Floating point numbers used here are really char strings dimensioned to six›places. ex: char float1[6],float2[6]. I admit it is very cumbersome changing›from strings to floats and back again but if you want floats with CC65 as it›stands this seems to be the only alternative. The functions and a brief›description of each follows:›› ascii = a number in string format.› float = a six place char array for fp storage.› int = integer›› atofp(ascii,float) convert string to float› fptoa(float,ascii) convert float to string› itofp(int,float) convert integer to float› int=fptoi(float) convert float to integer› fpadd(a,b,c) a+b=c where a b and c are floats› fpsub(a,b,c) a-b=c› fpmul(a,b,c) a*b=c› fpdiv(a,b,c) a/b=c›› These functions do no checking to see if the input is actually a number so› your routine should do that before calling any of the fp functions.›› If you have any problems either send me mail (J.FULLER) or reply to CAT 3› TOP 48.›› There are no copyrights on these functions and they may be used and› distributed freely.››› James C. Fuller› 9-1-90›