ESC can be used during data entry (mistake) or during› disassembly. Both cases return to main menu where you start over.›› Entering any numbers other than the ones displayed in the› brackets causes the promt to repeat on all promts and can cause the› loss of the ability to enter the prompt you want to! In this case› reload or reboot.›› In order to disassemble larger files such as Disk Master› itself, I have changed the disk write section such that Disk Master› will not create a text file larger than around 211 sectors so that› my wordprocessor will load the whole file which I can then link to› the next file in order to print out the whole file. (whew) When› the program makes four jumps to DOS's put routine, the file is› closed, the filename is incremented and a new file is opened with› the new filename. The increment filename routine increments the› last letter/number in the filename. You should not use a number› for the last digit in the destination filespec as that will allow› only 10 files max, and to this end you should use the letter "A" so› as to give you 26 files max. The length of the filespec does not› matter in the least, only the last letter/number counts. › I have also modified the program to allow changing disks› without a major screw up if the disk gets too full. Unfortunately,› the program will probably only work under DOS 2, DOS 2.5, or OS/A+.› Any other DOS is likely to keep its free sector info at a different› location such that you will not get an accurate count and if the› count is less than 60 sectors you will not be able to get out of› the insert formatted diskette loop. ›› If you can't work around the above restrictions, send me your› DOS and a couple of bucks and I'll try to rewrite my code such that› you will get protection from overwriting a disk. I can also make› Disk Master write larger or smaller files in around 52 sector› amounts. If I can't do any good you will get your disk and dollars› back.›› By pressing "I" or "A" while the text is rolling on the› screen, you can change the characters printed to the left of the› address numbers. These characters are the actual code as they› would be printed in either ATASCII or INTERNAL. When the mark that› separates the codes from the addresses points IN to the address,› you are interpreting as INternal.›› Have fun!››› Lee Barnes› Box 187› Wild Horse CO 80862››››› 6››