Welcome!››Here's the long awaited HyperIt!›v.0.5 beta. It's probably a let-›down to a few of you since not›TOO much else has been added,›but things like the smarter file›selector, JUMP command, BEGINTEXT›and ENDTEXT commands and the cool›spinning hands on the clock seemed›like major enough additions to›release it. (That and the fact›that it's been a while (over two›months!) since the last release).››(I apologize for that but also my›1200XL died, so....)››Anyway, for tech. details look at›the source code and the COMMANDS.TXT›file. For official updates look›at README.TXT. For chit-chat and›details on making your own stack,›keep reading this file.››--- Chit-chat ---›Well, I promised I'd get it finished›on Saturday and guess what? 11:59pm›Pacific Standard Time, I was compil-›ing the working versions with RUNTIME›library junk included! :) (I bet›I already have mail telling me "you›forgot to send me a copy!" :) )›(Now I've got to compile Cooltris 2›and get a copy of IT out to people›too! This week has been too busy!)››Anyway enough chit-chat.. this is›almost as exciting as watching a›Greetings! scroller in a demo! (j/k!)››--- Making a Stack ---›Making a stack is simple:›› Step one:› Create a new directory called› "stacknam.STK" where "stacknam"› is the name of your stack.› Step two:› Create a file inside of that› directory named "INFO.DAT"› which is just a text file› explaining what the Stack is.› Step three:› Create at least one card. The› first card which appears is› required to have the name› "stacknam.CRD" where "stacknam"› is the same name as the stack› itself.› Example: "ABC.STK:ABC.CRD"››Creating cards:›› Step one:› You'll of course need the .CRD› file itself. Look to the file› COMMANDS.TXT for details on› card commands.› Step two:› Copy the .FNT (font) and graphic› files you'll want for that card.› Cards can of course share files› if they're in the same stack.› (You cannot look outside of› your stack, you CAN look deeper› inside subdirectories WITHIN› the stack, but you'll have to› remember the full path for each› file every time. HyperIt! only› appends the path of the stack› to any files (.CRD, .FNT, .GRx)› referenced within a card. It› doesn't care if the card is in› "stacknam.STK:ABC:WET:DRY:HOT:",› it will still only add› "stacknam.STK" to the beginning› of the aforementioned files› references.) (If you don't› understand all that babble,› don't worry.. just don't put› subdirectories INSIDE of your› stacks and you'll not have to› worry.)››TEXT Commands:›› Using "TEXT" as the basic› primitive, here's how the others› work:›› TEXT x,y,newtext =› curX=x› curY=y› PlaceTextAt CurX,CurY: newtext›› MORETEXT newtext =› curY=curY+1› TEXT curX,curY,newtext›› BEGINTEXT newtext .. ENDTEXT =› while newtext<>ENDTEXT› curY=curY+1› TEXT curX,curY,newtext› wend›› So...› TEXT› 5› 0› HELLO›› TEXT› 5› 1› HOW'RE YOU?›› TEXT› 5› 2› BYE NOW!› Is the same as:› TEXT› 5› 0› HELLO›› MORETEXT› HOW'RE YOU?›› MORETEXT› BYE NOW!› Is the same as:› BEGINTEXT› 5› 0› HELLO› HOW'RE YOU?› BYE NOW!› ENDTEXT››JUMP command addition› I've added the JUMP command.› I'll assume you know BASIC.›› LINK = GOTO› JUMP = GOSUB› RETURN = RETURN››IF/THEN future addition› IF/THEN blocks are planned to› be allowed at any time, ie› either within the card's code› (where the TEXT and graphics› and BUTTON commands are) AND› where the button-commands (ON› commands) are (where LINKs› and QUITs are and VAR and› effects will (may) be)››Effects and Vars› Not being made, I may decided› WHEN I make them to do effects› and variables differently.› Instead of an effect being› stated when a card is TO be› loaded, I think I'll make it› a variation on the BACK command.› It makes a lot more sense.› (And if you have a slow drive,› it'll work MUCH more nicely!)›› Vars potential are pretty great.› I could use variables to› control what files to load (using› strings) but I think I may instead› use IF/THEN. Example, I COULD do:›› ON› 0› LINK› A$›› But instead I think I'll stick to› INTeger or BYTE variables:›› ON› 0›› IF› A› 1› LINK› BLAH.CRD›› ELSEIF› A› 2› LINK› BLEH.CRD›› ENDIF››Syntax› Look at this text file! HyperIt!› syntax sucks! I'll need to get› rid of the End-Of-Line parameter› delimitation. I think›› IF A 1› LINK BLAH.CRD›› and›› TEXT 0 0 HELLO THERE›› look much nicer than what I have› now!››That's it!› Have fun! Tell me what you think!›› kendrick@vax.sonoma.edu or› on comp.sys.atari.8bit››