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SAVE"D9:COM_RUN.TBS":RUN F:A6%AU,"@H}.@E:HA6%AU@9@@ D9:SCREEN.DATW}C@U:@,A `rC@A @C@@@@A<<;A2,;A2},;A2,;A2,;A2,6-F:A6%A&,s6-F:A6%A(,$ @ @67F:A6%A0,,. }\9A6%A1C:,B:,s6-F:A6%A', ] @ "h@f9F:A6%A),!fR-gF:A6% }A),Yh]  N.A6%A)F:A6%A),%g8 A0 ?hN4@  *"g(D: F*F }:Ad,"A  6-f4A6%A(fF( BATCH ABORTEDF "f ((D:!@04@FRUN "D:COM_RU }N.TBS"7@<@,4@9@@ D9:SCREEN.DATWB@U:@,A `rB }@A @B@@@@u:@D9:RESULTS.DATTA}6%AU@c6.7@,uA@A+ B:,!g7g(h(%A demo to show use of cassette buffer=0((as paramet}er passing area for ScotchDOS.3(:6.=A 4DH6.Z10*/96.D :&67h:%@H,5 A o}tS."D:AUTORUN.BAS":RUN C+f8@A+8A @C(}Welcome to COM_RUN% D:COM_RUN}.TBS D:AUTORUN.BASUTORUN.BAS":RUN C+f8@A+8A @C(}Welcome to COM_RUN% D:COM_RUN:;'O75ALTDAGETNEXTCOMMANDGETNEXQISHOCANHOUALR;}< SAVE"D:ALARMCOM.TBS":RUN&6-F:AR,}ARg&(&&;@,;@,;@, (͠(C;A0,;A0,,67A0,.C9 A!}C:,A07gAH @@-'B:, @'67B:,%g,.000000/#B:,!@ }#67g<@,.1AdAU2U 6._6.67i,.:,67@,.7i,=67@,.:U67@,.7@!},4,41300006.010000,6.01:00:007 ((<&7g<@,46-g&A A>&2fd:AV,"}@@*7(>(F0"F:Ad, AU*+"f)"g,&)0 A H2F:Ad,"A $Adf(#})2 A Z @P A Ok( Parameters:-( [alarm time] [mode]8(Modes:S( Q quit at alarm t$}imek( N dont show clockK'( - dont leave until alarm timeK( / 12 hour mode (no 13+ hours) ( Q3AR%}(!2ffff3% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6&}-%g A0 Q+!(Error l loading file.+ A D:ALARMCOM.TBS7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6Y()yh|AQFILEGETNEXTGETNEXCOMMANDADDLt9<99(} SAVE"D:ANYCOM.TBS":RUN ((Y1;A0,;A0,;A0,;A0,B67A0,.)}Y9 A!C:,A0ttƠҠΠàӺϠ (IF NO PARAMETERS (SIZE=0 ("*}")) OR PARAMS="?"THEN DISPLAY COMMANDS)o 6-g PoѤԤàĺŤ (ADDD adds "D:" to Q$ and retur+}ns it through FILE$, if needed) A O( Parameters: ( Q% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g,} , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7g}( à͠(Y1;A0,;A0,;A0,;A0,B67A0,.Y9 A!C:,A0*7gg@fD6-g 4+6.=:%,  4-6.=:&,# 4*6.=:$,%4/*f6.=:',(#4A}/*"f#6. DIVISION BY 0) 46.FALSE*4=*"6.TRUE-4<* 6.TRUE/4>*!6.TRUEB}24<=*6.TRUE44>=*6.TRUE7"!9 4COS6.=:E:,,< 4SIN6.=:E:,,C} "f ( "g(@ A O8( Parameters:8( value1 operation value2 [dest]S(( OpeD}rations:"( + add3( - subtractD( * multiplyS( / dividev( Comparisons:'( = equals>( > greateE}r thanR( < less thanv( >= greater than or equal to$$( <= less than or equal toG"( Trigonemetric FunF}ctions:G( When value2 = 0 Radians used'( COS cosine'( SIN sineg% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .G}6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7H}gP 6.0P" A'iW}8i@f>6-g## Ag#g@f(# Ah#h@f-' 6-f6-f6-f6-f!6-X}f'6-f/<2" A"f)g"6-%g4" A"f)h"6-%g7%*"f*"f6-%g"g%6-< =Y}"g*"gA "fC (Different bytes: D (First different byte: F( File sizes:H ( File Z}1: K ( File 2: ME "f*"&(Files are identical.)@B(Files are different.EAP@R##(iDi[}fferent bytes: S##(iFirst different byte: U(i File sizes:W##(i File 1: Z##(i\} File 2: \K "f*")(iFiles are identical.,@H(iFiles are different.KA_A A  6]}-g @R 6-g @U2((Error l opening destination.2 A -#(Error l opening source.- A ^} A OF( Parameters:5( source1 source2 destinationF( ? for help ( Q$g hi$% D:_}COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 Q`}O0 6-B:,!h 7g.-@@(7<%h,4COM.6-?$7@<@,0TBS$6-fA  fi}6.7i<&g,C$ A O(;( Parameters:;(# [drive/dir.spec][filename] [dest]( ? for help.j} ( Q"g h("% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,k}6-%g A0 QO/ 6-B:,h7h > : <o}a?p}SAVE"D:DD3VWCOM.TBS":RUN39@,-f@/68,-@#3  (ijנ(Y1;A0,;A0,q};A0,;A0,B67A0,.Y9 A!C:,A0*7gP 6.0Ph' AP}8h@f>6-g# 6-f(9g@fD:*.*&6.D:*.*/68,-f9 B-. Ag"68,-8,%g&}.(.~/7hg@f A )-g8,0g4 > @E A }'O'(Ӡ͠ 0.0 (C) NBS 1993?( Parameters:.( [mask] [destination]?( ? for help ( Q7h-(}Error l opening output file!7 A ( h% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:}7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7gh@fD6}-gi "g6.ECHO ONk "f6.ECHO OFFn "f (@(hAs A 1'(Error l opening output fi}le1 A  A O(Ϡ (C) NBS 1993]( Parameters:.( [mode] [destination]?( ? for helpJ(M}odes:S( ON]( OFF ( Qh% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0} 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7gP 6.0Ph' AP8h@}f>6-g# 6-f(9g@fD:*.*&6.D:*.*/68,-f9 B-. Ag"68,-8,%g&.(.~}/7hg@f A )-g8,0g4 > @E A 'O}'(Ӡ͠ 0.0 (C) NBS 1993?( Parameters:.( [mask] [destination]?( ? for help ( Q7h-(Error l} opening output file!7 A ( h% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA}0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7gTNAMEPASSAQFILEGETNEXTICOMMANDPASGETNEX9}: $: SAVE"D:MAKEUCOM.TBS":RUN;A ,;A , (ՠ (c) NBS 1993d<};A0,;A0,;A0,;A0,;AU,M67A0,.d9 A!C:,A07g:@4, %D=:,:COM_RUN.TBS} D:Axg A  A (O((Ҡ͠ 0.0 (c) NBS 1993( Parameters:l&( [new sub-dire}ctory] [mode x]7( ? for helpA(Mode:l(& I install COM_RUN jumper to Dx: root ( Q% D:COM_RUN.TBS O } .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,! }h 7g7g A < 6-g AP.}%10*/9<A6%A&A:, 40( Path now off $30*/9$( Path set to c A d (Inva/}lid value! A  A O(Ƞ (c) NBS 1993x( Parameters:5( [x] drive where PATH.DAT isA(Val0}ues:T( 0 - path offx( 1-9 - path on root of drive x ( Q% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,1}7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7g}ASTRINGTRACKDUMMYTRACXDU"=::b; ?} >Z>?@}S."D:PLAYCOM.TBS":RUN %(͠ (c) NBS 1993"P%(Y1;A0,;A0,;A}A0,;A0,B67A0,.Y9 A!C:,A0*7g!6-g7<,4.*"f6-g# 2&P @RC}6-@T&6-A:,4P 6.46.17<%6-P:I:,'A$,$A$)P3 @W<6-A:,9c D}BO>( Parameters:>(& file [speed] [tracks to play] [size] ( Q% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .E}6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7gF}:@4,&Q}O P!6L}-}( Size: #}B67@r,.*CgC:,@r1)g4@?8C:,%hBA(} B ECg-}@QM}2}O3}_ B'`g#g@f)6-f,<46-%g;)gG67,.>:,S"AU_6-@5}=@6-7N}}J B Y6-A:7@,,%6-f=7g<@,4PQRSTUDgJ6-g;}Q~+O(6-?:C:, -?[}?SAVE"D:PWLOKCOM.TBS":RUN6-U:@,AA;A `,;@ \},;@ ,;@ ,;@!,;g, Y1;A0,;A0,;A0,;A0,B67A0,.Y9 A!C:]},A0*7g:,1-@%@5(=6-%g A<Aff0(}(A f22ffff< @@4q}PfCOM_RUN TBSfAUTORUN BASf ALARMCOMTBSf'ANYCOM TBSf /APLAYCOMTBSf <CALCCOM TBSfICDCOM TBSfQCLSCOM TBSfRCOMPCOM TBSf bCOMSCOM TBSfmDD3VWCOMTBSf DDIRCOM TBSfDELCOM TBSf DIRCOM TBSfDIRSCOM TBSfDPOKECOMTBSf ECHOCOM TBSfEXITCOM TBSfFINDCOM TBSf FONTCOM TBSfGAMESCOMTBSfGRCOM TBSfLOCKCOM TBSf LOGINCOMTBSfLOGSCOM TBSf LOUTCOM TBSf MAKEUCOMTBSf MKDIRCOMTBSf "NANYCOM TBSf +PATHCOM TBSf 4PAUSECOMTBSf=PLAYCOM TBSfQPOKECOM TBSfYPWLOKCOMTBSfwQOPYCOM TBSf READCOM TBSfRENCOM TBSfRUNCOM TBSfSCRAMCOMTBSfSLEEPCOMTBSf TIMECOM TBSfTREECOM TBSfUNLCOM TBSfUSERSCOMTBSf VIEWCOM TBSf WDIRCOM TBSf WHOCOM TBSfWRITECOMTBSf COM_RUN 0 f COMS TXTfhCOMS DOCf {COMS LSTf#DOS SYSf6DUP SYSfTBAS AR0fmRESCOM TBSf!tDD3CLCOMTBSfDDSHOCOMTBS-@f6?%02f@)@4 nAR8@29C:,A@ C9C:,A `K(\9C:r},A `d(n A  A 2O/(#˺Ġˠ (c) nbs 19932(C( Parameters:;(# passwos}rd [title] [echo character]C( ? ( Q% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gt}A0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7g=y}SAVE"D:QOPYCOM.TBS":RUN6-I:f,&A++;A ,;A ,;,;A z}, ( 0.0 NBS 1993(Y1;A0,;A0,;A0,;A0,B67A0,.Y9 A!C:,A0{}7g:,@(A'F:Ad, AU()*"@')"@$G-"@)"@2)bAcF} A O9( Parameters:9(! [drive/dir.spec]filename [mode]0(Modes:0( Display ESCape characters}$$( ASCII CR/LF to Atari EOL--(% INPUT text, don't GET(Atari only)I( Key Commands:0( or to pau}seI( or to abort ( Q!Aff!% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,},%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7g>}?SAVE"D:SCRAMCOM.TBS":RUN6-I:f,&A 6}6;A ,;A ,;,;A ,;A , (͠ 0.0 NBS 1993(Y1;A0,;A0,;A0,;A}0,B67A0,.Y9 A!C:,A07gh@fD6-g# 6-f(#g@fD:*.*#68,-f-. Ag"68,-8,%g&.(.~..}F:Ad,"A $(. A /7hg@f A )-g8,0g4 > @E A 'O'(}Š͠ 0.0 (C) NBS 19938( Parameters:'( [destination]8( ? for help ( Q7h-(Error l openin}g output file!7 A ( h% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 }7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO0 6-B:,!h 7g:@2%A#$,D@a(h>:@2}%A#$,dA7 @P A O&#(Ҡ͠ 0.0 (c) NBS 1993&(;( Parameters:;(# [drive/dir}.spec][filename] [dest]( ? for help. ( Q"g h("% D:COM_RUN.TBS O  .6-g , 6-%g,}7<,4 )!@:7g,,%gA0 7,.7<,6-%g A0 QO/ 6-B:,h7h [cmd.]| Modes:| I info. only| V x play "}x" times| P x pause "x"--CALC [dest]| Operations:| Math:| + add| - subtract| * multiply|} / divide| Comparisons: (TRUE/FALSE)| = > < >= <=| Trigonometry: (RADians if val2=0)| COS cosin| SIN sin}e----CD ---CLS--COMP [dest]--COMS [mask] [dest]-DD3VW -DD3CL [time] [mode]--DDIR [mas}k] [dest]-DDSHO [mode]---DEL ---DIR [mask] [dest]--DIRS [mask] [dest]-DPOKE --ECHO [mode] [de}st]| Mode: (Returns current if no "mode")| ON| OFF--EXIT--FIND [mask] [dest]--FONT -GAMES [game]| Games:| } 1 Tic Tac Toe (n/a)| 2 Nums!----GR --LOCK [mask]-LOGIN [user. [p/w.]]--LOGS [dest]--LOUT-MAKEU [user. [p/w.]}]-MKDIR [mode]| Mode:| I x - "Dx:COM_RUN.TBS" jumper--NANY--PATH [mode]| Mode 0: no path-PAUSE [time. [mode]]}| Mode:| N cannot abort--PLAY [spd.] [trax] [size]| Speed: 1-255| Tracks: List of "1"-"9"s (no " "s!)| Size}: Max load size--POKE -PWLOK

[titl] [echo]| Password: To 20 chars| Title: To 20 chars (def:"Sleeping"})| Echo: 1 char (def:[i^T])| Keys:| [BkSpc] backspace| [Del.] erase line--QOPY [sourc [dest] [mode]]| Mode:| S }swap--READ [mode]| Mode:| * Show ESCape chars| A ASCII to ATASCII| I Input, ATASCII only!| Keys:| [^S] q}COM_RUN commands:-----------------0 - 9 - Set default directory ("D:") to root of drives.!file - Run a COM.TBS fil}e or BASIC or TurboBASIC XL file. (COM.TBS appended automatically).file - Same as "!file" ("!" is }optional)._file - Same as "!file" except screen data is saved to SCREEN.DAT, the default I/O device is } switched from "E:ditor" to "D:RESULT.DAT" before the external is RUN, then switched back when you }return to COM_RUN. (It's best to use the [dest] parameters whenever possible, as this can cause } a lockup if an error occurs OR IF THE FILE REQUESTS USER INPUT!!!) NOTE: "_" represents the [INVE}RSE][SPACE][INVERSE] keystrocks. (An inverse space).+file - Run a batch file. (.BAT appended automatically) }.D - Directory list of "D:*.*".E - Exit COM_RUN.TBS.? - Help.I - Info.COM_RUN files:--------------CO!}M_RUN.TBS COM_RUN command line This is the CLI file. It loads and runs the COM.TBS files and runs .BATch files.COM_"}RUN.0 (Extra) command line clock Rename COM_RUN.TBS to COM_RUN.A and rename this file to COM_RUN.TBS and you will ha#}ve a clock appear every time an external program returns to the command line.AUTORUN.BAS TurboBASIC XL Auto-Run This$} program simply loads COM_RUN upon the booting of TurboBASIC XL.COM.TBS Externals:------------------[file] denotes a f%}ile or source file and "D:" is assumed if no drive and/or directory is given.[mask] denotes a filemask (where&} wildcards are used and legal).[dest] denotes a file to create and send results to.[mode] listings may be more'} than one parameter in many cases. (ie "READ TEXT I *" were "I" and "*" are both modes.) Also, th(}ey don't have to be in any order ("* I" is the same as "I *", for example) unless noted.Most COM_RUN fi)}les return help and info when "?" is set as a parameter.Many COM_RUN files return help and info when no parame*}ter is sent.ALARM [time] [mode] This program creates a clock on the screen (set current time with TIME) and waits unt+}il "time" has been reached. Modes: Q - Quit at "time" (don't sound alarm and wait for keypress). N - Don',}t show clock. - - Don't leave until "time" is reached (keypress won't exit). / - Roll time over to 1:00:00 if-} it passes 12:59:59.ANY Small normal COM.TBS file to work off of.APLAY [cmd.] This plays an Animator.} 0.0 .ANM file (best when used with RAMdisk). Modes: I - Show info. only. V x - Play "x" times. P x - Pause/} "x" between plays.CALC [dest] This calculates mathematical operations. Operations: Math: 0} + - Add "val1" and "val2". - - Subtract "val2" from "val1". * - Multiply "val1" and "val2". / - Divide 1}"val1" by "val2". Comparisons: = - Return "TRUE" if "val1" = "val2" > - Return "TRUE" if 2} "val1" > "val2" < - Return "TRUE" if "val1" < "val2" >= - Return "TRUE" if "val1" >= "3}val2" <= - Return "TRUE" if "val1" <= "val2" Trigonometry: COS - Return the Cosine of 4}"val1". SIN - Return the Sine of "val1". Degrees assumed unless "val2" = 0. "DIVISION BY 0" is returned5} if "oper" is "/" and "val2" = 0. "FALSE" is returned if comparsion operations are false or the operation is no6}t legal.CD Changes current directory ("D:") to "dir.".CLS Clears the screen.COMP [dest] Co7}mpares "fil1" to "fil2". Data returned: Size of files. Number of different bytes. First different byte.COMS [8}mask] [dest] Lists all "COM.TBS" files (with shorthand names (1 - 5 characters)) when a directory of "mask" is read.D9}D3VW Views a Daisy Dot 2 or Daisy Dot 3 (single-file) font on a Graphics 8 (320 x 200 x 2) screen. Characters :} are wrapped and screen scrolls if filled.DD3CL [time] [mode] Load the "0"-"9" digits from a Daisy Dot 2 or Da;}isy Dot 3 (single- file) font and displays the current time (set time with TIME) using them on a Graphics 8 (320 x 200 <}x 2) screen. Modes: Q - Quit at "time" (don't sound alarm and wait for keypress). - - Don't leave until "=}time" is reached (keypress won't exit).DDIR [mask] [dest] Displays a listing of all directories (marked with ":>}" in a normal directory listing) when a directory of "mask" is read.DDSHO [mode] Displays a Daisy Dot III text?} file (normal ATASCII), but translates DDIII command into highlighted descriptios. (Also shows when under- line is tu@}rned ON and OFF). Mode: N - Don't show codes (just show text which will be outputted literally). KeysA}: [ESC] - abort [Space] - pauseDEL Deletes (a) file(s). No "Are you sure?" prompt!!!DIR [mask] [dest]B} Displays a listing of files when a directory of "mask" is read.DIRS [mask] [dest] Displays a listing of all files iC}n all directories from the current and deeper for files found when a directory of "mask" is read.DPOKE D}Sets two RAM locations ("addr" and "addr"+1) to "val" (0-65535). Uses LSB/MSB conversion.ECHO [mode] [dest] Sets echE}o mode for batch file runs. If mode is omitted, returns current echo mode. Mode: ON - Display commands as they'reF} read from batch file. OFF - Don't display commands.EXIT Fades screen and exits COM_RUN.FIND [mask] [dest]G} Displays a listing of all directories from the current and deeper in which files are found when a directory of "maskH}" is read.FONT Loads and sets OS character set to the font loaded.GAMES [game] Loads Game menu. You must beI} logged in as a valid Game user. (Your name must be listed in "GAMES.DAT".) Games: 1 - Tic Tac Toe (not implementedJ}) 2 - Nums!GR Turns on graphics mode "mode". (Add 16 for no text window. Add 32 for no clear screen.)LOCK}K [mask] Locks (protects) (a) file(s).LOGIN [user. [p/w.]] Logs you in as a user. (Your name must be listed in "USERL}S.DAT" (see MAKEU) and your password must be correct.)LOGS [dest] Displays a list of user activities (displays formM}atted "LOG.DAT"). Delete LOG.DAT to restart LOGS list.LOUT Logs current user out.MAKEU [user. [p/w.]] Creates a newN} user (adds to "USERS.DAT").MKDIR [mode] Creates a new directory. Mode: I x - Creates a small "COM_RUN.TBSO}" file within the new directory so that a CD (change dir.) to it will let you work from P} within the directory. ie- COM_RUN.TBS will still be found. The COM_RUN.TBS within directorQ}ies simply load and run COM_RUN.TBS on the root of drive "x".NANY Small "some users only" COM.TBS filR}e to work off of. (Create a "file.DAT" with the list of legal users.)PATH [mode] Sets Path to the root of drive "modeS}" or turns path searching off if "mode" is 0. "PATH.DAT" should be on the root of drive "mode" and should contain a T}list of drive/directories to search when loading COM.TBS files. (Note: For root drives, simply list "Dx", not "Dx:".)U}PAUSE [time. [mode]] Pauses system. If time is 0, waits for keypress. Mode: N - Cannot abort with keypress.PLAY V} [spd.] [trax] [size] Plays a digitized (Parrot) sound file. (If it is not Parrot, include "size" so only that muW}ch data will be loaded and played.) - Speed ranges from 1 (fastest) to 255 (slowest). Default: 54 - Tracks is a lisX}t of digits (1-9) listing which tracks to play (if it is a parrot file). No spaces! Default: "1" - Size is howY} much of the file to load. If it is above free RAM, it will be reduced to free RAM's size. Default: Whatever thZ}e Parrot file says the size is.POKE Sets RAM location "addr" to "val" (0-255).PWLOK

[titl] [[}echo] Locks system. Captures screen, screen colors, cursor position and cursor on/off flag. Then clears screen, and\} sets it to black. "titl" will appear on the screen randomly until a key is pressed. When a key is pressed a window w]}ill appear. Enter the password to exit the program (characters typed will be echoed back with the character given as "^}echo"). If the password is incorrect the program resumes with the blank screen. If the password is correct, the scre_}en is restored. - Password: Up to 20 characters. - Title: Up to 20 characters. Default: "Sleeping" - Echo: 1 charac`}ter. Default: [i^T] (inverse closed ball) Keys: (during password entry) [BkSpc] - backspace [Del.] - erasea} lineQOPY [sourc [dest] [mode]] Copies "sourc" file to "dest". Mode: S - Swap disks between read/writes.READ [mode] Reads a (text) file onto the screen. Mode: * - Show ESCape (editor) characters A - ASCII to ATASCII (CRc}/LF) translation. I - Input (faster load), ATASCII only! Keys: [^S] or [SPACE] - pause [^X] or d}[ESC] - abortREN , Renames a file(s) to (a) new name(s).RES Views the RESULTS.DAT file after a rediree}cted output was done with an external COM.RUN Runs a BASIC or TurboBASIC XL file.SCRAM [sourc [dest] [mode] [pf}/w.]] Copies "sourc" file to "dest" and scrambles it (Exclusing ORing) with "p/w." Mode: S - Swap disks between rg}ead/writes.SLEEP Blanks screen, waits for keypress.TIME [time] Sets or displays current time. - Time: Numeric charah}cters (0-9) with ":"s allowed but ignored. Must be 6 digits.TREE [dest] Displays a list of directories within the i}current, indenting depending on deepness of directories.UNL Unlocks (unprotects) (a) file(s).USERS [user] [desj}t] Lists users whose name match the (partial) name "user".VIEW [mode] Views a 62-sector uncompressed graphick}s file. - File: Enter "=" for a file name to view the last screen without clearing or loading. Mode: (Default: 9) l} 8 - Graphics 8 (320 x 192 x 2) 9 - Graphics 9 (80 x 192 x 16grey) 15 - Graphics 15 (160 x 192 x 4)WDIR [mask] [m}dest] Displays a two-column listing of files when a directory of "mask" is read.WHO [dest] Displays the currently ln}ogged-in user's name.WRITE [mode] Creates a text file, getting input from keyboard (no more than three physio}cal lines before [RETURN]s!) Mode: A - Append.Example files:--------------ANIM .ANM Animation file made with p}Animator. View it with APLAY.ROMAN2 .NLQ Daisy Dot 2 printer font. View it with DD3VW.OLDENGC .NLQ Daisy Dot 3 }or [SPACE] pause| [^X] or [ESC] abort---REN ,---RES---RUN -SCRAM [sourc [dest] [mode] [p/w.]]| Mor}de:| S swap-SLEEP--TIME [time]--TREE [dest]---UNL -USERS [user] [dest]--VIEW [mode]| File: "=" to views} the last screen| Mode: (def: 9) | 8 Graphics 8| 9 Graphics 9| 15 Graphics 15--WDIR [mask] [dest]---WHO [dest]t}-WRITE [mode]| Mode:| A AppendExample files:--------------filename.ext File type: Use with------------u} ----------------- --------ANIM .ANM Animator 0.0 file APLAYROMAN2 .NLQ Daisy Dot 2 font DD3VWOLDENGC .NLQ Daisy Dot v}3 font DD3VWTEXTPRO .FNT OS font FONTLOG .DAT Log file LOGSPWS .DAT Password data USERSPAw}TH .DAT Path list PATHTOOSEXY .DIG Digitized sample PLAYSOUNDS .DIG Digitized tracks PLAYREADME .TXT ATASCIx}I text READREADME .ASC ASCII text READSCRAM .TXT Scrambled file SCRAMBILL1 .GR9 Graphics 9 image VIEWy}GIRL .GR8 Graphics 8 image VIEWRENSTIMP.G15 Graphics 15 image VIEW.BATch files:-------------File: Working with:---z}-- ---------------------------------PLAY SOUNDS.DIG & TOOSEXY.DIGSCRAM SCRAM.TXT making UNSCRAM.TXTVIEW BILL1.GR9 GIRL.G}COM_RUN commands:-----------------0 - 9 !file file [ivs]file+file D E ?ICOM.TBS External|}s:------------------ALARM [time] [mode] ANYAPLAY [cmd.] CALC [dest] CD CLS COM}}P [dest] COMS [mask] [dest]DD3VW DD3CL [time] [mode] DDIR [mask] [dest]DDSHO [mode] ~}DEL DIR [mask] [dest] DIRS [mask] [dest]DPOKE ECHO [mode] [dest] EXIT FIND [mask] [dest] FONT GAMES [game] GR LOCK [mask]LOGIN [user. [p/w.]] LOGS [dest] LOUTMAKEU [user. [p/w.]]MKDIR [mode]} NANY PATH [mode]PAUSE [time. [mode]] PLAY [spd.] [trax] [size] POKE PWLOK

[titl] [echo] QOP}Y [sourc [dest] [mode]] READ [mode] REN , RES RUN SCRAM [sourc [dest] [mode] [p/w.]]SLEEP }TIME [time] TREE [dest] UNL USERS [user] [dest] VIEW [mode] WDIR [mask] [dest] WHO [dest]WRITE [}N@ )?HI   Y0`HIJH)* J j *  hJJJ)HJ   h i   }  YS S0 i`  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@H J3x}j2h)1 |9 ӭ45(420 * (0241өX.`  ? *^)Lkl  }k*PE 5 LN(G 2 gh ` ghgL ( 2 L<(0d( L ^E0O +)$IC} H @8 f e h q  |_ 8cd CDL> CFa M  L< ?^)La`2'}")*F$F$F$F$F$ 5 )ШF/Șa]`efС,L>/A! A^)Za`@ ܬ/^)(}")")`$F$F$F 5$/L /aF@__(LN`ae$$%8(`()` ? % 2L< ?^)^>_f i ;g}Ch) qkl5\   Zc[d 4akl L>@^LZ>_ 3L kJjjj^^ e} fE]_agh`L>:$ȱ$@+[_#{ %  Խji! ai % 2 I  } J C H h  ˰ %  ;  q LZ 2  ,  H `L> ,/ % k/ q Ơ?} ѩ/ | H /L_0?MdLc 3_MfLe N`aL<L>cLdMaNL< }?"(+ըHH`Q R !   $ . FȑF! /GF \H"+0+* }! 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Set Verify Flag  @莻}( 0  =Select Item ( for menu):@  =ɛL)1L,*L,:W@ ,,L=No such item!}L), -0{ ПFull directory name?Z"L.Directo}ry to be used as 'D:'? @ A(5)L.(I: 輿ȱޝL), CInvalid directory!L@( }(0Le-File source, destination? '( @C۩wڭ8wܭC B8'0 @(ߍeލd(DЍ( ? 8' }B Bȱޙ':>Ȍ(C0J* .B 9'ȱ/.* #,ɛȝ9' ߰ B |?,(0L), 'u}t(9'3?&' .'Ƚ9'?&'  .و'Q?''(#( = =-->' =Q} =YR_o (J(  0?B݋''BJ)`''utz0( ?(L|0L),L@nDisk to FORMAT: }A B(UTލ1 =(Press for Enhanced Dns)Type to Format Drive 1: =AIYZNj[R VL@L)},D2:DUP.SYSDrive to write DOS files to? AH1:*J)2I) Z B hpI) ?<2UT}C٩vة۩.کL;Source, Destination (Sectors)? A)((8'( A)((((( @(0% =Insert b}oth disks, type = B( A((/( DB(( CDrives not compatible!J(j(8'Hh''}h(ɛy CInvalid options! 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View it with DD3VW.TEXTPRO .FNT Atari OS style font. Install it with FONT.LOG .DAT Log file. } View it with LOGS.PWS .DAT Pass word file. View it with USERS. Add to it with MAKEU. Current users: "GUEST"} - Password: " " ([SPACE])PATH .DAT Path file.TOOSEXY .DIG Raw sampled sound made with Parrot. Hear it with PLAY}.SOUNDS .DIG Tracked sampled sounds made and saved as tracks with Parrot. Hear it with PLAY.README .TXT Sample} ATASCII text file. Read it with READ.README .ASC Sample ASCII text file. Read it with READ.SCRAM .TXT Scram}bled ATASCII text file. Unscramble it with SCRAM (or use SCRAM.BAT) and read it with READ. (NOTE: SCRAM.BAT creates a n}ew output file: UNSCRAM.BAT.)BILL1 .GR9 Digitized graphics 9 image created with ComputerEyes. View it with VIEW.}GIRL .GR8 Digitized graphics 8 image created with ComputerEyes. View it with VIEW.RENSTIMP.G15 Digitized grap}hics 15 image created with ComputerEyes. View it with VIEW..BATch files:-------------PLAY BATch file to play all }sounds from SOUNDS.DIG and the sound from TOOSEXY.DIG. Load it with "+PLAY".SCRAM BATch file to unscramble SCRAM.TXT} and save it was UNSCRAM.TXT. Load it with "+SCRAM" and view UNSCRAM.TXT with READ.VIEW BATch file to view all thr}ee graphics files. Load it with "+VIEW".--------------------------------------Thank you for checking out COM_RUN!If yo}u liked this or at least like theconcept of this type of user-friendlyCommand Line Interface, please keepyour eyes open fo}r the release ofScotchDOS, the DUP.SYS replacement forMyDOS!Please upload this! It's freeware!---------------------------}-----------Bill Kendrick New Breed Software59 Palm Lane Novato, CA 94945-----------------------------------} "PhBill"phbill@cyberden.uucp "NewBreed"------------------------------------------y