› ________________›› SCREENS (v. 1.0)› ________________›› (c) 1986›› Joseph J. Wrobel› 29 Red Cedar Drive› Rochester, NY 14616›››The DOCumentation and programs›included in this diskette are›copyrighted. These files are not›public domain, they are shareware.››As such, they may be copied for›yourself, your users group, BBS's,›etc. However, every file (including›this one) must be included everytime›the software is distributed.››› THE FILES ON SIDE #1› --------------------››› AUTORUN.SYS - "SCREENS" program› file.›› HILITES - BASIC program to list› "SCREENS" highlights.›› DEMO - main BASIC program demo of› "SCREENS".›› COMPUTER.SET - alternate 8x8 font› set used by "DEMO".›› SOFT.SET - alternate 16x16 font› set used by "DEMO".›› ATARI800.WDW - window image file› used by "DEMO".›› GETDEMO - BASIC program to demo› "SCREENS" input› capabilities.›› LOGIC - BASIC program to demo› "SCREENS" special text› modes.›› PUTDEMO - BASIC program to demo› "SCREENS" window› capabilities.›› ARTIFACT.SET - alternate 8x8 font› set used by› "PUTDEMO".›› FONT16 - BASIC program to create› 16x16 font sets.›› README.TXT - The same file you are› now reading.››› THE FILES ON SIDE #2› --------------------›› README.DOC - The file you are now› reading.›› FMANUAL.DOC - DOCumentation file› for "FONT16".›› FMANPRT.BAS - BASIC program to› print "FMANUAL.DOC"› to an 80 column› printer.›› SMANUAL.DOC - DOCumentation file› for "SCREENS".›› SMANPRT.BAS - BASIC program to› print "SMANUAL.DOC"› to an 80 column› printer.››-----------------------------------››As mentioned earlier, the files on›this diskette are shareware. If you›will be using this software, please›consider sending $5 to the address›given above.››For a hardcopy of the source code›for "SCREENS", please send $10›along with your return address to›the address given above.››