› CFORMAT.COM is a means for›formatting your C programs. Run it›using the "L" option from DOS. ›CFORMAT.COM will normalize the›filename you give it with ".C". The›backup option creates a file with›the extension ".BAK" and then copys›your original file to›"filename.BAK". This enables you to›retrieve the original from›filename.BAK. CFORMAT examines all›of your program that is not›surronded by quotes or comments and›makes the following changes:›1) Replace all tabs with spaces (the›compiler won't accept tabs).›2) The lines following a $( will be›indented 2 spaces until the closing›$).›3) The instruction "asm" will be›indented 2 spaces.›4) Lines after a "case" or a›"default" will be indented 2 spaces›until a "break;" is encountered. ›Note: you can end a "case" or›"default" with a "return" or›"continue", which CFORMAT will not›interpret to be the end of the›case/default statement. You can get›around this by ALWAYS ending a›"case" or "default" with a "break;",›even if there was already a›"continue;" or "return;".›5) All spaces at the beginning of›the line are removed except for the›indenting described in 2, 3, and 4. ›Multiple spaces within a line will›be replaced by a single space.›6) || and && will have a single›space around them.›7) If a /* is found, a check is made›to see if there is a */ before the›end of the line. If not, it will›put a /* at the beginning of the›next line if there isn't one›already. This continues until the›next */ is found. If none is found,›the entire program will be turned›into a large comment. (A good›reason for using the provided›back-up option.)› The following control codes may›be inserted in you source code for›special effects:›1) If a control N is used,›everything through the next return›is deleted. (This is a way to›combine two lines)›2) If a control M is used, it is›replaced with a return character,›thereby creating a new line.› The source for CFORMAT is in›the CFORMAT.C file so that you can›customize the program.›››