Copyright ½ 1991 by Natrlich! on documentation, board design and software. Non commercial spreadance encouraged. USER SHEET NNN NNN AAA SSSSSSS TTTTTTTTT YYY YYY NNNN NNN AAAAA SSS TTT YYY YYY NNNNN NNN AAA AAA SSS TTT YYYYY NNN NNNNN AAAAAAA SSS TTT YYY NNN NNNN AAA AAA SSS TTT YYY NNN NNN AAA AAA SSSSSSS TTT YYY Connection NOT FOR CASSETTE ONLY USERS PROBABLY NOT FOR TT USERS DISCLAIMER: ALTHOUGH NO PROBLEMS HAVE SURFACED YET WITH THIS INTERFACE, IT IS NEVERTHELESS POSSIBLE THAT YOU MAY DESTROY YOUR COMPUTER OR IMPORTANT DATA WITH THIS LITTLE PROJECT. THE AUTHOR WARNS YOU BEFOREHAND ABOUT SUCH A POSSIBILITY AND DISCLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY ON DATA OR HARDWARE LOSSAGE THAT YOU MIGHT SUFFER THRU THE USAGE OF EITHER SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE OR A COMBINATION THEREOF. THIS PROJECT/SOFTWARE COMES WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. This is a little pamphlet that tells you how to use the NASTY connection for transferring files and other fun stuff. 0. CAVEATS OK. This is not the product of any commercial enterprise, that actually tries to make money with this, so I the lowly hacker just stopped when it was good enough for me. If I find the time, these bugs will be fixed sometime, but for now I will just tell you what they are so that you can circumvent them. A) The connection may be succeptible to outside interference. I have a refrigerator that creates an interrupt everytime it starts cooling. Be sure that your connection is shielded as much as possible, and your co-inhabitants aren't blowdrying in the same room. (har har) B) The server software on the ST is designed to be multitasking. But it doesn't. Don't do file accesses from the ST, while using the connection. If you don't use the connection, you can use the ST as usual. On TOS 1.2 it multitasks a bit, but then again it hangs on occasion. C) Just very occasionally the connection might hang. Press RESET on the 8Bit to try to resync the two computers. If this fails press RESET on the ST and reload NASTY.PRG. Then press RESET on the 8Bit. If that fails power down both and retry. D) Nasty installs itself after DOS at MEMLO, this is inconvenient when using anything else than SpartaDOS, since DUP.SYS overwrites that space. E) Since most DOSes make some stupid assumptions about what handlers other than D: should behave like, using N: is often not as con- venient as using D:. The best DOS so far seems to be SpartaDOS 2.3 F) SpartaDOS X cartridge uses a custom handler scheme, which I haven't been able to crack (yet). You can still use NASTY from within other programs, but the X cart. command line interpreter, won't recognize N:. G) Many programs make some false assumptions about filenames (all beginning with D: f.i.), which need to be patched if they are to work with NASTY. Some programs which load data files from disk also need to be patched. H) At start up NASTY on the ST sets its default path to G:\NASTY\. Patch if you want something else, or do a CWD N:A:\ first if you don't have a partition G: on the ST. I) May/Will probably not work on the TT. 1. BASIC USAGE Connect everything. The joystick connectors into PORT A i.e. the first two joystick ports (right order!!), SIO cable 1 into the 8Bit computer, SIO cable 2 into your disc drive, the 25 pin plug into your ST. Start up the ST and load NASTY.PRG there. NASTY.PRG should be the last program in your AUTO folder, if you elect to start it there. Start up the 8Bit with SpartaDOS 2.3 and load NASTY.COM That's it. Now you can use N: like any other CIO device. In GEMDOS the delimiter for subdirectories is '\' in SpartaDOS it is '>' and in UNIX it is '/'. You can use any of these in NASTY. '<' will be expanded to approximately the same as .. (meaning one up in the hierarchy. 2. SUPPORTED XIO COMMANDS CWD ERASE CREDIR BLOAD NOTE PROTECT ?DIR RENAME DELDIR BSAVE POINT UNPROTECT RENAME - 32/$20 e.g. XIO 32,#1,0,0,"N:FOOBLE.BAS LEOPOLD.BAS" ERASE - 33/$21 e.g. XIO 33,#1,0,0,"N:C:/BILBO/FROBOZZ.DAT" PROTECT - 35/$23 e.g. XIO 35,#1,0,0,"N:C:/METAL/METALLICA" UNPROTECT - 36/$24 e.g. XIO 36,#1,0,0,"N:C:/METAL/VAN_HALEN" POINT - 37/$25 NOTE - 38/$26 BLOAD - 40/$28 BSAVE - 41/$29 CREDIR - 42/$2A e.g. XIO 42,#1,0,0,"N:C:/METAL/THRASH" DELDIR - 43/$2B e.g. XIO 43,#1,0,0,"N:C:/METAL/THRASH" CWD - 44/$2C e.g. XIO 44,#1,0,0,"N:C:/METAL" ?DIR - 48/$30 Look up your SpartaDOS manual for more information. NASTY works exactly like SpartaDOS in this respect. 3. EXAMPLES Assuming you have a disk in drive A: with some BASIC programs on it in folder BASIC.8BIT called A.BAS and D.BAS you can load them with Ready LOAD "N:A:/BASIC.8BIT\A.BAS" or Ready XIO 44,#1,0,0,"N:A:>BASIC.8BIT": REM change default directory Ready LOAD "N:D.BAS" Under SpartaDOS 2.3: D1:N: N:COPY D1:*.* N:F:/TMP copies all files from the root of D1: into F:\TMP of the ST. This doesn't work backwards unfortunately, because SpartaDOS can't imagine that N: might be a file system as well. N:ERASE FOO N:PROTECT FUBAR N:CREDIR TMP N:CWD TMP N:?DIR G:\TMP N: et.c. A C K S , R E F S & T H A N X Poole/McNiff/Cook Your Atari Computer Chadwick Mapping the Atari Dripke 6502 Assembler Kurs fr Beginner OSS MAC/65Ώ Manual Lawrow MAC/65 ICD SpartaDOS Construction Kit Manual Wilkinson Atari Basic Source Book (?), Inside Atari DOS Van Halen FUCK Metallica Metallica Steve Morse SS Suicidal Tendencies LCR for continous (I mean continous) entertainment Ξατ‘ μιεβτ Βιμμε‘