SCREEN DISPLAY››› Hexadecimal bytes are displayed just left of the center of the› screen. To the left of this block are row indicators used to› locate an individual byte. The offset numbers located at the top› of the byte block are added to the row indicators to identify each› byte in the block. The position numbers range from 0-7F for› single density and from 0-7F,80-FF for double density. Slightly to› the right of the byte block is the same data displayed in its› ATASCII or INTERNAL form. The form is displayed above this smaller› block. Row indicators are also present on this character block to› help locate the byte responsible in the byte block.› Below the data blocks you will see SEC: FIL: LNK: BYT:. › SEC stands for SECtor and the hex number displayed is the› sector number of the sector displayed. › FIL stands for FILe and is the file number of the sector you› are looking at. The file number is directly related to the› position of the filename listed in the directory, and the first› file is file #0. DOS does not like it when file numbers change› inside a file, so if you ever link two files together using the› disk editor remember to alter the file numbers in the appended› sectors.› LNK stands for link and is used by DOS to locate the next› sector to read. It could be located anywhere on the disk, but is› often the very next sector.› BYT stands for BYTe and is used by DOS to locate the last byte› of that sector that is part of the file. It points to the byte› AFTER the last byte. Most often it reads $7D, indicating that $7E› is the last byte in that sector that is part of the file. It can› however point to any byte and DOS will read and interpret the BYTe› byte correctly. Depending on what DOS or program you use to copy› with, sometimes the sectors are written exactly as "short" sectors› or are shortend and the dead data that used to be between the BYTe› byte and the end of the sector is lost forever.› On the next line is SRC:1 DST:1 INP:H DNS:1. › SRC stands for source drive number and is incremented by› pressing "O". › DST is destination drive number and is altered by pressing› "D". › INP:H stands for input and the indicator in this case stands› for Hex. It will toggle to "A" which stands for Alpha by pressing› "I".› DNS:1 indicates single density and is changed to double› density by pressing "V".››› TIPS ON DISK EDITING››› If you lock up due to an error, press the HELP key and then› return.›› ESC will abort all pending operations.››› 3››