›SUPPLIED BY THE CHAOS BBS› (517) 371-1106›››MEMORY EXPANSION FILES INFORMATION›››You've heard about it....›CHAOS Member Claus Buchholtz›started it all...›Ôèå ²µ¶Ë ¸°°ØÌ, and now we have›collected quite a variety of›instuction files, documentation,›source code for assembler, ramdisk›drivers, driver creators, demos,›and just about everything else for›use in/by/for expanded memory in›your ATARI computer. Here's what's›available on line here at the CHAOS›BSS so far. We include expansion›files for the XL, the 800, the XE,›and the ST!! Be sure to ÒÅÁÄ the›documentation and instruction files›for these where possible before›worrying about why they crash on›you. (All files here are listed in›the "UTILITIES/TECHNOLOGY" section)››HINT: the biggest single cause of›ramdisk failure is not having set›up your DOS to read any disk drive›numbered higher than 2. Read the›QXLINSTR file for discussion of›this, also see your DOS manual. ›The second most trouble comes from›using the wrong ramdisk driver for›your DOS. Select carefully, and›report your success or failures to›us here so that we can let everyone›else know. Check the messages,›especially the LIBRARY BASE (#3),›and look for NEW ÑØ®®®® files in›the "N"EW section under "F"iles.››ALSO BE SURE TO SEND US ANY›EXPANSION, UPGRADE, WHATEVER FILES›YOU MAY HAVE TO ADD TO OUR LIST!›››ÈÅÒÅ ÇÏÅÓº›››ÑØÌÉÎÆÏ - DOCFILE›This file!››ÑØÌÉÎÓÔÒ - DOCFILE›How to do your 256K 800 XL!›Includes vital information on how›to use and configure your system›after the mod is installed.››ÑÍÅÇØÌÄ - SOURCE CODE›This is Claus's actual assembler›code for constructing a double›density ramdisk driver file or a›driver to make TWO SINGLE density›ramdisks. The drive number for the›ramdisk may be selected before›assembly using the ATARI ASSEMBLER›cart, or any good assembler. Name›the resulting binary file›AUTORUN.SYS or load from DOS.››ÑÍÅÇØÌÓ - SOURCE CODE›Code for constructing a single›density ramdisk driver file, useful›for running software designed for›using the 128k in the 130XE. (Won't›work with some, like BASIC XE›cart!) The drive number for the›ramdisk may be selected. See the›discussion of these two SOURCE CODE›files in the QXLINSTR file.››Files assembled into OBJECT CODE›for DOS "L"oading from the above›files:››ÑØÌÄij - Makes a double-density›Ramdisk numbered as "D3:"››ÑØÌÓij´ - Makes TWO ramdisks, both›single density, numbered "D3:" and›"D4:"››ÑØÌÓijØÅ - Makes one single density›ramdisk numbered "D3:" that stays›out of the way of much 130XE›software.››ÑØÌÓÄ°´ - Makes one single density›ramdisk numbered "D4:" that stays›out of the way of much 130XE›software.›››Now, Other files:››ÑÂÁÓØÅÄ´ - OBJECT›This one is special made to allow a›double-density 503 sector ramdisk›called "D4:" that will work with›DOSXL and BASIC XE!! Perhaps it›will work on SOME other DOS's. Let›us know.›››ÑØÓÐÁÒÔÁ - OBJECT›Use this like this from SPARTADOS›prompt: >D:QXSPARTA D3: (or any›drive # you want...) to set up a›1530 sector ramdisk!!! It might do›even more on a 320 or 512XE! Like›all of these, it is still anybody's›guess what compatibility may or may›not be found.››ÑØÃÏÎÆÉÇ - BASIC›Writes ramdisk drivers set up from›menu choices, supposedly will work›with MYDOS and others. Some reports›of semi-functioning with this file›under some DOS's.›››ÑØÌÄÅÍÏ - BASIC›Just a quick basic routine to get›you started and to check out bank›selection.›››ÑØÌÌÏÁÄÒ - BASIC›Load that/those ramdisks with files›copied off prepared disks›automatically with this one.›››››More text and modifications:››ÑØÌÄÏÓ²µ - DOCFILE›How to set up DOS 2.5 for ramdisk›use of the extended memory.››Øŵ±²Ë - DOCFILE›The first upgrade suggested for the›XE series computer. How to do it,›full instructions. What software›works is up to you to tell US.››Øų²°Ë - DOCFILE›A much simpler version of an›upgrade for the 130XE... again,›software is a grey area.›››ÏÎÅÍÅÇÓÔ - DOCFILE›Here's the 1000K upgrade how-to›file for the 520 ST.››››Keep us up-to-date! Let us know›what's hot and what's not in›upgrades and software, and upload›whatever you find!›››SUPPLIED BY THE CHAOS BBS› (517) 371-1106›››