ÈùðåòÉô¡ Âåôá ö®°®µ  Íáòãè ±¸› 1995›By Bill Kendrick›New Breed Software 1995››ÆÉÌÅÓ ÉΠÔÈÉÓ ÁÒí­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­››HyperIt! v.0.5 beta:› HYPERIT.COM---HyperIt! file selector› HYPERITP.COM--HyperIt! stack viewer› HYPERIT.HLP---v.0.5 beta help› FANCY.FNT-----"Fancy" 8bit scrn font››Dir2File v.0.0:› DIR2FILE.COM-Dir2File››Stack Info Displayer 0.4b:› STKINFO.TBS--TurboBASIC XL program››More Fonts:› ATARI3B.FNT--Atari 3bit block› ATARI3.FNT---Atari 3bit› COMP8.FNT----Computer 8bit› BIG8.FNT-----Boldish 8bit››Sample files:› SAMPLE.DIR---Updated Sample stack› GIRLS.DIR----Updated GIRLS stack› ABOUTNBS.DIR-New Breed Sftware stack››Docs:› COMMANDS.TXT-v.0.5 beta commands› README.TXT---This text››ÕÐÄÁÔÅÓ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­››The file selection screen has been›turned into a separate program so›that I have more RAM to access within›the selector and the player.››The sample stacks have been updated›for the current version.››The clock hands now rotate!››ÃÏÍÍÁÎÄ ÓÔÁÔÕÓ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­››The BEGINTEXT and ENDTEXT commands›have been added, so you don't need to›do a MORETEXT for every line to be›displayed (with the same left-margin).››The FIELD command still doesn't work.››The "ON" commands JUMP and RETURN›have been added which let multiple›cards go to the same card and that›card get back to the proper place.›(ie, you don't always go back to the›same place nor do you need a separate›"other card" to go to for each card›which goes to it.)››The "ON" command FADE still doesn't›work.››The "ON" command VAR still doesn't›work, nor is there any IF/THEN block›anywhere, or actual variable space.››ÉÎÃÌÕÄÅÄ ÓÁÍÐÌÅ ÓÔÁÃËÓ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­››SAMPLE (not complete)› Sample has been updated to take› advantage of the BEGINTEXT/ENDTEXT› commands and the new version of the› BACK command.››GIRLS (not complete? )› Girls has been updated to take› advantage of the MORETEXT command.››ABOUTNBS (not complete)› Click me to read about me.› Click info for info on NBS (not› complete).› Click "Public Domain" for a defin-› ition of PD.› Click "Done" ("More" causes an› error)››ÔÈÁÎËÓ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­›Thanks to all of you testers for›your comments and suggestions!›Some of you may notice that your›ideas have been included (either›planned or already exist in this›beta version!)››I apologize for taking so long to›get this release out but with school,›family, girlfriend, Cooltris 2 and›of course e-mail and comp.sys.atari.-›8bit, it was understandably difficult›to find the time! :)››