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Lb6LU6Er }ror Reading Option Block6: Y- .IL60m%50iL60m%50iL60m%50iL }960m%50i`LL66T6U6TUL6>6 Y-6IL 7L7 ˠ7 F-L7L-7 Ҡ 7# Y-6 }IL_7LU7Non-Existent Device7A F-L76IL7L{7File Not Found7l F-L76IL7L7Device Timeout (not on)7 F-L7 }ǭ6L7L7 堺 7 Y-6 .L7κ Continue/Retry7 F-L8à Abort Program7 F- 466IL.8 ,6 }ILa8TULI88C Y-6T6U60`L8Lh8800006+6+d8d8L8d8 S-d8L8L8E: }Dž8 -01m111m1100IL80L800L8K:8 -`0L9 , 9L9DX:99 9 } =0 9i9i0i0 9 99 9 2L`9.BKU9[9 9 2`Ls9 S-L~9E:9{ -R'SRUTL9( } ҠŠӠԠϠҠ5򠱮9 F-TL:(N㩠堢9 F-TL7:# A Source Drive } ,E Target Drive: F-Lf:$ B Source File2 \I Format Target:A F-L:$ C Config Drivea R Start Restore:p F-L:# } D List Files AZ Quit to Mach: F-Ti00i0`t FileE0L: ,:::: 3::L?;:m:8 }5:e:i:: :L;`1 0i1- r=Ro90L[; ,N;;SO;N; `.R;S1-;R;L;iR;m08P;e }'Q;iL;0A;L;(AZ;;J =0L<(堠n栩; }ǣ;w =0@;@;LG< m@;w;@;L(<0iT;0m00i)ILy=M=A=AL=ZM=A=M=A=0L=9M=A=L=L>M=A=aL>zM=A=L>M=A=)߮M=A=L>`M=L==A }G0 =0`L>L(> Enter Drive> F- ->>ILH>`0>Lv>9>Lv>8>0>z>Lv>>`L/>>1S>G> } L>`L>y>80TL>*0ݢ> 90ݩ ->{ -y>IL> - -y>y>L>L> > Y-|>I L/?}>I  }L/?z> z>L,?z>{> -z>L?y>L> S-UERLK?RUT 4`LR?0iTLf?ERROR: ?] Y- -L? at sector ? }ǩv Y-   . 4`L?L? Enter Drive? F- -??I ?IL?`0͖?L@9͖?L@8?0?z͖?L@0m? }0iL@L@L?U0iTL&@D@$ Y-? -LD@ : A. Sides: @6 Y-0m?0iILw@Lm@Two@i Y-L@L~@One }Ǣ@z Y-UL@ B. Density: @ Y-0m?0iIL@L@Double@ F-L@L@Single@ F- 4??IL>A0m? }ǭ0iILA?LA?0m?0i?? (5LA?ILA0m?0i0m?0i8񮅢 }ǡ? (5LA?I ?ILALA ;L@ q4L?`1LA0LTB0ݢ0 90ݩ -0LA S-`A }ǩ S2AͣALHBAAA]0LBBL.BBad Back up FileB Y- 4 S-`ALAA0A0`cB ALdB0iLqB }Bo @4ZBYB0ILBȌZBYBZBYB11 _,[B\BZBYB\B[B *,]B^B^B]B11 S2\B[ }B11111m[B11m\B10iLCC @40TUL?C Sectors: C5 Y-11 -81YB_B }ǭ1ZB`BLzC-Cx Y-_B`B -\B[B`nBoB=LC ,C0CCC C P0m }00iILDͨCCLD L$D  SL9D O?``111DX:FDLPD AL[D`KDiLD }i0m0LDPut Diskette into Drive Dw Y-0 . 4000 (5 ;0ILDULD Formatting D Y-LDKD F- }ǤLDKD - q40ILECDBDLECDBDU0T aBEDDDL5EE30 @4DD EDLQELE11 }?D>D1i11i111?D>D C1mBD11mCD11M1 1M1LQELEE0 @4L#E`LEEEE }E8'񮅠EE0 @4`子LF00Í0 e8 p9 q4 ;0 4EEIL`FL>F F1 E >EEIL]FE }Ǎ0LGEILFLyF Fm E N=LGEILFLF F E ?LGEILFLF F E >LGEIL }GGLF F E >EEILGE0LGEI L G800LGEILQG0LNGLDG G7 E MDLGE }ILGL~GHit Š if you really wantG^ F-LGto quit and return to MachDosG F- 4EEILG ,LF``ELA+ y?+C (c)1983 Action Computer Services C B JKIHiDiELV`LA+}dž A+ BLV`DL++l L+ &` Fj`8冨凪` +EӅӥ} +`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` +ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ , ,L+ +'&&&8儨児 }祂*L+&&*ń8&&L+ _,`hihiHHȱȱL+c !#3`l!} L+J`H +h`Hȩh v+L, +L, )+L, 1+L, 7+H8"},`HhHh f-L,0 BHI V䅠L, L- A+L,Ԇ ؠPIPP#}` -P 1+L, -L- -L- .L-H- -8塪墨hL . &.L- -.L- -ȹP$}`텠8堨塪 -芨Oȩ-`PP -P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H%}ǥ & &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ -&*i0:0i -Ʀ`¢ &}_护°ڱ%ȱ%E -Lg/担CS Y-Lg/I &.Lg/H !/Lg/ -Lg/c &B V ,NLM'}ȑ` MLN%B VL,Ѣ 10`ȱѢĦ`膡``ť(}Ƥe8夰LG0 Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊LK0ctZоHWC0- )}SctZL=$04045BYTE Cons0-$D01FPi@ Drvtbl=$087E,PJz~ L<18181 ` LV1 ,M1*}O1P1Lp1`M1N1R1ȌQ1O1P111Q1L1R1mQ1M1eN1iO1mQ1P1iQ1L1M1+}DžN1O1P1R1q`G>0123456789ABCDEFL 2 ,1m111111 S1`KL:2 ,3232 _,625,}24262 232)5242 2`I`H L}2 ,r2t2u22w2rv2v2w2y2v2w2v2w2x2u2t2x2 72u2-}C t2y2 72`J2L222222222 z222 Y-`mO3L&33!3"3"3!33 72"3!3 Y-`.}.G`2LX3 ,O3US3TT3O3UP3TR3Q3 Y-S3UT3T`L30TUL3 Q3 F-0T`,L3 -33IL3`L/}33IL3`L33 e8a`3L3L4Hit Π to continue3 F-33L64 33L!4 3`3L@4 ,:4:40}Ǎ ;4ILa4L4;4ILs4L4L4StDrv: Invalid Side spec->4v Y-;4 . 3<4IL4L5<4IL41}L5L4StDrv: Invalid Density spec->4 Y-<4 . 3 L?5L25Error Writing Option Block5 Y- . 2}Lw5Lj5Error Reading Option Block5O Y- .IL541m:451iL541m:451iL521m:43}Ǯ31iL521m:431i`-L555L65 S-5L5L 6E: 6 -00IL660L;604}g0Ȍ00ύ0LT6K:6Q -`Li6 S-Lt6E:6q -R'SRUTL6(myˠ}5}򠱮6 F-TL6(2[㩠堢6 F-TL-7# A Drive Ae F First Sector7 F-TL6}\7" B Drive B CL Last Sector79 F-TL7& C Start CompareG eJ Configure Drive7h F-TL7p Z Quit to Mac7} h7 F-Ti00i0`Y-6$0L7 ,77Ӯ77 `.77887L88b7m087e7i77 8}P7L70m70`LF80TU0 F-0iT1 F-`h80 0Lt8L8(ؠөch렺o8w0 =0L9} 8(ºؠө+81 =00i00i100֮00 70000֮00 741m:}Ǽ051i)ILO90LT9041m051i)IL}9 1L9 121m031iIL9č0L9Ӎ;}021m031iIL9č 1L9Ӎ 1 C8`TLL9999L9Sector: 9 Y- -99IL:`9Ls:9<}0Ls:99Ls: 99 *,m9i80999 -99IL:9L:99`9I~L:9L:=}ǭ9 -899 99 _,99L9`iL:L: Enter Drive: F- -::IL ;`0:LV;9:LV;8>}:0:z:LV;01m:11iLV;: 91:`L:[; ,N;Ld; ,Y; 3L;Mismatch Sector: ;p Y-Z;Y; -L; , Offs?}Get=; Y-[; #3`;_;80;0;;_;;`;L^=== = R@C}21m=31iIL===L= L=  SL= <`21m=31iIL>=i==i=D}L!>=i==i===L[=`F- ->L<>.>21m031iILe>Ȍ00Lm>0000>0/>0>0>>/E}>>0>L@@8.>"00֢.> 7 C8L>>0 U3000>/>0 =L>>ݮ0 U30iL>> U3F}ǭ000>/>0 =0iL*??( U36>5>->->L,@/>m->0>iLv?4>3>L?803>0G}Ǎ4>2>1>3>?4>??1>?2>L@?5>m1>7>6>m2>8>0m7>0m8>0m7>0m8>QL@/>m->0>i7>H}Ǧ a;1>Ў2>L?5>m05>6>m06>->LB?/>i/>0>i0>L>`s: LG@LV@ Enter Drive@J F- -A@A@I A@ILy@`0A@I}ǐL@9A@L@8A@0A@zA@L@01mA@11iL@L@L]@U0iTL@D@ Y-A@ -L@ : A. Sides: @ Y-41mJ}A@51iIL"ALATwoA Y-L0AL)AOneA% Y-ULDA B. Density: A7 Y-21mA@31iILzALpADoubleAi F-LK}NjALASingleA} F- 3B@B@ILA41mA@51iILAC@LAC@21mA@31iC@A@ =4LABB@IL-BL}41mA@51i21mA@31i8񮅢A@ =4LABB@I B@ILABLGB q8L@ 3LG@`ALTB000 5 f6 3 q8 3NBM}ǭNBILB :NBNBILBNB0LCNBILB :NBNBILBNB0LCNBILB 9>LCNBILC 9PBOBOBI PBIN}LCPB0OB0LCNBI L:C 9PBOBOBI PBIL7CPB0OB0LCNBI LJC D@LCNBILCLwCHit Š if you O}really wantCW F-LCto quit and return to MachDosC F- 3NBNBILC ,LdB``QBHiDiELV`LA+Z@Pu0 (c)1983 Action Computer Services D B JKIHiDiELV`L:Q}GP :P BLV` LPPl LP &` Fj`8冨凪` PEӅӥR}RDŽ P`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` PƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ Q QLP P'&&&8儨S}ǐ祂*LP&&*ń8&&LP XQ`hihiHHȱȱLPc !#3`T}l LPJ`H Ph`Hȩh oPLQ xPLQ "PLQ *PLQ 0PH8U}-`HhHh _RLQ1 BHI V䅠LQ LR :PLQԆ ؠPIPV}P` RP *PLQ RLR RLR SLRH- R8塪墨hLS SLR &SLR RȹPW}`텠8堨塪 R芨Oȩ-`PP RP棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80X}H & &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ R&*i0:0i RƦ`¢ Y}`护°ڱ%ȱ%E RL`T担CS RRL`TI SL`TH TL`T RL`Td &B V QNLZ}Mȑ` MLN%B VLQѢ *U`ȱѢĦ`膡``ť[}ǰƤe8夰L@U Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊LDUHhƣ\}>Ģ`ƥĤ`0x|>|x0Dv8pp8?z]} ? !!))--2>zfzLSW>Yacinty}^}3 0~~0 ~~ 8|TT|8?AzzEqpppp$~~$$~~$$t\Hfl0fF ^N ppw<~fB_}Bf~<T|88|T|| &&*,0 0`@<~JR~<"~~"fNZr"DFRznD 4~~tvRR^L<~RR^ @FNXp`,~RR~`} , rRV|8 6676#8lƂ)$l8 `JZp <~BZz:>dd>~~RR~,<~BBf$~~Bf<~~RRRB~~PPP@<~BJNN~~a} ~~BB~~BB~|~~~~ >""" ~~>**:>~PP=%%c}C?>~~^^_^~~B~~>>8>>> >>"">??$$<<$$??>> 0:**.$ |~""<>>>8<<88d}d%>>8"66"9=><"&.:2":~~:)+/;||px^N8|AV|8χ\Ǐe}??!%%--119?9AAEEJV煙dkoqyf} KQQρǃ遲WY]ہہۋ))ϙg} E4Á遲ǃ88>>BDHϟÁ݁ݙˁq}PQddC BjMACH +SYSB1nCONFIGUR BCBACKUP0 _N(* vTHEN PrintE(" not found")>_^ THEN Print("˺")= Print("z")x}%= THEN PrintE("ˠ")<}y}*12}z};<*cll )p BH{}ǝIJKED V^`H h`hL}`L```ILaII IL`L aILaI|}iL\a R``IL1a`LYa`ILCa`LYa` i8a`Lta8Ѝ`ЭILja``mLazaT{aU|a}} TULaa RRzaILaLa ˠa ?RL|bLa Ҡ a RRzaILbLaNon-existent Devicea ?RL|bzaI~}L1bL'bDevice not turned onb ?RL|bzaILWbLMbFile not foundb> ?RL|bzaL|bLob CIO number: bb RRza RLbԠ}c Continue/Retryb ?RLbà Abortb RR `}a}aI }aILb}aILb QTULbgb RR{aT|aUza }^`L c `c`Lc ^TL.c )1c! RR`9LAc7c6c6c7c #Q:c;cO^N^ YRc:}u `=c6c7ccc=cLc6cm=c7ci #Q8c9c^m8c^m9c `=cLc`yLc}cc^cccLd`ccc>d>dcLdcɖLidccmccic^LdLdPrtBin: Illegal} Call dl RRcc RLd d RR^ R c`cL3dcc^q^`Lddddd c^ >c^ R}`}}TLe QddLeddeLfd}md8eddeLufL1fPrtBinSE: Illegal Call f RRdd RLRf fP RRd RLdf fb RRd }C[R c`eeLfdeeffeLfedmediedeLfedd d``fLfffff QSff c}`$fLfffff QSff d`,RgLggggggg YSgg c`ZAgLLg@g?gHgGg@g?g YSHgGg }d` pgL|g Qmgwgvgngmg YSvgwgogLgȌxgvgwg8ogggxgLgLg g cxgLgwgvg }c`LggLgPage: g cgILh^ fLh^ f`Lh R ^ ^ ^Lh_ d g ^^ R`LOh^L\h h^^}  gLqh &hl c_ d^ cLh / h c^0 d_ d^ ^`Lh LRLhE: h RR'SR}UTLi($ɠ(?򠳮h ?RTLHi(U㩠堢i ?RTRRULsi} $ File Name :i^ ?RTLi) G Gen Line #s :i ?RTLiL f Set Titlei ?RTLik Quit to DOSi }?RTLiԠ Printingi ?RTi ^Ti ^`Lj^LOjT j^4j4j jLOj jU j^I R jL)j0^L}E jTULtj jd RRTU^0 RRTU^LjLjNo j RRLjLjYesj RR)`P U(P`_j}Q(jLj(jjLk jjkk jLk j_I jP` jLj ^TULNk(yk%}& ?RU ^iT`P RRU ^iTLk(Nkw ?R`Lk^ ^T RULk Enter Da}te: k RR^ R^Lk`Lk0^@ ^T RUL"lEnter File Name: l RR^0 R0^Lk`LDl_}Ǿ ^T RULll Enter Title:l_ ?R(_ R͟_LNl`LlaPaPl͍lLll LRlLl5^: ^}^ U^0 U^P U^ U*_ U^i____ UL(mK:m% R`L@m;m:m}ǭ:m;m configured the drive as double sided, Mach will use bothG jsides (1427 free sectors or 360K).p qw J. DUP} LICATE DISK. SSimilar to DOS II with one major exception: after you have\ told Mach the source and destinat}ion drives, it will ask you% bif it is a "File" or "Sector" copy. Atari DOS II's "J"k function is the }* same as the "File" option (only those00U ]Page 1} }MACHDOS ver 3.7 =sectors used by files are copied.F GP The Sector option performs a sector by sect}or copy of your ;disk, regardless of the contents.A BH iK. BINARY SAVE. Same as DOS II.o pv L. BINA}RY LOAD. Same as DOS II. !' KM. RUN AT ADDRESS. Same as DOS II.Q RX N. CREATE MEM SAV FILE. Same as DOS} II.  (O. DUPLICATE FILE(s).1 nThe Mach DUP FILE is really a full one drive copy function.w If yo}7u specify wild cards for more than one file, Mach will@ read as many files into memory as it can, then ask you to} Fswitch disks, repeating the process as times as necessary toO fcomplete the request.j The files will b}e processed in ,alphabetical order.2 39 IP. SET DENSITY.R Asks you for the drive number to rev}erse the density :(between single and double).> XThe menu display will bea updated to reflect the new d}ensity.  )Q. CONVERT FILE(s).2 oSimilar to the "O" function with one important difference:x the o}C8utput will be at the opposite density as the input. InA pother words, a single drive density converter!v w} }R. SET DEFAULT DRIVE. \Changes the drive which is to be assigned as D1:. In othere words, if you say the d}%efault drive is 2, then all requests. kfor D1: will be routed to drive 2, and all request for D2:t will be r}4oued to drive 1. Sounds a little confusing, but it= jwon't be after you try it a couple of times.p qw V-SET }WRITE VERIFY. AReverses the current Write verify status.G HN ZX. FIX SYS.c FiX the non-resident por}#tion of Mach in memory. Transfers, ito the cartridge or XL BASIC will have approximately 7k lessr ram, but }2transfers between DOS and the cartridge will take; Tless than a half second.Z Zjj} } Page 21 NMACHDOS Utilities - ver 3.7T U[ \b kCONFIGUR.o This program }% is used to set Mach configuration+ 4options.: ;] fOptions:o py A-[s}et] Active Drives [On/Off]& aDefine the drives you have active. After pressing "A" hitl the digit key }*corresponding to the drive you want to5 ptoggle. Remember, if you use RamDisk, you must make drive{ 4 }active.  0B-[set] File Buffers; vSets the number of 256 byte file buffers. This is the} } ?maximum number of files you can have open at any one timeJ X(try 3 or 4).a bk C-[set] Directory }Sort KCycles through directory sort options (none, Name-Ext,V `Ext-Name)i js D-[set] Sy} stem Lock PToggles the resident console processor switch. Eliminates[ need to access disk when returnin}g to Mach from Basic, or$ ^other cartridge. Uses an additional 7k of memory though.g hq E-[set] Ram } Disk Type PPressing this key cycles thru all supported Memory[ Expansion systems. List current}ly supports none, 130XE,$ _AXLON, MOSAIC, INTEC boards as well as the 800+ and MACEj ymodifications.} }C  %F-[set] Ram Disk Size0 kPressing this key cycles thru the supported Ram Disk Sizesv in 16k} multiples. 4Note: this is the amount of memory? available for the RamDisk. For example, the 130XE has 64k; } Cthe 288k 800+ has 240k for the ram disk (Mach gives youN `950 DD sectors!).i js G-Activate} [deactivate] RamDisk! \Toggles RamDisk switch. Note: this does not effect theg running system, but }% will become effective the next time0 Fthe system is booted.O PY lH-Configure Drivesw Will }5request drive number to configure. After entering@ it, will display current setting for number of sides and } Ddensity. Hitting the number next to sides or density willO toggle that setting. Hitting RETURN will ret} urn to Drive Squestion. Hitting escape or return will go return to main^ jmenu level.s t} }START -Apply Changes to Mach( cMach is modified to conform to the Parameters shown in then menu, and retur}n to the main Mach menu.$ $**P XPage 3t MACHDOS U}tilities - ver 3.7 ZThe changes are only applied to the running version. Youe must use Mach menu o}#ption "H" to make the changes. 9permanent.B CL fSELECT-Quit, don't changeq Return to th}/e main Mach menu without making any changes to: Fthe system.Q R] bNOTE:f any drive configurati}on changes will remain in& .effect.9 :E FL MS ZBACKUP.^ This program is used to copy }disk images into Mach "Files.& \Several disks images can be stored on a single DS/DDb kdiskette.o Really saves o}%n disk storage since most disks dont+ @use the whole thing.F Gj rOptions{ } A-Source Drive" IDefine the drive that is to be copied.R S\ kB-First Sectorv The sta}(rting sector to be copied. default is 11 2; IC-Last SectorT The last sector to be copied. Default }Cis 720 for single Hside, and 1990 for double sided diskettes.Q R[ xD-Read Source (start backup)} } AJust what it says. Starts running the copy. Will notL start if target file name and drive are not set.}  %E-[set] Copy Type0 kToggles between file and sector copy types (see Mach Mainv menu "}4J" function for definition of types). File copies? are normally faster and produce smaller backup image } files. " 1F-Target Drive< oSet drive number to write backup image files onto.x y} } G-Target File YSet Backup image file name. Name only, "BKU" is standardd oextension.x y} } H-Close Target [file]& RDump remaining buffer and close image file.[ \e I-List Files (directory)} 6List all "BKU" files on the target drive.? @I [J-Configure Drivef Same as defined in CONF}IGUR program. ! Options:G HQ aA-[set] Drive Al Defines one of th}'e drives to be used in the comparison.0 1: JB-[set] Drive BU Defines the other drive to be used in th}e comparision. " 2C-Start Compare= RRun the comparison.V xCompares one track at a time} } &(displays current track number)/ 09 GF-First SectorMMs Page 5 } 7MACHDOS Utilities - ver 3.7B nStarting sector for comparison Default is 1w x} } L-Last Sector =Ending sector for comparison.A XDefault is 720 or 1990c depending on SS or DS sect}ors.  *J-Configure Drive5 SSame as the CONFIGUR program.\ ]f Z-Quit [and return] to }Mach   & -PATASC.1 fA very fast print program to print real ATASCIIl characters on m}/ost printers (at least the ones that look like5 uepsons for graphics printing). It also has an intelligent line{ wr}>ap routine, understands BASIC line numbers, and Remarks,D generates line numbers for ACTION, Prints titles, page nu}mbers. 6Very good for programmer documentation.< =C The program initially asks for the current date to be pr}inted Lon the title line. It also asks for the file name and title onR hentry to the program.n o} } Options:& '0 BA-[set] File NameM Enter full file specification with drive, name,  } extension. CFile must be list form of BASIC or MAC/115.L MV yB-[turn] Generate Line #s [off/on]}  } BSet on if file does not have line numbers (eg ACTION orM AMAC files). Program will generate line number } s for each line. QOther wise, it will use the line numbers in the\ pfile right aligned.y  }C C-Set Title EEnter a title up to 90 characters long.N OX tQ-Quit [and return] to Mach}  }  START-start printing* UPrint using the current parameter setting.` `ss} } $Page 6D YMACHDOS Differencesd en ox Mach } Differences.  /1. MENU WINDOW; uThe first thing you will notice is the new menu. The} } >Mach "pull down" menu window is unique among AtariJ operating systems. You can control the menu and d}isplay totally.( )5 oPressing the SELECT function key flips the menu up,{ re}8vealing the display contents which are behind it. TheD next press of SELECT pulls the menu window back down. }  PThere are several new bits of data on the menu. The top\ line shows the version (curren}tly 3.7) and the cpu and% _ramdisk configuration that was set the last time CONFIGURk was ran. Currentl}y, Mach supports 130XE, 800XL, Q800 with MOSAIC, INTEC, AXLON, MACE,_ and 800+ memory expansion syst}ems.  XThe bottom line of the menu shows the status of eachd sactive drive.y The }! display shows the current- gconfiguration of each drive (single or double sided,s single or}0 double density, or not on. Drives can be< nactivated or deactivated by the CONFIGUR utility.z }  +2. ONE KEYPRESS COMMANDS.7 qThe next thing you notice is that selecting a menu} }:option does not require hitting the return key. You canF xnow type non-stop when requesting menu functions.} }   53. INTELLIGENT SYSTEM DISK HANDLER.A iWhenever Mach wants the system diskm (to load the } Dnon-resident part, or to load the Save Mach overlay), itP will instruct you to insert it into drive 1 } (real D1:).  SIt will reset the density to the proper setting for the_ system disk. The system dis}Ck is defined as the one you( 5booted from.A BK LU q4. SAVE SYSTEM TO ANY DISK.} }:Unlike some other Atari operating systems, you canF generate Mach on ANY diskette which is in DOS II or Ma }ch Iformat. It does NOT have to be formatted by Mach, nor doU you have to save space for Mach at forma!}t time.  ( X6. INTELLIGENT CONSOLE PROCESSOR (DUP) HANDLINGd Even if you don't fix Mac"}!h (menu option X), it will check- gif the console processor is intact. If it is, guesss what, no #}0 disk access. By the way, even if Fix is ON,< vMach will reload the console processor if the copy in ram} $} is damaged. ##H PPage 7o MACHDOS Differ%}ences  K12. INTELLIGENT SUPPORT OF DOUBLE DENSITY DRIVESW If you have double density drives that&} will automatically Zswitch density to match your diskette, more good news. f Mach will automatical'}#ly "sense" the density of the disk/ iwhen it opens a file. If the drive automatically sensesu the den(}2sity of the disk, the process is almost instant. > xIf not, (eg Percom doesn't sense drives 2 thru 9) then} )} AMach will try to change density when it detects a readM perror during open file processing.| *}  A8. INTELLIGENT SUPPORT OF DOUBLE SIDED DRIVESM If you have double sided drives Mach will auto+} matically Pconfigure the drive to DS when you open a file from a two\ sided diskette. Conversely, it ,}will configure to single% _sided when a one sided disk is installed. The only k restriction is -}(that the two sided must have been4 Gformatted by Mach.S T] ^g 9. FEWER SYSTEM FILES .}with DIFFERENT NAMES." \The operating system file names are totally different. h There is no DOS.SY/}%S or DUP.SYS files. The only file is1 kMACH.SYS. Also, MEM.SAV has been changed to MEMSAV.SYS. w Even 0}C4though there is only one file, Mach's console@ processor (equivalent to DUP.SYS) is non-resident and 1}1 Cwill be reloaded when necessary. AUTORUN.SYS files areO lprocessed just like DOS 2.0.x y} 2}  *10. MACH.SYS is PROTECTED.6 pYou cannot open D:Mach.SYS from your program. You must| u3}1se the console processor to generate Mach files.= >J Jee} 4}C Page 8 0MACHDOS ver 3.75 NMach DOS Menu functions:T U[ sA. DISK DIRECTORY LIST.| SEE