›QUICK››The new programming language for your ATARI XL/XE›››This is a disk full of demoprograms that show the unique features of QUICK. On side one there are lots of small programs demonstrating things like VBIs, DLIs, mouse control (put a ST mouse in port 2), Blitter, floating point arithmetic, digitized sounds and more.››On side 2 there are 3 demoversions of games that are available from PPP. All these games are written in QUICK.››(This archive is the side two).›››QUICK and the games (german or english versions) are available from:››PPP›Postfach 1640›W-7518 Bretten›Germany›››In GB and Ireland you can get QUICK and the games from:››Dean Garraghty›62 Thomson ave.›Balby›Doncaster›DN4 0NU›››››Harald Schoenfeld›Email: mppi76@cd4680fs.rrze.uni-erlangen.de›››Note: Some programs may not work on NTSC or on ATARI 1200XL computers.››