three bytes in every sector. Much easier to go thru a file this› way as opposed to entering each sector number, especially on a› heavily fragmented disk. Will ERROR when pushed past last sector› in file, which is actually handy. Press help, then RET to clear› any error.›› F - file# Enter file number here and the "coded" result is stored in› the proper place, in the proper way. Hard to calculate otherwise.›› L - link# Enter link number here and the "coded" result is stored in› the proper place, in the proper way. Hard to calculate otherwise.›› V - dens Toggles between single and double density.›› M - menu The "old" way back to the main menu seen when the program› first executes. You now can also exit by pressing SELECT once for› the menu, and twice to go to disassembly.›› S - serch Searches the displayed sector for an entered byte. If› there, it is marked on all occurences. Mark remains during edit,› chars, and input functions, any other key pressed will erase mark.›› H - H.D Hex to decimal conversion. Enter hex number press return and› decimal equivelent appears in text line.›› . - D.H Decimal to hex conversion. Enter decimal number press return› and hex equivelent appears in text line.›› I - input Toggles between alpha and numeric input to the edit mode.› Toggle before entering edit mode. You can also toggle C - chars to› enter internal or atascii text, again, before entering edit mode.› Great for changing file names in the directory sector as DOS› doesn't know the difference.›› O - sorce Traces thru available source drive numbers.›› D - destn Traces thru available destination drive numbers.›› SHIFT-CLEAR - rfrsh "Old" clear screen of marks option. Not needed› any longer.›› ESC - abort. Simple enough. Works at anytime and in disassembly.› Use it and feel safe doing so.›› < - hue Traces thru available hues to suit your taste in screens.›› > - lum Traces thru available luminance to suit your taste in› screens.›› CTR-CLEAR Byte$ This one is not on the help screen. Instead of› using edit and the needed byte# 7F to change the BYT byte, use this› option and keep your mind on what you are doing. I can't tell you› how many times I lost the byte number in my head while I tried to› get past entering 7F. Sounds easy, but at four in the morning› nothing is easy.››› 2››