Fractasia v1.56› Shareware from› Analog Concepts in Digital› (c)September 1992.›› Documentation.››0.1›Overview: Fractasia is a Mandelbrot Set Generator for an Atari XL/XE›Computer with at least 64K. SpartaDOS X is the preferred DOS but MyDOS›(and perhaps AtariDOS) is also acceptable. You must also make sure›that you have your DOS set up with at LEAST four file buffers. If you ›have extended RAM, then the installation of a RAMdisk is very desirable. ›This program was written in TurboBASIC and compiled.››Some features include:› Generates in OS modes; 3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,15.› Generates COLRVIEW (160x192x64) images.› Zoom Box.› Save/Restore (with resume calculation)› Color Cycling effect.››0.1.1›Note from the Author: I am generally very lazy when it comes to›documentation and this is no exception. Many descriptions here have›been left intentionally vague since the program itself has extensive›error trapping. If you wish to add something to this Document, feel›free to do so but please include a note as to your addition immediately›following your entry.›››1.0›Loading Fractasia (Boot Disk Version): The Fractasia disk is a bootable›MyDOS 4.53/3 disk with a modified RUNTIME.COM (FRAC.AR1 on the disk).›It is modified to load a program called FRAC.CTB from the DEFAULT›drive. Only FRAC.AR1 and FRAC.CTB are necessary to operate Fractasia.›The boot disk should also contain various examples of pre-generated›sets.››NOTES: FRAC.CTB and FRAC.AR1 can simply be copied to another disk (and›FRAC.AR1 renamed to FRAC.COM) and loaded as a normal .COM file from›another DOS (such as SpartaDOS X). The RBC6.AR0 is a Ramdisk Handler for›machines w/ expanded RAM. If your machine only has 64k, delete this file and›rename FRAC.AR1 to FRAC.AR0. See the complete MyDOS 4.5x documentation for›details (not included).››1.1›Loading Fractasia (FRCTASIA.ARC): Simply unARC FRCTASIA.ARC into›FRAC.CTB, FRAC.COM, and the various examples. FRAC.COM can be loaded›like a normal .COM file and it will automatically load and run FRAC.CTB›from the default drive. NOTE: FRAC.COM and FRAC.CTB must reside in the›same directory.››NOTE: Since FRAC.COM is nothing more than TurboBASIC's RUNTIME.COM,›FRAC.COM is not necessary if you wish to load FRAC.CTB manually.›››2.0›Fractasia MENU: When FRAC.CTB loads you will be greeted with a short›'Welcome SDX User' if you are using SpartaDOS X. If not, you will›simply see the main menu.››2.1›Option '±' (Recall Saved Screen): This option will allow you to view a›previously generated screen.››2.1.1›* If a set is recalled that has not been previously competed, then›calculation will automatically resume!››2.1.2›** Important: When recalling a Colrview screen (for continuation) all›FOUR files MUST be present in your specified path. If not, calculation›will resume as if it were a Graphics 15 set.›** A DARK BLUE SCREEN INDICATES A C.V. SET IS GENERATING PROPERLY. ** ››2.1.3›If the set was complete when you recalled it, press and you'll›be at 4.2 in this documentation.››2.2›Option '²' (Generate Colrview Screens): This option will allow the›creation of .R .G .B files to be viewed with Jeff Potter's COLRVIEW›program.››2.2.1›* Though some error trapping is done you must be certain that you have›enough room on your destination disk for FOUR files requiring roughly›248 SD sectors.››2.2.2›The Background will turn Blue to represent Colrview during the set›generation. If this screen is black, then only the GR.15 screen›is generating properly.››2.2.3›The View Screen for this mode is OS mode 15 (ANTIC E).››2.3›Option '³' (Generate Set): This will allow you to generate a Mandelbrot›set in one of eight OS modes.››2.3.1›Again you make sure you have enough room on your disk for the saved›image. Some sets may take hours to calculate. It can be very›frustrating to lose a set due to lack of disk space... So be careful.››2.4›Option 'Ä' (Disk Directory): This will give you a paged directory of›the requested path. If you are using SDX you will be given a 'Verbose'›directory.››2.4.1›Ending your Directory path with a '\' symbol will cause that directory›to become the new default (in both SDX and MyDOS).››2.4.2›Simply hitting return will substitute D:*.SET for the path. An '*' will›be substituted with D:*.*.››2.5›Option 'ÔÁÂ' (Color Setup): This option will take you a separate›screen where you can enter the value that the GTIA modes will use for›color/luminance and POKE the color registers with new values.››2.5.1›After generating a set the color pallet is returned to the default. If you›wish to use your own again; simply return to the Color Setup screen and›press return over all of the values that are displayed. They reflect›the previous state.›››2.6›Option 'Ñ' (Quit): Returns you the TurboBASIC RUNTIME menu and›restores your system to normal.››2.7›* A note on Filespecs: Aside from the directory path (option 'D') you›must follow this format for entering your Filespec: Dn:filename››No extender is permitted and you must include the D: (or Dn:\dir\filename).››***** All sets are automatically given a .SET extender ******›››3.0›'User INPUT' screen: Option '²' or Option '³' from the Main Menu will›automatically bring you here. This is where you enter the parameters›for your set generation.›The current Filespec is shown at the top of the screen and the number of›FREE SECTORS on your target drive is displayed at the bottom of the›screen (if applicable). *** CHECK THIS ***››The current set parameters are displayed in the top half of the screen›and you are prompted for any changes below. Simply hitting return will›leave the value unchanged.››3.0.1›The Iteration Limit is the last parameter to be entered. I used my own›algorithm to determine the default value (which may not be totally›correct). The Default is displayed in parentheses.››3.0.2›Notes: A valid Graphics mode MUST be entered to proceed. A blank or a›'0' will return you to the Main Menu.›Entering '0' for the Iteration Limit will also allow you to return to›the Main Menu.›››4.0›Generation Screen: This is where you can watch you Mandelbrot set›being generated.›› While Generating:› SELECT: Turns ANTIC DMA off for greater speed.› START: Turns ANTIC DMA back on.› OPTION+START: Halts generation››4.1›After halting generation you must either press to save the›screen or to return to the Main Menu without saving. (The›exception to this is with Colrview mode; OPTION+ must be used to›exit without saving. This is a safety precaution since it is VITAL›that the four files required do not get out of sync.)››4.2›After SAVING: You are now in 'View Mode'. You will see a blinking›pixel in the upper left-hand corner that can be moved via the arrow›keys on the keyboard. The Keystrokes are:›› +*=- Move by pixel.› Crtl +*-= Move by 10 pixels.› START Engage Color Cycling.› Pick corner.› Return to Main Menu.› H Home Cursor.› P Save Screen as an .PIC file. ››4.2.1›When picking an area to zoom into, you must pick the upper left and›lower right corners. A box will then be drawn on the screen. To zoom›in on the boxed area, press . This will return you to the main›menu. The next time you return to the 'User Input' screen the 'Current›Values' will reflect those chosen by your zoom box.››Pressing with a zoom box on the screen will remove the box and›home the cursor.››4.2.2›The screen can be saved as a .PIC (Atari Bitmap screen) by pressing the›'P' key from the view screen. The file will be saved as your Filespec›but with a .PIC extender instead. No color info is saved.››4.2.3›Color Cycling: Pressing START from the View Screen will start to color›cycle your image. This is really only effective in modes 3,5,7,10 and›15. The HELP key will reverse the direction of the Cycle and the 'R'›key will insert random colors. Press return to View Mode.›››5.0›SpartaDOS X Specifics: From the Main Menu the 'F' key will take you›into the SDX FORMAT Screen. There are several other differences that›are mostly internal to the program, such as: Directory and file›handling, the Key Buffer is taken into consideration, etc.››End Of Documentation ----------------››Some rambling from the Author......››This program reflects several months of off and on work and I hope you›enjoy it. I got the idea for this program while playing around with›COLRVIEW.COM form Jeff Potter. I thought; "Wouldn't it be cool to›display Mandelbrot sets like this!" I started playing around and had a›*simple* program set up in about a week. That simple program has grown›ten fold and there are still many features and improvements I would›like to add. I am also sure that some bugs will eventually show up but›I have had several requests, so I am releasing it now. Please let me›know if you find any fatal flaws or if you need any help.››Have Fun.......›››SHAREWARE NOTICE: This program is Shareware. It it free to distribute›as long as the original package stays together and unmodified.›(Section 0.1.1 states permitted modifications). We all should know the›Shareware concept by now, so there is really not much point in›reiterating all of that. The only thing I ask is that you register if›you plan on using this program. A 5 to 15 dollar donation would be›appreciated but is not necessary. Registered users will be guaranteed›any updates I perform.››And, as if it needs to be said.... ALL NORMAL DISCLAIMERS APPLY!››Enjoy......›› Adam Conover› 90 Plum St.› Greenville, PA 16125›› Internet:› Compuserve: 70353,2030›››› Fractasia v1.57 (addenda)› (c) January 1993›››I. A Player Missile Graphic 'Cross-Hair' has been added to the View›Screen (instead of only a simple blinking pixel). To activate:››