› GOE Conference›› with›› David Sullivan› ›› of›› Total Control Systems›››› November 3, 1988›››› Copyright 1988 by GEnie and The Atari 8-bit RoundTable›› May be freely distributed so long as the text, the copyright notice,› and this notice remain intact and unchanged. May be reformatted for› printing or publishing purposes.›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> I'd like to welcome everyone to the RTC with David› Sullivan of TCS. David will be talking tonight about the GOE system, a› new ST-Like desktop for the Atari 8-bits. This is a FORMAL conference.› That means that to ask a question, you MUST raise your hand by typing› /RAI. First off, I'd like for David to make a few opening comments› about TCS and GOE. Go ahead, David!›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. Basically, TCS has been in business since› 1984 and has written several BBS systems. GOE is one of our current› products, a 64k bank select operating environment that gives you an› ST-like interface. (gh)›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Sounds interesting, David! I really liked the› demo. If anyone has a question, please type /RAI to ask it!›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Thanks. A patch to the demo will be up for DOS› II users later tonight.›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Ah! Bob Puff has a question›› Hi Dave! Here's my Q... Exactly how is your 64K cart bank› selected? Using the $d5xx page? and are there any potential conflicts› with other hardware devices using this page? Oss carts? etc... ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. The 64k cartridge is the same basic cart used› in ICD's SpartaDOS X. It uses the cartridge control block ($D5xx) to› switch banks. Upon release, there will be no problems with the OSS or› ICD carts. However, carts like the Proburner and Microsota's RAM-CART› will not work. ga›› ok well if you are using the same addresses as sdx, won't› that mess it up?›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> No. I am using a cart made by ICD, although both› carts use the same control area in memory, there are enough differences› that each knows what the other is doing and they work great together.› Just as BASICxe works with SPX, GOE works with the OSS and ICD carts.› ga›› Hmm Ok I see... so it goes ok with OSS carts though, right?›› <[David] D.SULLIVA4> Yes.›› ok thanks! ga›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> OK! Thanks, Bob! Next is E.R.Presley....›› <[DR. WHO] E.PRESLEY1> THANKS... Are there any possible conflicts that› can occur with GOE and disk programs (ie overwriting GOE) in memory. ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> GOE turns itself OFF while loading programs that› require 48k, GOE remains transparent to all existing software. ga›› <[DR. WHO] E.PRESLEY1> what about software that uses memory under os› and extended memory? will it protect itself somewhere? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> GOE does NOT use extended memory (under the OS)› and, also, you tell GOE if and when it is to use the extra memory in› the xe machines. ie banks 1...4 or above. ga›› <[DR. WHO] E.PRESLEY1> thanks Dave...ga›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Next is M.SAVAGE›› HI DAVE. HOW does goe compare to the GEOS program for the› commodores? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. Comparing to GEOS is not likely to be› suitable. GEOS does not maintain more than one window or provide a› clean and clear way to program it. GOE is much faster (2 to 3 fold)› and is completely programmable. Down to the icons being used on the› Desktop. ga›› what do you see as being the most applicable way to use goe?›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> GOE, as a Desktop, can be used in many way...with› the addition of other GOE applications, GOE becomes a powerful tool in› using your 8bit from day to day. On the programming end, GOE can be› used to make your programming an easier job and provide flashes› graphics in an interactive environment. ga›› sounds good! thanks for the answers. ga›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> OK, thanks so far. Just a reminder, type /RAI to› ask a question. Next is G.R.DIAZ....›› Well I would like to thank Dave for such a fine demo› firstly. I don't know if its appropriate or not but I purchased the› "other" OS just recently and found your DEMO to be of a higher caliber.› Anyway... One question I have is with respect to the demo applications› on the disk... will they be on the the cart?›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> OK. Thanks for the compliments! The CART› contains the main desktop (goDesk) and the main OS. Including several› fonts, icons and three accessories. The Control Panel, Calculator and› a Note-Pad. Other features of the cart are a memory manager and disk› manager. These control the GOE application's use of memory and the› disk. The goPaint and goWrite applications are disk based as is the› Icon Editor and Font Editor. ga›› ok that sounds good, I'll ask other questions later. Thanks.› ga›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Next is Jack Dewell from Atari Corp....›› Thanks! Hi, Dave! I certainly agree with GRDiaz about› the relative merits of the other. Got a release date on the cart?›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. The release dates are not 100% firm. I am› in the final stages of testing with the cart and ironing out those› final few (shall we say) undocumented features. I expect that the› carts will be around in about two to two and a half weeks. ga›› ok! Are you going to ship a cart to John Skruch so that› *I* can test it (drool slaver), and how far along are those› applications? I know...patience patience. ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> The carts to ICD (a rom actually), Atari Corp and› several magazines are about 10 days off. (Yes, John will get one)›› ok! thanks! next!›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks, Jack! Next is D.MELICHAR›› Are you currently in negotiations with Atari concerning› packaging the GOE with the Atari computers in the future. ga.›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. First, a missed ? from Jack. The first› application is about two weeks off (goPaint). Now. As for talking› with Atari, Corp. I have had several conversations, at this point the› main objective is to get the cart complete and out. I can say that› exec. from Atari has seen and is interested in the progress and future› of GOE. You on GEnie will be the first to know if anything more arises.› ga›› Thank you. Be back later with a question from Mike B. ga›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks! Next up is Wayne.....›› <[WAYNE] W.ALBUS> I AM INTERESTED IN KNOWING HOW THE PROPOSED 80 COL.› TERMINAL PROGRAM WILL WORK.›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> The 80 column goTerm terminal program will allow› users with monochrome monitors or composite color monitors to access a› full 64 or 80 columns. XEP80 owners will also be supported in goTerm.› BASICALLY, other than the XEP80, GOE uses a software 4 point character› set to allow 80 columns. ga›› <[WAYNE] W.ALBUS> OK DAVID THANKS GA.›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> OK! Now, Mark has a question.....›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Thanks. Great demo Dave. Now, when programming› within the environment will there be a set-up similar to Atari's OS in› that you set parameters and JSR CIOV, or is it something different,› such as the (arrgh) C-64 Kernel? Ga.›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. On the machine (GOE's) level the programming› is through a vector (aka Kernal) that then processes the command. From› Mac65, Macro's are used to allow easy access to the commands from Atari› BASIC, a simple use call is used. In most cases you set the x and y› coords. or appropriate parameters and then call GOE. To get technical,› a simple call to plot a dot may look like LDA #_PLOTDOT, JMP 0, .BYTE› X,Y or from Mac65 a macro is used (ie PLOTDOT X,Y). ga›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Ok, great. Also, what kind of screen set-up do you› use? Such as a Gr.8 screen or something else. ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok the screen layouts are 320x200, 320x192› (graphics 8) and the wide mode 480x200 and 480x192. The default screen› is 320x200. ga›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Ok, thanks. Looking forward to it! I'm done. Next!›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks! Next....Bob Puff has another› question.....›› Hi again.. Ok please excuse my ignorance in this question..› I've been switching between two systems, and haven't caught› everything.. What is the basic purpose of GOE? is it a mouse interface› for a DOS menu? to load files? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> GOE, on the desktop level is a 'mouse interface› for a DOS menu' that allows you to manipulate files. But, even› further, GOE allows alternate GOE applications to also take control› over the mouse environment and provide windows icons, drop down menus,› pop up menus, dialog boxes and other various 'st-like' features to the› Atari 8bit. Plus, GOE handles a character set (font) generator that› allows up to 32 point fonts (or down to 4 point) for viewing and using› in documents or pictures. ga›› I guess I see.. Ok. Another question... What utilities› will be on the cart? Will the cart be like another "drive" as in SDX,› or how will programs load?›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> The cart contains several programs and› accessories in it, like SPX, but it is not on the CIO level so to use› those utilities, you must be in the GOE environment. Programs that use› GOE, ie. goPaint, are able to access all of the features of the cart.› ga›› So what programs do you have NOW, and projected programs› that make use of this?›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Right now. The cart contains the desktop, three› accessories. On disk, we have an Icon Editor, Font Editor, Arc Shell› :-) and various demo's for the environment. The next two applications› are goPaint (a complete paint program) that resembles Atari's NEOchrome› in style and allows importing of DEGAS, NEOchrome and MacPaint pics. as› well as C64 pictures. The word processor goWrite is a full features› word processor with multiple fonts and font sizes (and editability)› that can even handle Clip art from the paint program. ie text wrap› around it. Those two (goPaint and goWrite) are currently being worked› on. goPaint is to beta test stage and goWrite is a little ways off.› The future plans are goTerm, a terminal. goBase, a DataBase and the› most important goPublish, a complete(!) desktop publishing system that› has the capabilities that others should have. (we have tested the idea› and it looks very good). GA›› Did I hear ARC?! hehe it works nicely, huh? I'm surprised› arc outputs to the redefined E:... Any glitches? ga (sounds good for› all the rest)›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> The ArcShell is currently for ICD's SPX ARC and› captures the E: info to a file, ie. redirection then put's it into a› window. I am currently experimenting with you 'SuperArc' now. Looks› like a little bit of work. GA›› ok well I am now using ICPTL of iocb #0 to send output... It› works just as well, but showed up a bug in spartados. ok thanks for the› answers... ga›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks, Bob! Next is G.R.Diaz with another› question....›› THANKS MARTY! Whoo, this is looking really good! I had a› few more questions and I will just list them all now... 1. The $50› deal, I saw this after I download the demo, did you get my message? 2.› Will goWrite support the XEP80? 3. I noticed the mouse cursor› movement "dragged" a little bit. Will that be improved in the cart?› 4. Will SpartaDOS be supported through the windowing? 5. lastly, will› CLIs be available? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. The $50 deal...the $50 special introductory› offer is still on for GEnie members and user groups. Contact us via› EMAIL or phone if you are unsure about this. 'SOME PEOPLE' have asked› when, if, why, how, etc. ...on to #2... goWrite supports the XEP80 in› edit and preview modes WHEN using the XEP80, the multiple fonts and› font sizes and styles are disabled or very limited we are still working› on that at this point. The XEP80 can not do too much more than basic› 80 column text output. #3: The mouse speed dragging. This is a› problem that is partially because of speed, GOE manipulates the mouse› in pixels, not as a player (to avoid the possible hiding behind› playfield 0). The flickering has been improved and the speed bumped up› so that there is very very little dragging. ie, when you move an Icon,› you still get a little bit. GOE uses a POKEY interrupt and from the› control panel that can be retimed to speed up or slow down the mouse.› ? #4, SpartaDOS through a window (is really like #5) is something that› we are working on as a CLI-type accessory. It creates a lot of› problems with SpartaDOS X. But good ol' SpartaDOS II and Atari DOS's› should be able to do this. The answer is YES, we are currently working› on that. When complete it will be PD. ga›› Ok, that sounds REALLY good..›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Next is Mark again....›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Thanks Marty... Dave, how many is "Some people"?› Has there been a lot of interest generated? Offhand, that is... ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. Basically, I have had 'ok' response so far,› as expected before a product is released. With two competing products› (ie the 'other') on the market I don't know what the total/overall› response is going to be. To date we have taken several advance orders› (approx 2/3 of the initial order of carts) and currently have a mailing› list of 672 (oops, 673, got a call tonight) people who are interested› and would like a flyer. As for interest from other developers. The› response is basically as usual, a wait and see attitude. GA›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Ok. Well, I think you can expect my check! Also, on› a relative basis, how easy is it to program within the environment? As› in, would it be easier to make your own handlers and just use GOE as a› FMS? GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Very easy! The GOE cart comes with a hobbyist› guide to programming and the source to the three Desk Accessories to› get people started. GOE is easier to program than CIO (which is easy)› if that gives you an example. GA›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Ok, finally, (really) You mentioned $50. Now, if I'm› to send you a check, EXACTLY, with shipping and handling do I send and› where do I send it and who do I make it out to? GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. To GEnie users, as the DEMO says, the $50› discount is good to the next 20. Lets make that 30...(why not),...› wish prepay, the cart total is $53 ($3 shipping) and a check would be› made out to: Total Control Systems. The address is 4156 Tolowa St.› San Diego, CA. 92117 .... try reading cat 5, top 24 if you get the› chance or loose the address. It is also in the DEMO. or leave EMAIL› to D.SULLIVAN4. GA›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Ok, just making sure. Thanks much, Dave. I'm so› beside myself, there's 3 of me here! Thanks again!›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> OK! Next, D.MELICHAR is up again.....›› David, the WICO trak ball is not supported very well in› the demo, will support be there in the cart. 1st release or will you be› releasing an update later in the year? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. Basically the cart currently supports the ST› mouse Atari Joystick, Keyboard and Koala Pad (paddles) BUT, to make it› 'more' compatible I added a 'reverse' field option to the X & Y along› with swap X & Y. This allows the SuperRAT (Zobian), Atari Touch Pad,› and others to work. As for the Wico, I am trying to find one locally.› If it does not make it into the CART, a driver will be on GEnie as soon› as it is complete. I have also recently been testing the Lightgun (ie.› Light Pen). GA›› Did you get my package today? I will send you my WICO› trakball tomorrow and then you will have one to use. You mentioned› that MacPaint and others would be supported in GOpaint, will you have› support for viewing/editing GIF/RLE pics? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Yes (on the package, thanks. I also got the same› from a local store. Still thanks). On the Wico, if you send it, it› will be return within a week or two. On goPaint, I do not currently› have the specs on GIF & RLE formats. However, I will investigate that› as time permits and at least provide a conversion utility in GOE› format. GA›› Ok thanks David. As a side note RLE pics are used on "the› other service" and are viewed on some BBS's with Vidtex mode from› Tscope etc. thanks again. Be talking to you! ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok Thanks. GA›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> OK.....Moving right along..... Gary is up next....›› <[Gary] G.E.M.> David, back to GoWrite and the XEP80 for a› minute...(BTW the WICO trackball emulates a joystick, it is not a true› trackball)... Will GoWrite support the XEP's ability to work with› lines of more than 80 characters? ie. work in 132 column, scrolling› the screen as necessary? GA.›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Yes. goWrite supports that mode even without the› XEP80 (a slider box on the bottom of the window) with the XEP80, slight› changes will be made to take better advantages of the XEP80. I am› still working out the design layout. The current alpha-version does› support up to 256 columns by 25 rows in XEP80, and normal (Antic)› modes. GA (thanks on the Wico)›› <[Gary] G.E.M.> Ok, thanks. (no problem) ;) GA.›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks, Gary! Next is Mat*Rat....›› Hi dave ... finally made it ... class was no fun! ... onward› ... Like a true politician - this is a 3 part question .... 1) Is› there room enough (in your opinion) in the Atari market for two› graphics operating systems? ..... 2) Do you welcome a HEAD TO HEAD› comparison review? (The 'other' has indicated this would be ok.) .....› 3) When do you expect the final to ship? GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. As for room for two? Well, at this point› the 8 bit users are going to have to make a choice. Regardless of the› choice, TCS will be supporting GOE as long as there are significant› sales and users to support. I do welcome a HEAD-To-HEAD article and› prefer one. In that way both the 'other' (hi Alan) and myself will› know what to work for if either of us wanted to 'COMPLETE' with the› other. At this point, both of us are calling our products› winners...and I am sure that the 8 bit community enjoys the support› that they are finally getting. In the next few months the choice will› be made...I call it 'WAR' ...TCS will always be on the quality end.› Quality goes in before product comes out. As for the expected shipping› date (you missed it earlier), I will be shipping to some *SPECIAL*› people in the next 10 days. The official shipping date (end of Oct.› was missed) is expected to be middle of November. ie 14-20 days...› also, if I may comment: It looks like the 8 bit users will have a› choice between the 'other' system and GOE, GOE on cart now and the› other "SOON"...so, for... a while at least the 8 bit will be supported› by two fine programmers and companies. GA (thanks for joining)›› Glad to be here. I'm sure all 8bit Die hards appreciate all› the support and, for lack of anything else to say, "May the best man› win!" Thanks. GA›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks Mat! Next up is John Nagy of Zmag....›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> (Best program...both of us are great guys)›› <[JOHN NAGY] ZMAG> Thanks.. A couple Q and an assurance that there will› be a head to head article as soon as there are finished products. So...› when is "finished"? I see that your demo mentions that you will have a› LATER UPDATE and so that what we get shortly will still be incomplete?› Hard to judge when we cant tell what it is going to to when done. A› couple quick observations of the demo: be sure to kill that ATTRACT› MODE! and the mouse goes to sleep when disk is accessed. VERY› annoying. GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. When in "FINISHED"? That means what the› question says "WHEN". But, on the expected side, as I stated, 14-20› days. (BTW Your one of the *SPECIAL* people). On the update just means› that after the initial GOE cart is released and the users (those› important people) give feedback...an immediate update will respond to› those comments and DEMANDS. Also, on the attract mode, it is gone.› The "SLEEP" when disk IO is on is due to the nature of the 8 bit...I I› am working on a possible solution with other various types of mouse› control. Currently, GOE uses a POKEY interrupt but is written to allow› alternate handlers to take over. Time will tell on that one. Also,› please remember the GOE DEMO is JUST a demo. Thanks for the comment.› GA›› <[JOHN NAGY] ZMAG> I note that the icon for the mouse on the competitor› product DOES work and changes to a DISK ICON (mini) while doing disk› access... that's all for now. Glad to hear we will be your beta› testers. ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> (ok. GOE changes to a bee...while doing IO)›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks, John! Next up is D.MELICHAR again....›› ok thanks. one comment, as for a head to head comparison› I think that we already have had one, the competition's released› product, and your DEMO which does more, faster, and better, not to› mention less expensive. Question, well there be any support for the› second button on the ST and other mice? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Yes. I am working on inclusion in the docs of a› mod. to the ST mouse to allow support. The right button will then act› as a return key or programmable key. Also, on the head-to-head. Users› have a choice they can compare the DISK version of the 'other' that› they paid $30 for against the GOE cart when received. Or they can› wait for the 'other' to release a cart version. At any rate, GOE will› allow external additions if the need arises. GA›› You did say that there will be support for the CX85› numeric keypad correct?›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> (ZMAG, my 128k version of the 'other' does not do› that).›› Even when used with the mouse or joystick ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Yes the CX85 does work properly with GOE. You› must plug it into the opposite port that you are using for the› mouse/joystick. GA›› Last question and good night... On the "old" 800 there› were 4 joystick ports... how about a joystick/trakball/mouse› and cx85 at one time! WOW! ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> The control panel allows you to configure the› ports to what you wish. You may install the joystick, mouse (and› CX85) at the same time. The CART's built in routine will automatically› adjust to what is being used and ignore inactive ports. GA (night› night)›› bye thanks again ga›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks! Next up is Mark with another question....›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Thanx. Sorry Dave, a coupe more... (Gun to my› head)...what price are we talking to the "Non-GEnie" folks? GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> OK. Well, if your local user groups has received› information contact them. The user groups also have a discount.› Retail is $79.95. Call or leave EMAIL for exact details. (Did you› fire?) GA›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> No, no one shot me yet. There's not much of a group› here ask Mat, or MACE or... Also, is TCS ready for a war with the› other OS? Can it handle one and win? I think the GOE demo is better› than the 'other' from Mat's descrip, but others might think otherwise› since they WERE out first. GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Well. Try PACS (in PA) user group. Also, as for› a WAR? TCS will provide the best quality product that is possible. We› are ready to add, correct, change or expand to meet the needs of the› Atari community. As for out first. As some may know, problems with› what is now a marketing agency cause about a 3 month delay in our› product. Sorry. Things happen. TCS will ship a quality product out› the door. If others have done that or can do that then they also› deserve the 8 bit users respect. GA›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Good. Finally, it rears it's ugly head, have there› been safeguards taken against piracy? I'd hate to see a product like› this end up like that and I've seen so-called "unpiritable" software› (i.e. ACTION) done. Any comment? GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Well. Nothing is 'unpiritable' ... Action may be› duplicated through hardware. GOE (as well as SPX and other bank select› carts) will be extremely hard to pirate (dump to disk)... I hope (?)› that the Atari 8 bit users have learned a lesson on that issue. But› seeing recently release software on local BBS's proves me wrong. Yes,› I have taken the time to help insure that GOE is not pirated...BUT› goWrite and goPaint will be left up to you, the guilty users :-). GA›› <[Mark] M.GAMBER1> Ok. I really hate to see good software end up like› that and while I too think most have learned, there are always those› few... Anyway, enough, thanks Dave, I'm done "fer shure" GA›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks! Next is J.STEPHENS5.....›› how will geo work with 256k machines (800xl)? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> GEO? You mean GOE... Ok. GOE allows you to› configure the amount of memory that you wish it to see. You may also› tell it what to do with the memory. Example, use bank 1 as a RAM cache› when copying and for faster operating, or use banks 1..4 for data in› the goWrite or goPaint etc. GOE allows you to tell it what to do with› the memory. This allows 48k compatibility. GA›› yethanks do you know of users groups near IOWA to get goe› ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> (Hmm...IOWA, I'll research that...) Currently, I› know of no group in IOWA. You may contact us via phone for help on› that. GA›› icd r-time 8 clock a problem? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> No. GOE allows complete access to the Rtime8› cart with or without the use of SpartaDOS. A built in handler› automatically check for the Rtime8 and reads the clock on all updates› of time/date info. GA›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> We'll have to be moving on....Next up is Mat*Rat› again....›› 1) Comment: I think a HEAD TO HEAD review should be done on› EQUAL grounds .... GOE cartridge versus 'other' cartridge. Cart against› disk is unfair, BIASED! .... 2) Are there any potential bank switch› RAM conflicts with SDX and GOE ? .... 3) Where do I put my monitor› when I have Mac/65 pluged into GOE pluged into SDX pluged into Rtime-8› plugged into my 800XL ???!!!!!!!!! GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. On the RAM...No. Unless you goof. As with› all programs, OS's, etc. You must be aware of what you tell the system› to do. If you tell SpartaDOS X to use BANK1 as a cache (CACHE.SYS) and› then GOE and tell GOE to use it...then a conflict arises, and WHO KNOWS› what the result would be. As for the Monitor...I moved mine to the› side to allow me to plug in my Rtime8, SPX, GOE and Mac65. GA›› Ok, lots of things are getting power from the computer now› ... XM301 draws power from computer .... P:R: Connection or Printer› connection draws power (ignore SIO› connector problem) and you STACK 4 cartridges in the computer. The› power supply for the XL/XE computers is NOT an infinite power source› (consider 512K or more of bank switched RAM too) are we going to start› blowing up 8bit power supplies one of these days??? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Well...that's a good one. GOE (and SDX, etc,› etc) carts use a TTL level circuit to control who is being used. I do› not expect a problem with this as I have more equp. hooked up now than› anyone will most likely use. I'll ask that wonderful company (ICD)› about the current draw. I will inquire as to this... (grin) GA›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Well, we need to move on! Next up is Jack Dewell› again from Atari....›› Thanks! One comment and two questions... comment: the› user-specified RAM allocation sounds similar to SDX (grin) GOOD! Way to› go! question 1: does GOE run on an 800? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Yes. GOE runs on ALL 48k and above machines (even› a 1400xl! grin). GA›› great! what is the "GEnie" price for GOE? ga›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> The GEnie price deal to the first 20 (now 30)› orders is $50. Other GEnie users should call for addition info. Be› quick. Leave email as to the status (countdown). GA›› rats! (sorry, Mat!) tight budget this month! oh,› well...I surrender the floor!›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks Jack! Back again is Dr. Who....›› <[DR. WHO] E.PRESLEY1> thanks marty... two question and I'll shut up...› One-=> how much support will be given to us programmer. Will we be› able to write our own goe programs... two-=> are there any plans on a› 40,64,80 col. Goe Terminal prog. (GA)›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. Yes. You will receive support as much as› possible. In addition to free source on how goe is programmed all› questions about the product may be answered here on GEnie or via mail.› As for goTerm, yes 40, 64 & 80. GA›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> OK...Having to cut this a bit short here.... Next› up is Gary.....›› <[Gary] G.E.M.> Ok, Quick comment on the power supply problem. I run a› 130 (576K), PR: conn, SDX, RTIME8 et al. I have blown my supply 5› times in the last 60 days. (Actually the design is crummy) The last› time it happened I went to a 5 Amp p/s and have had no› more problems. So upgraded machines may have problems... XE Power› supplies have trouble meeting their maximum ratings. End of comment.› GA.›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks, Gary! Next is Mat again.....›› Thanks ... Older XL machines had a PS rating of 1.0 AMPS at› 5 Volts. Newer XL and all XE have a 1.5AMP rating. Just FYI XL's› with the old PS will likely burn up (mine did ages ago). Question ...› Do you expect that Atari MAY endorse one of the graphics OS as the› "official" graphical OS for the 8bit which might possibly bring on line› a lot of outside developers as GEOS has done for the Commodores? GA› (Atari, are you listening?)›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> In my opinion it would be a smart move for Atari› to do so. Atari, though, has to make a careful choice as to which› product and company can best support it's users and get along with the› Atari "style" of things. (grin). I, of course, would like to see› this...and would like it to be GOE time will tell. It's an interesting› possibility. GA›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks, Mat! Next up is RHELZ....›› COUPLE OF QUESTIONS... 1) CAN YOU REALLY DO ANYTHING IN 48K?› AND 2) HOW FAST OR RAGGED IS THE WINDOW MOVEMENT? IS IT NICE AND› SMOOTH? GA›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. In 48k, GOE (the Desktop) work just as they› do in 64k or 128k, etc. The system is designed to take advantage of› the extra memory at your command 48k systems use the disk more than› not. The main drawback is that in 48k, goPaint and goWrite use the› disk more that I would like. Very usable, but disk active. 2) The› window movement? When you move a window the system uses a ghost box› which moves extremely fast. After selection of the new window spot.› The system closes the window you move, opens it back up in the new spot› and issues a redraw to the necessary window managers. The process› takes longer if you have 16 windows than four, but overall it is a› speedy process. Compares to GEM on the ST, GOE wins. GA (grin)›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> OK, well, Due to the time that this has run, I'm› ending the formal RTC now and will open up the room after a few closing› words from David....›› <[David] D.SULLIVAN4> Ok. First, I would like to thank all of you for› joining the RTC tonight. It has been an experience. I hope you enjoy› GOE! Please feel free to send email to D.SULLIVAN4 or to use the› message area assigned to GOE (CAT 5, TOP 24). I would also like to› thank ALL current developers of 8 bit software, and all of you› supportive users that have put your precious dollars up in advance to› support the GOE product. Thanks all, and have a good night. Total› Control Systems. GA Everyone. Thanks Marty.›› <[RT*SysOp] MARTY.A> Thanks, David! And Thanks to all the RT Members› that stopped in!›››› RTC Transcript Ends›Acknowledge-To: Scott Parish