >List single hint››Enter name of game to list hint›for >GENERAL››GENERAL/ ANY: ANY ONE NEEDING HINTS TO ›A GAME, LET ME KNOW... I HAVE OVER ›10000 HINTS TO VARIOUS GAMES...›CHRIS KIRALY.....›››Hit any key to continue›››(L,F,N,S,A,Q, or ?) >Help››Ãïííáîä íåîõ æïò èéîôó óåãôéïî››L. List all hints›F. Find single hint›N. List game names of hints›S. List single hint›A. Add new hint›Q. Exit to BBS››(Please add new hints - Thanks!)››(L,F,N,S,A,Q, or ?) >List all hints››Hit any key to continue››___________________________________› Game Hints/Cheats file›___________________________________›KAZOO: If you're about to get›killed, press the space bar to›pause the game. The monster will›pass right through you and you can›continue by pressing the space bar›again.›___________________________________›GHOSTBUSTERS: use "GOO" as name,›11111111 as account number. Enter›the name WIHOIT, MIKE and the code›#40706604 and you will start off›with $32,000.00. When the banner›'Marshmallow Alert' comes on, press›B and the Marshmallow Man won't›crush a building - but you will get›$2000.›___________________________________ ›DIMENSION X: Press Cœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ›Hit any key to continue›››(L,F,N,S,A,Q, or ?) >List single hint››Enter name of game to list hint›for >DIMENSION X››DIMENSION X: Press CONTROL-F while›load for a Fort Apocalypse demo,›press CONTROL-S to play Slime.›››Hit any key to continue›››(L,F,N,S,A,Q, or ?) >›Invalid input; please re-try›››(L,F,N,S,A,Q, or ?) >