Á ÓÐÅÃÉÁÌ ÎÏÔÉÃÅ ÔÏ ÁÌÌ    ›› It's the attack of...›› Those NASTY rumors...› (A brief history?)›› Over the last 6 months you›have probably heard of GOE, it›has had press in ANALOG, ANTIC,›Current Notes, MAM, Atari Exp.›and many other publications. It›was first accounced by Shelly›Merrill of Merrill Ward & Assoc.›as GOE (aka ST, Jr.) at the time›of these announcements Total›Control Systems and Merrill Ward›and Assoc. were in taking about›an agreement to allow Merrill›Ward & Assoc. to publish GOE.›› Unfortunately, before any such›agreement was reached & signed,›press has already be released.›The mojority of the press about›the product was accurate, though›not all of it. Merrill Ward &›Assoc. did not and does not have›the right(s) to sell GOE or any›Total Control Systems product in›any way shape or form. Merrill›Ward & Assoc. now under the name›of USA Media is associated with›another product. The product›that they currently sell is NOT›GOE. Although it has been ad-›vertised as such. They persist›to use GOE, Graphics Operating›Environment in such a way to›mislead you, the public, into›believing that their product is›GOE. It is not, Total Control›Systems is the ONLY publisher›of GOE at the present time.›› In previous press, released›by Merrill Ward & Assoc., they›stated that 'The Celebrity›Cookbook' (a product converted›to the Atari ST, Amiga & 8bit›by Total Control Systems) 'is›the first example of a GOE›program.' As the author of both›GOE and The Celebrity Cookbook,›I state (for the record) that›the cookbook is NOT (NOT!) a GOE›program, nor was it ever pre-›sented to be a GOE program by›Total Control Systems. Although›it is a GREAT product, the cook-›book does not use any routines›found within GOE. They have now›recently (under USA Media) said›that the Celebrity Cookbook was›an external program written in›the environment that they now›sell. Unless and untill they›rewrite the program it is not,›and has never been, a program›written under an existing or›future graphical OS.›› Needless to say, Merrill Ward›has appearently broken contract›with Total Cotrol Systems by›not honering a royalty contract›between the two companies with›reguards to the Celebrity Cook-›book on the Atari ST, Amiga and›Atari 8 bit computers. NO Roy-›alty payment or report has been›received in two full quarters,›that's two missed deadlines. I›can only stress to the Public,›PLEASE USE EXTREEM CAUTION when›reading press from these people›now or in the future.›› Please don't get me wrong, I›wrote and enjoy the Celebrity›Cookbook. It was an experience,›and it soething that I will not›forget. It is a good product,›and reguardless of who sells it›or what is said about it, the›cookbook deserves a place in›your kitchen.›› To answer other questions that›many customers have asked. Do I›plan to update the cookbook? No.›I had completed a version 2 that›has appearently been put on hold›with the statement that it was›never received by Shelly Merrill›from me; when in fact it was›picked up at my house in July.›I do not hold any right to sell›the Celebrity Cookbook, hoever,›if a lack of support is found, I›may consider providing EXTERNAL›extensions and data disks to it.›› Did I miss contracted dead-›lines with Merrill Ward & Assoc.›which resulted in them dropping›the GOE product. No, I have›NEVER had a contract with them›(or any other party) to sell,›distribute, publish or in any›way represent to the public GOE›or any other TCS product. The›reason for turning the GOE con-›tracts (several times) was that›they were an insult.›› Is GOE the same as GOS? No,›GOS was a PD program I wrote in›1986 for our local ACE group.›They are in different languages,›GOE being in assembly, GOS in ›Action! and are two different›types of programs.›› Enough negitave info, this›information is only provided to›attempt to set the record about›GOE straight. Call for further›help in this matter. All of›the information provided in this›document is correct & accurate,›and all opinions herein are that›of David R. Sullivan (that's me)›and may not reflect that of any›other party.››END.›