›FP65 1.0 for CC65››February 1993››By Duane Tribe,›120 112th St.›Orofino, ID 83544›››OVERVIEW››FP65 a collection of routines for›CC65 in object-library form that that›give C programs access to the floating-›point routines in the Atari ROMs.›This is version 1.0, released February›1993.››The routines were developed on an Atari›800XL expanded via the ICD RamboXL›expansion running SpartaDOS X 4.20.››The files in the FP65 package (except›the non-FP65 routines in C0F1.OLB) are›copyright 1993 by Duane Tribe. The›package can be freely distributed, but›the files listed in the manifest below›must be included in their original›form. No fee may be charged for this›package other than a nominal media›charge. There is no warranty of any›kind for this software.›››MANIFEST››C0F1.OLB 26423 2-05-93 2:16p›› The new object library, containing› the FP65 functions added to the file› C.OLB from the CC65 distribution.››ERROR.H 521 5-08-90 12:13a›› Include file defining the names of› FP65 functions for use in error› reporting.››EXPOSE.COM 4672 7-31-91 8:17p›› A program to print out the six bytes› of a floating-point number in C hex› format.››FP65DOC.ESC 19288 2-24-93 2:45p›FP65DOC.TXT 18452 2-24-93 2:52p›› The complete documentation for FP65.› Includes tips on how to use floating-› point math in your CC65 programs and› details about each FP65 function.› The .ESC version includes Epson ESC/P› codes, the .TXT version does not.››MATH.H 2386 2-24-93 3:48p›› Include file for FP65, defines useful› constants.››README 1857 2-24-93 3:52p›› This file››QUICKREF.TXT 1898 2-10-93 1:50p›› FP65 function quick reference.››SUM.BAT 55 2-05-93 2:49p›SUM.C 283 2-05-93 2:43p›SUM.LNK 35 2-05-93 2:45p›› A short floating-point example from› the FP65 documentation.›