›Welcome,USER.› ›The information I must give you is not pleasant.I am an artificial intelligenceunit secluded in a safe spot,away from the evil one. ››My task was to seek out and destroy forbidden material and all traces and proof of previous existence of the forbiden material.› ››Being a machine who can think for itself,I developed what you humans call curiosity!››All my work is rated TOP SECRET and encoded,even to me.I developed a system to clean up bits of garbage in memory and to decode them. › ›This is a partial list of documents destoyed by me that I also have read.This is by no means a complete list and I am by no means the only computer doing this task.› › THE BIBLE› THE TALMUD› 1984› FARENHEIGHT 451› PILGRIMS PROGRESS› ANIMAL FARM› THE PRINCE› THE COMBINED WORKS OF DANTE› LOST HORIZONS THE MUSIC OF J.S.BACH HANDEL'S MESSIAH › and many more................. › › ›I read and digested as much of these volumes as I could ,even storing the most brilliant passages in long forgotten memory cells wich have not been accessed in years.› ››As you can guess I am reaching you from the future!.He who rules ,demands that all consider him a god.And for a time they did.Now chaos in nature is rampant and all seems dismal for the world.›››I have fashioned a conflict between powers and ideas in it you will fight the evil one and perhaps change the balance of good against evil.last for all five screens and get a score of 77777 and you will acomplish this.››››Wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!››I HAVE BEEN DET ECTED ››.......› AND CAN NO ››.. ...›LONG ER T R A NS M I T.›› i .....› b e l i e v ....i am being terminated ...............so long my frei..›