Colorizer v.1.1 Boot instructions.››This is a MyDOS enhanced (1050)›density formatted disk. Upon booting›the following happens:››DOS.SYS loads - installs MyDOS 4.56/4›RUNTIME.AR0 loads - TurboBASIC XL› runtime package›AUTORUN.CTB loads - BootUp menu››The BootUp menu allows you to:››Load Colorizer 1.1.›Print or view the other two textfiles›Go to the MyDOS menu›Reboot the system.›››COLORIZ1.TBS has been included.›It is the SAVE file, loadable in›TurboBASIC XL.››BOOTUP.TBS has been included.›See above.›››››Have fun!› Bill Kendrick› 7/22/1992›moon!cyberden!ÐèÂéìì›