› There are several differences›between BLUE C and ACE C. The ACE C›compiler runs 10 to 15 times faster,›especially when using #define's. ›The Linker runs 4 to 5 times faster›and the execution time of programs›is about twice as fast. To maximize›speed ACE C eliminates the following›checks:›1) Eliminates check for different›versions. If you link an ACE C›".CCC" file with DEEP BLUE C's›DBC.OBJ your computer will crash.›2) Eliminates check for the stack›overwritting into the screen.›3) Eliminates check for division by›zero.››Here are the more noticeable›differences between the two›compilers:›1) ACE C does not allow imbedded›comments or comments to continue to›the next line.›2) ACE C does not allow the tab›character to be used as a space.›3) ACE C does accept programs with›line numbers.›4) ACE C does do constant evaluation›at compile time.›5) ACE C asm is VERY different then›BLUE C. Don't use an assembly›program for BLUE C with ACE C. (See›ASM.TXT)›6) The fprintf function from BLUE C›will work as a printf function in›ACE C. (printf checks to see if an›iocb was included). The printf›function is part of ENGINE.OBJ.›7) Most BLUE C functions have been›rewritten in assembly language and›are part of ENGINE.OBJ. They run›faster, and take up less space.›8) BLUE C loads at $3000; ACE C›loads at $2C00.›9) The psuedo code has been extended›by 27 instructions. These new›instructions are used when FASTC.COM›has been used on a ".CCC" file. ›There is no check for a bad code›caused by a messed up file.›10) The usr(addr,arg1,arg2,...) acts›just like the asm function. (See›ASM.TXT)›››