!! +AR@ (}(,,($SCREENS is a device, just like P: or2++(# K: and interacts with BASIC using<++(# standard I/O, e.g. GET and PRINT.F(P--(%SCREENS supports nine units, from W1:Z( to W9:.d,,($Each unit is opened, closed and usedn( independently.x++(#Each unit maintains its own cursor,''( offset, size, character size,&&( character base pointer, etc.(,,($These characteristics can be read or++(# modified using the NOTE and POINT( commands.(++(#Three XIO commands are supported by( SCREENS.,,($XIO 100 is used to select the action--(% to be taken in response to the NOTE( and POINT commands.%%(XIO 101 draws a window frame.))(!XIO 102 inverts the graphics data( within the window.AdAU" F:Ad,"AUA, (}6<<( XIO 100,#1,NPPTR,0,>:@4,W:>:@4,@ ( (J,,($This is an example of an XIO commandT,,($ used to control the NOTE and POINT^--(% functions. The effect of the valueh&&( of NPPTR is tabulated below.r ( (|&&( NPPTR NOTE/POINT function(""( 0 window position( 1 window size%%( 2 character position&&( 3 character cell size((( 4 font address & matrix**(" 5 character color & logic))(! 6 input cursor character##( 7 window lock flag&&( 8 store count/address,,($ 9 as above with compression))(! 10 start/retrieve addressAdAU F:Ad,"AUA AdAU + D:HILITES !#(*+-245