__ HyperIt! Tech stuff for v.0.5beta›=================================››X=complete O=planned››Öáìéä Ãáòä Ãïííáîäó››ÃÏÍÍÁÎÄÓº››X MODE - changes graphics mode› mode›X SCREENOFF- turns ANTIC off›X SCREENON - turns ANTIC on›X CLS - clears the screen›X COLOR - changes drawing color› color›X SETCOLOR - changes a color register› register› color›X IMAGE - loads an image› file.grx›X BACK - loads an image & snaps it› file.grx›X BACKUP - redraws snapped image›X PLOT - plots a point› x› y›X DRAWTO - draws a line› x› y›X BOX - draws a rectangle› x1› y1› x2› y2›X FONT - loads a font for text› file.fnt›X TEXT - writes a line of text› x› y› text›X MORETEXT - writes a line of text› text on the next line›X BEGINTEXT- start a set of lines of› x text ended by "ENDTEXT"› y› text...›X ENDTEXT›O FIELD - adds a text window› x1› y1 › x2› y2› file.txt›X BUTTON - adds a button› x1› y1 › x2› y2› invert›X NORMALBUTTON - adds a button w/ text› x› y› text› keys››X END - marks end of cmds››Ïκ›X ON - starts and ends an ON› number››Öáìéä ÏΠÃïííáîäóº›O < all special effects >›X LINK › file.crd›O VAR› v› value›X QUIT››ÃÁÒÄ ÓÙÎÔÁغ›commands›...›END›ON›on-commands›...››Òåñõéòåä Æéìåó éî á Óôáã뺛stack.STK - Stack's directory›stack.STK>stack.CRD - First card›stack.STK>INFO.DAT - Info. text››