DISKMASTER DISK EDITOR››› R - read Reads a sector onto the screen. Press R, then the› hexadecimal number of the sector you want to look at or change.› Then RETURN (return after data entry for most commands).›› + - up Increments the sector number and loads that sector onto the› screen.›› - - dn Decrements the sector number and loads that sector onto the› screen.›› E - edit Enters the edit mode. Enter Hex number of the byte you want› to change, RETURN then the hex number you want that byte changed› to. You will notice a mark appears by the byte to indicate the› byte that will be changed. After the change the mark moves to the› next byte in an auto increment loop. If you want to change this› byte, just enter the number you want it changed to. If you don't› want to proceed any further press ESC. ALL changes can be undone› by pressing U. Do not enter a null string for the change number as› the program goes nuts and I can't fix it.›› W - write Writes the sector displayed to the disk. You can move a› sector with this function by entering the new sector number› imeadiately after pressing W. This command is saftey promted and› can be aborted by ESC anytime.›› U - undo Undoes the changes to the displayed sector by recalling the› "real" sector kept in memory. Works even after you write the› displayed sector to disk, but the memory of what the sector was is› lost as soon as you change sectors.›› N - #base Changes the number base to decimal. Unfortunately there is› not enough display area to list three place decimal numbers so the› hundreds place digit is indicated by an inverse tens(for 100) or› hundreds(for 200) place digit. Looking at it makes more sense than› any words could. Toggles back and forth, hex and decimal. Decimal› input in edit mode is NOT supported, you will get wierd results if› you try. If there is enough demand, I could change this, see pg6.›› C - chars Toggles between ATASCII and INTERNAL representations of the› bytes on the left of the screen vs the displayed characters on the› right. Great for "hunting" text in programs. Also works in the› edit mode to enter text, provided that the INPUT has been toggled› to alpha.›› B - bfill Fills an entire sector with the byte entered. Great for› zeroing sectors not wanted on disk.›› J - eor Performs logical exclusive OR on all bytes displayed. I have› no use for this one, but if I ever do, I'll be glad its here.›› T - trace Traces to the next sector in a file as coded by the last››› 1››