›Cooltris››By Bill Kendrick›New Breed Software 1993››Documentation/Release 1994››››This is Cooltris, another Atari 8-bit›"Tetris" clone!››This game includes:› 9 levels of play› Garbage placement at game's start› Unrotatable peices› 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-block peices› Two types of bombs› 'Crystals' (opposite of bombs)› Weights› 1- or 2-players› Preview 0 through 4 'next' peices› Online documentation››Cooltris was written in Action! and›some of the ideas came from comments›on BillTris, a very horid Tetris›clone written in Think C for Macs,›from my CIS-150 professor, George›Ledin Jr. Other ideas just came›from other Tetris clones for the Mac›and Atari 8-bits.››Full documentations are online, and›I may soon release the source code›(but maybe only by request).››Bill Kendrick / New Breed Software›kendrick@vax.sonoma.edu›59 Palm Lane Novato CA 94945›