››HELP FILE FOR 800+ 256K MOD›››PIC FILES AND EXTRA DOC›SUPPLIED BY THE CHAOS BBS›(517) 317-1106›››This disk has many files- including›5 picture files in koala/touch›tablet format that are REQUIRED for›completion of the modification.›Don't worry, there IS no pic for›figure 5 as it was too hard to draw›and the text explains it well›enough.›››DOS25DOC.BAS will show you what is›being done to DOS 2.5 when you run›PEEKPOKE.3 to modify a DOS 2.5 for›use with the 800+....›››ABDISKIO.XR1 is a modified DIOSKIO›for use with DOS 2.5 after›modifying the DOS.››MYDOSPLS is a patch file for using›MYDOS with the mod.››EMEDE files are for tesing and›patching ODS 2 for the mod.››PLUS256K.TXT is the article telling›how to do the work.››RAM8002.COM sets up the RAMDISK for›the 288K 800.››There are a pair of copy programs›for using the extended memory for›duplicating disks... they require›that VERIFY be ON to work properly.››When you recieve it, if your disk›has a DOS and DUP already on it, it›is a UNMODIFIED DOS 2.5.›››John Nagy››4/6/86››