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(}A@-A ?AR@i\}]-@@!(3-@@?(|Play |Q-@@](n]-@@!(3]}-@@?(|Make |Q-@@ ](s]-@@!(3-@@?(|Edit |Q-^}@@](x]-@@!(3-@@?(|Load |Q-@@](}]-_}@@!(3-@@?(|Look |Q-@@](]-@@!(3-@`}@?(|Samp |Q-@@ ](]-@@!(3-@@?(|Utils|Q-@a}@](]-@@!(3-@@?(|Comp.|Q-@@](]-@b}@!(3-@@ ?(|Keys.|Q-@@!](--@!#-@)(|c}- >-@>($Digital Music Studio. Revision 2.00b0-@@0((c)1989 Dean Garraghty@-@d}@@(&ΠΛ6-@AdAUi"@e}!-@@-(?-@@ K(|Drums|]-@@!i(i"@!-@@f}-(?-@@K(]-@@i("@!-@@-(?-@g}@K(|Play |]-@@i({-@@(K"@!-@@-(h}?-@@ K("@!-@@-(?-@@K(|Make |]-@@ i}i({-@@(K"@!-@@-(?-@@K("j}@!-@@-(?-@@K(|Edit |]-@@i({-@@(k}K"@!-@@-(?-@@K({"@!-@@-(?-l}@@K(|Load |]-@@i({-@@W"@(--@@9(m}K-@@W("@!-@@-(?-@@K(|Look |]-@@n}i({-@@(K"@!-@@-(?-@@ K(o}"@!-@@-(?-@@K(|Samp |]-@@ i({-@@(p}K"@!-@@-(?-@@K("@!-@@-(q}?-@@K(|Utils|]-@@i({-@@(K"@!-@@r}-(?-@@K(i"@ !-@@-(?-@@K(|Comp.|]-@s}@i(i"@ !-@@-(?-@@ K(]-@@!i(t}i"@!-@@-(?-@@ K(|Keys.|]-@@!i(i"@!-u}@@-(?-@@ K(]-@@!i(,&F:B2y,"@&6-%@v}-!@ A. 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( :AdAUU%-@@%( LOAD A TUNEV1-@@$( Filename:1@[_67}@<@,.D:967@<@%B:,,._67@%B:,<@%B:,,..DMS` Ae@g6-@}6-@j @@k AEl@mI-@B:,!7<,4:<6.7%@}<%@,?'I A5n o*67<,.6-%@*6-%@q A1y@{6-@~ A}O-@@-(Problems with disk.A-@APE O AˠԠŮ(-@@}$67<,. ( U@!-@@3( What tune?!?!G-@AK U A '6-@6-@}'6-@( (})W-(%Look at tune in DMS2 operating formatW(%- Ap}2*6.7<,6-%@*6-%@F ( H%'@"P:'@,%( K6-%@P A%Z'}((Press return. '@d AĠŨө A1)-@@)(Load sample(s).}6-@@)(Which sample#?6@O!@) @+-@@E( O A}"@6-B`"@6-B "@6-B2.-@@ !(Name: .@}6. _67@<@,.D:967@<@%B:,,._67@%B:,<@%B:,,..S}PL A0 @@A($$6-?:A6<@<<A%`,@w-@@!(Lo}aded.5-@AP9 M-@@Y-@s( w  AP-@@ }-(Problems with disk.A-@APE P@ AӮ<-@@!#-@}8( < #-@@#( UTILITIESf-@@$( 6-@@E( | }Delete |W-@@f( f-@@$( 6-@@ E( | Rename |W-@@}f( f-@@$( 6-@@E( | Format |W-@@f( f}-@@$( 6-@@E( |Format/s|W-@@f( f-@@ $( }6-@@!E( |Dir |W-@@"f( 6-@r"@!-@@ 0(} B-@@!Q( |Dir |c-@@"r( r"@!-@@0( }B-@@Q( c-@@r( "@!-@@0( B-@}@Q( | Delete |c-@@r( -@@( Q"@!-@@ 0(} B-@@Q( "@!-@@0( B-@@ Q( | Rename }|c-@@r( -@@( Q"@!-@@0( B-@}@Q( "@!-@@0( B-@@Q( | Format |c-@@r(} -@@( Q"@!-@@0( B-@@Q( }"@!-@@0( B-@@Q( |Format/s|c-@@r( -@}@ ( Q"@!-@@!0( 򠠠B-@@"Q( &F:B2y,"@}&6-%@ F:B2y,"@A@"F:B2y,"@" A!@A  A!//}A`AAAA@̠ŠŮK-@@,(Filename (no D:) :>-@ @}K@(-@@$67<,. ( 967@<@,.D:967@<@%B:,,. Ap}((@3@y-@@$( deleted8-@AP< P-@@\-}@u( y  A-@@-(Problems with disk.A-@APE Y-}@@e-@}(   A̠ŠśM-@@.(Old Filenam}e (no D:)@-@ @M@M-@@.(New Filename (no D:)@-@ @M@\67}@<@,.D:967@<@%B:,,.\67@%B:,<@%B:,,. ))67B:,%@@?-@(@ F:@},"@ A`A6-%@B ATD9-@%@,(Press return...9@EW-@@}!#-@=( A M6-@W ATN8-@%@+(Press return...8@}OV-@@!#-@=( A L@V AlĠҮq+-@@}+(Quit to compiler.r*-@@*(This O.K.? (Y/N)sAdAUt4F:Ad,"@5*AdA}U4 Au4F:Ad,"@C*AdAU4 Av A{)-@@)(Loading........| } A }% D:COMPILERK-@@)(Can't find it!!=-@AA K A4ĠĠ}Ү6--@@-(Quit to key player.7*-@@*(This O.K.? (Y/N)8AdAU94F:Ad},"@5*AdAU4 A:4F:Ad,"@C*AdAU4 A!; A!>)-@@})(Loading........? A! @% D:KEYBOARDHK-@@)(Can't find it!!=-@AA K A}ԠϠ͠Ү.-@@.(Quit to drum player.*-@@*(This O.K.? (Y/N) Ad}AU 4F:Ad,"@5*AdAU4 A 4F:Ad,"@C*AdAU4 A# A#} )-@@)(Loading........ A#  % D:DRUMPLAY K-@@)(Can't find it!!=-@}AA K A ԠϠî (-@@((Quit to BASIC. --@@-(This will erase} any --@@-(tune in memory, and ,-@@ ,(quit this program. *-@@*(This O}.K.? (Y/N) AdAU 4F:Ad,"@C*AdAU4 A% 4F:Ad,"@5*AdAU}4 A%  A%  + A}_%6-F:A0,%AV$F:A1,G6-F:A2,%AV$F:A3,O}-[AU_  }3F:A8,%AV$F:A9,%@>D:DMS2A B ,%AV$F:A3,Oe0Au@Au2Au9A@ 9 +'0@9 }AR@ 'B7t@d'@@d2( (2($The Digital Music Studio Rev. 2.00b.%%( (c)1989 }Dean Garraghty.('( ( ('( Š2 B < A F^,@@A( D:PIANO.SPL }S6-?:A6<@<B`<A%`,^@P[)@@A(D:OH.SPLP6-?:A6<@<B <A%` },[@Z_-@@A( D:SYNTH4.SPLT6-?:A6<@<B2<A%`,_@%D:DMS2 }e(@(5There is a problem with the disk. Please re-boot.T-@AX b+e} #B 0 }%-A6 }AE"!% }$}##76,6,6,76,38,6,104,104,104,10(}''10,10,10,170,104,157,69,3,104,1572}$$68,3,104,157,7 }3,3,104,157,72,3<}&&169,7,157,66,3,76,86,228,104,104F}--104,170,104,104,133,204,104,104,133,205P}))169,0,133,203,141,14}cdt/} }Av2 Au2}!Av1nnD.M.S. 2 to BASIC compiler. v.1.01.b. (c)1989 Dean Garraghty For use with D.M.S. 2 files.}&&MODIFICATIONS MADE: 16 JUNE 1990 ~;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,;}@,;AP,;@,;@,6.>:@4,;@@,6-@6-@dZ (}1(#D.M.S. 2 to B}ASIC compiler. v1.01b.Z($(c)1989/90 Dean Garraghty. e,,($i^(^(SThis pr}ogram will convert your DMS 2 tunes into RUNable BASIC code, in LISTformat.j..(&See manual for full operating details.k} ( (nJ=(4Please enter the name of the DMS2 tuneto convert > J@o_67@<@,.D:967@<@}%B:,,._67@%B:,<@%B:,,..DMSsJ(=(1Please enter the sample name for sample#1 > J@}u!( sample#2 > !@w!( sample#3 > !@{_67@<@,.D:967@<@%B:,,._6}7@%B:,<@%B:,,..LST}! (} (!(ҠԺ( source name: ( samp#1 name: ( sam}p#2 name: ( samp#3 name: ( object name: =( (0(!Are these correct? (Y/N,return) =@}4YAE 0Y%Šԡ AP @@ AW@}I-@B:,!7<,4:<6.7%@<%@,?'I AU *67<,.6-%@*6-%@ }AH@ @@ A6-@6-A6.7<%@,4}RRRR6- A$$7@<@,4RA( compiling: 6-A:7@<@,,9#@:7@<}@,,@e/6-@9 A 6-A:7@<@,,9#@:7@<@,,@e/6-@9 A}6-A:7@<@,,9#@:7@<@,,@e/6-@9 A!6-A:7@<@,,5!! @})!@A:++(@DATA,,,?6-%@6-%@D AI))6-@:7@}%<@%,,&@UN"@6- A0S"@6- A@X"@6- Aeb16}-A:7@<@,,+6-%@16-c-@f Ag 6-h l6-%@ AJ(J(}./Auy} Au2AuxiiD.M.S. Revision 2.00b. Keyboard P}layer. Part of D.M.S. (c)1989 Dean Garraghty. ;@,;@, ))(!} D. M. S. - Keyboard }Player &&( Part of D.M.S. Rev2.00b %%( (c)1989 Dean Garraghty--(%}l-@@&( 8-@@I( |Keyboard |[-@@l( l-@@} &( 8-@@I( |New samps.|[-@@l( 6-@x"@!-}@@ 2( D-@@U( |New samps.|g-@@x( x"@!-@}@2( D-@@U( 䠠g-@@x( x"@!-@@}2( D-@@U( |Keyboard |g-@@x( x"@!-@@ }2( D-@@U( g-@@x(  @&F:B2y,"@}&6-%@!@@  F:B2y,"@@@#F:B2y,"@#%D:DMS2# @"(}AAds (}s(dThis program allows you to play the digital samples at different speeds byusing the keys shown }bele;;(3ow. The keys 1-3 will change the sample being used.j+(+( Key: k((( No# 2 3 4} 5 6 7 8 9 A Bl(( m( C D E Fp AĠנŨө(}Load new s}amples. A- (Load as which sample#? -@(Name: @_67@<@,.D:96}7@<@%B:,,._67@%B:,<@%B:,,..SPL"@6-B`"@6-B "}@6-B2  A @@A($$6-?:A6<@<<A%`,"@' A} @K((Problems with disk.2-@A6 A@K @٠Ӡ͠Į } @3&(Enter length of note (1-10) >3@!6-F:A),!6-F:A0,'A0@'A)}@6-AU6-A$6-F:AY,$AY6-F:Ad,1"@cAd'6-@}1 A1"@bAd'6-@1 A1"@XAd'6-@1 A1"@V}Ad'6-@1 A1"@aAd'6-@1 A1"@WAd'6-@1 }A1"@Ad'6-@1 A1"@Ad'6-@ 1 A1"A}d'6-@1 A1"@Ad'6-@1 A1"@#Ad'6-@1 A}1"@"Ad'6-@1 A1"@Ad'6-@1 A1"@Ad}'6-@1 A%"@16-A% A0%"@06-A % A0%"@&6-A0}% A0O"@A)'A03AYEAdAUO @ A0X6-?:A9<<<z}()  Aus} Au2 Aur hhDrum Player system. rev1.02 rel# 001. (c)1989 Dean Garraghty. 1,2 May 19}89. rev1.02.;@,6-@!6-F:A),!6-F:A0, (}EE(=The Digital Music Studio- Drum P}layer.(c)1989 Dean Garraghty.r(r(fUse the keys A to K to play the 8 drumsounds. To change the pitch of the drums, fi }rst press the ESCBB(9 key. Then use the keys 2 to 6 for pitch values 2 to 6.&&( Press the return key to quit. }.(.(#Please wait for drums to load......# A(]+@@A( D:DRUM.SPLR6-?:A6<@<B } <Ah,]@-^,@@A( D:DRUM2.SPLS6-?:A6<@<B<Ah,^@2^, }@@A( D:DRUM3.SPLS6-?:A6<@<B"V<Ah,^@7]+@@A( D:TIM }P.SPLR6-?:A6<@<B0$<Ah,]@<_-@@A( D:CYMBAL.SPLT6-?:A6<@<B}7<Ah,_@A_-@@A( D:TOMTOM.SPLT6-?:A6<@<BE`<Ah,_@F]+}@@A( D:BASS.SPLR6-?:A6<@<BS(<Ah,]@K]+@@A( D:CL}AP.SPLR6-?:A6<@<B`<Ah,]@P'A)@'A0@ZAdAU[6-F}:AY,_AYd.F:Ad,"@c$6-A . Ai.F:Ad,"@b$6-A#. An}.F:Ad,"@X$6-A&. As.F:Ad,"@V$6-A). Ax.F:Ad,"@a$6-A2}. A}.F:Ad,"@W$6-A5. A.F:Ad,"@$6-A8. A.F:Ad,"@}$6-AA. A"F:Ad,"@(" ALF:Ad,"@$AY0A)<A0B(}L} A+ A, 6-?:A9<<<%@,1AdAU6 AAdAU.F:Ad,"}@0$6-@. A.F:Ad,"@&$6-@. A.F:Ad,"@$$6-@. A .}F:Ad,"@)$6-@. A.F:Ad,"@'$6-@. A A (} (Drum Playe}r ended.AdAU A %D:DMS2c(L(@Please put DMS2 master disk in drive one, and press retur}n... Y@c A'K(K(@DISK/DRIVE ERROR. PLACE CORRECT DISK IN DRIVE AND PRESS RETURN.'AdAU}'AdAU'@' @5}_%6-F:A0,%AV$F:A1,G6-F:A2,%AV$F:A3,O-|}xvgwvVwxvfgxxwwwfxwfggxxgwxwwvwxwwxwwgxwwwwxwx}wwwxwwwwwxxwwwwwxxwwWɊC$#xgwU6{xca U[mv}y#tmL@FH%DN"@FKDYh@nX Xx[@=jǘu06 ET ng@WY~2}TcF`R~u% B& z3 ؈EPeGa]c;{wS"4 FF̺w@z΢ 쩹r$#x}f0#Hf j`'156fWSC$W0gƌަifϲ&TTٙ4hyew2Fw{@#zu }[a0) M!UWR7tCYfUEEg`x#{`I8̹ 2Wt#P)fxS7ܥvSf{z8ueiQxv!}kdVu#zpy4WQy@5gTzf WewWwu̷Wf17"5B{B5WeX̆k$tDybCi98ec27ͼ5"}݅FA[avDYeFT72MZydZu7TFa@T3}V|3AxXUjfB{AG C$F#}ȟdgUDWdhPY36UWCA650L4!9Ruwe#yeI!0Cz2xRiB$|DB9#[Pxs$WEja$}!#yEvU%S~G1Ym kwcgDG5 WdZ2Z Tkܕlt;}e%eSZc(yVs#[%}u܃#JpKxEt#zRFcxR$[w2'vR-@kxgyBEjSYΦFQ0zޤd ݂&})|d$he'ͦFyQ ܆0ޡVVc#g"0UxG)ީvA8ݒ)@WvxVBCWx2'}3j dZʕhw8fbG TfgFcEUwgS3I {Uz̄$d76YCgy,B#FFfzUEFvwR#kD~UTR9(}"jjfU844CFEhTUS6dSk6Sf 9DzWܺcF}XFDU4DGWuFEwQ{!'t6g8EFʕ"y %)}eEeCf35wvSFvB\ s6u6FuWۄz5EwUVe"6몙u$ee7i#y̺B#jEA7VTfdBGʾڛe5*}f1#7PTWͩ3țew6V@EEwvB"˧UUD2zXTH˘%gwgdDV3UhtUA}ݨuDU!l"FDg17+}ۼztiuC5a4FVd˧UEB%܃geFytzݗU͸t#jQ!%eWwc)ۆgT H2GvUh"6V̧B4",}DeW}ʘB{%wTDjt&gx˹Dyʅ2GAf3ʩd2SUf16wdWx뉺Uid$VQ42X`ۼܻ-}fB&ehd4Fx̧vxjݺĞdCYݷ2#{GۖU Z܇wfC3ghVܩvGwC4z!&twywRzwt"DGW.}vWSzUT$!XQEVzʆ@&yT15eGU܆Vzʆe"Ge"z05E{˧ 6BSIhh˙WS#X/}څ1%#S5ۅX4B$yDhEy"5vɆ0HVzʆe"Ge"z05E{˧ 6BSIhh˙WS#XfUu2G%wge˂1ZdE읨4jx]GsfD3j}}GCviދly@LrF k쩩˚ܥ1Hfa"Y ʾ@G؉cWgϷ;h0\Q4왪ۃhhP!?}i$~Pzz7i%Gwݿ Y@:a$kʻtHmaw wYeݪ$0j{8ch~`2 8!@}۫ۖ1 ( !!\kfJ9Wbu%ξ߿-$%}ܪ˻˅ P5A<p;wheߪ3y7Shy!A}ED"PJܺ̕ PzcB'fvnɣ\j7h47eAY9̺̖{WlS%k!B}0[jif݊EtiHSiϿMbPk˫̺|۔5vL#ǯ5U[l(%gE7iv0Pj˪!C}˩c}6VZmɎ[d[uGyGBllhD俗A{Z7ܼܺ0diV}}{IYTzfczjZXS{!D}~Qk*G̼ܻ˪ݸS9ff|kkGWdzvtz!k7ܼܺ0diV}}{IYTzfczjZXS{ prompt is displayed you can enter your first note data. Then press ret)}urn. Another > will appear, type the next note data, then return, and so on. When you have finished typing your tun)}e, type END at the > prompt and press return. This will close the file, and return you to the main menu. The build up o)}f DMS2 tunes will now be discussed: Music is entered in the form of numbers and letters. Each note is m)}ade up of four numbers/letters: the first number is the sample number. This is always a number 1-3. This will corre)}spond to the sample currently occupying the chosen sample number (see SAMP, later on). The second number/lett)}er is the note number. This refers to the pitch of the note. Unfortunately, these don't correspond to real musical )}notes. 2 is very high, and L is very low (see later for a description of how the letters used in the tune correspon)}d to numbers). The third number/letter is the length of the note. This will range from 1-A, where 1 is a very short)} note, and A is the longest note possible. The 4th number/letter is the gap to be left between this and the next no)}te. This can be from 0 to Z, where 0 is no gap, and Z is a very long gap. Repeats are also possible. If you w)}ant a note/group of notes repeated then put Rxxx as the note data before the note(s). xxx is the number of times to)} repeat. This can be from 1 to 999. If you use a number from 1 to 9 then put R00x, from 10 to 99 put R0xx. After th)}e last note to repeat, put RRRR as the note data. You can then put more notes after this if you wish. You can't use)} nested repeats. Here is an example tune: 15A0 2C5G R005 35A0 1520 )}9 - compiler has found bad samp# in note des.:.CC(;Please correct, and re-compile. Now quitting to BA}SIC....(-@A %+(נĠԠƠͮ$$(@10 GR.0:GOSUB 32000((A}dding runner code.e4Ae(@20OPEN#1,4,128,D:.SPL!:X=USR(1536,1,28160,2560):CLOSE#1e}4Ae(@30OPEN#1,4,128,D:.SPL!:X=USR(1536,1,30720,2560):CLOSE#1e4Ae(@}40OPEN#1,4,128,D:.SPL!:X=USR(1536,1,33280,2560):CLOSE#1$$(@ DATA -1,-1,-1,-1**(@5}0 Z=PEEK(559):POKE 559,0 (@60 RESTORE 1000&&(@70 READ SAMP,NO,L,GAP''(@75 IF SAMP=-1 }THEN 150(((@80 IF SAMP=1 THEN S=110(((@85 IF SAMP=2 THEN S=120(((@90 IF SAMP=3 THEN S=}130))(@100 X=USR(1539,NO,S,S+L)(((@110 F.R=1 TO GAP*10:N.R(@120 G.70##(@}150 POKE 559,Z:ENDrr(@a1 REM Digital music created using DMS2 (c)1989 Dean Garraghty.Runner code is} (c)1986ii(@X2 REM 2-bit systems,Ltd. Samples created using 'REPLAY' from 2-bit.rr(@}a31999 REM ŠǠŠӠ ԠӬĮ 㩠Ӯ$$(@32000 }RESTORE 32030@@(@/32010 FOR N=1536 TO 1745:READ X:POKE N,X:NEXT N(@ 32020 RETURN99(@(32}030 DATA 76,6,6,76,38,6,104,104,104,10==(@,32040 DATA 10,10,10,170,104,157,69,3,104,157::(@)32050 DAT}A 68,3,104,157,73,3,104,157,72,3<<(@+32060 DATA 169,7,157,66,3,76,86,228,104,104CC(@232070 DATA 104,1}70,104,104,133,204,104,104,133,205??(@.32080 DATA 169,0,133,203,141,14,210,141,14,212<<(@+32090 DATA }141,0,212,141,167,6,173,22,2,133??(@.32100 DATA 206,173,23,2,133,207,169,152,141,2299(@(32110 DATA 2,}169,6,141,23,2,169,3,141,15==(@,32120 DATA 210,169,0,141,0,210,141,8,210,141<<(@+32130 DATA 2,210,142},0,210,169,1,141,14,210AA(@032140 DATA 169,160,141,1,210,165,205,197,204,208==(@,32150 DATA 252,169,0},141,14,210,169,3,141,15??(@.32160 DATA 210,165,206,141,22,2,165,207,141,23==(@,32170 DATA 2,165,16,1}41,14,210,169,64,141,14<<(@+32180 DATA 212,96,72,169,0,141,14,210,169,1>>(@-32190 DATA 141,14,210,141},9,210,208,254,160,0::(@)32200 DATA 177,203,74,74,74,74,9,16,141,3==(@,32210 DATA 210,169,22,141,167,}6,104,64,160,0>>(@-32220 DATA 177,203,9,16,141,3,210,230,203,208<<(@+32230 DATA 2,230,204,169,0,141,1}67,6,104,64@0(-("ҠԺ done - no errors!0 Ү@@9(9(Sorrb} RRRR 25A0 15A0 The 2 notes between R005 and RRRR will be repeated 5 times. You)} could have any number of notes in there. After the RRRR, it will carry on with the rest of the tune. You could have ano)}ther repeat later on. Each set of 4 numbers/letters would be entered on a separate line. HOW LETTERS CORRESPO)}ND TO NUMBERS: After the number 9, letters are used to represent values. A represents 10, B 11, C 12, and so )}on. NOTE: DMS2 is set up to handle 1250 notes(i.e. all 4 separate numbers/ letters), but this includes Rxxx and RR)}RR if used. Also, don't forget that you can have as many repeats as you like, but they can't be nested (i.e. one in)}side another.) EDIT This will quit to BASIC so that you can edit your tune. DMS2 saves your tune as a)} BASIC program in LIST format. It does this by using REM statements containing your data. Press Y or N (yes or no) )}when prompted to after selecting this option. N will return you to the menu. Y will take you to BASIC. You can now )}ENTER your tune and edit it. First you will need to get the program into memory. Do this by typing: ENTER"D)}:filename.DMS". Filename is the name of the tune to edit. Don't forget the .DMS extender. Then press return. )}Your tune data should load. You can see your tune by typing LIST and pressing return. You can use all the BASI)}C editing keys to alter the data. You can enter extra notes, or add some to the end by typing new lines. The lines )}are incremented by 5, so that there is room to enter new ones. Notice how the others are built up: The line n)}umber,a space,REM,space, colon(:), and then the note data. Any extra lines you enter must take this form. Whe)}n you have finished you must LIST the tune back onto disk. Do this by typing: LIST"D:filename.DMS" )} where filename is your filename for the tune. It's best to use the same one as you used for this tune before editing.)} Your tune is now ready to be used by the DMS2 system. It can be compiled, or used with DMS2 main. If you want to g)}o to DMS main, the type RUN"D:DMS2" and press return. If you want to go to the compiler type RUN"D:COMPILER" and pr*e}wxwxwwwwwwwwwwwgwwwwwwwwxwwwwww9}wwwwwwwwwwxwwwwwwxwxvfgvg$1$VwS"5Vy_AKF=5:x`X%5gRV9}r3!4g\SEWCFvtil@f1XG›^>AgD_7Ӧ;0{Nǃ (tYRft9 G RT!W9}>R m>{U1y:afxS!glS!WS!WגoC!yBfS gBit T1W9}t1hمB%JɦRjwPUe0q9R23#32#G}*QG؉B(d9``#f)I9}>@D JytD432F $Gavߧ2pw'4fuߤΩLJX P3o;GzcmgIٿۧq'V=}Dt{騇h06sXSDDGv{t#xwWy茗W6ǨB31`#d{fQGWUͦHhgRyfSffe26we3ț@ZifwV>}VhȌR&SH؞ɮuqS4s[ɯccPE4r7ǿ|=cKw"u&{XHeCQDw8Cj4hSνzBt@v$0A3U~ɉV?}Ƚp6WVIf엗UybJhuܛڇuzgSiU{{ʔdB424gEy@"'KۉTzF%̗#R7Q)zjC! %lھV@}뉄P GgjmdyDyhU|}WCVx5b6d16'˿ŴS||ĽYiKT2Pziu>̈ta{!RdW@ɦjSE26SUVA}h{{GhG6Hww[gYXwxwQ5PCɭ̄ۺ3 !5u͍۫ˏ WhMxV0Tvy]v44X޾p!ivEF9VB}dGpFg{sqncS WȻi|ȷڇ#$iVyf8'7՚ʦUvT~ܙg݊#ۨR$WBφܼ蕚:E546yj3VC}HW0C$eC`u\ΫyS"u!eeQ$EV轃RyvB6E{p0vL׿fALCcSxgSf2DgdVD}Fg݂WAhFZiD%Ffi燘PU)&7@Avg؏ݞjC:yܩtP2cHyTfWyS(IzhCFzxKgGY̺wv치"%12![ȟVE}阮TB*WϨx4d[5Yyە|dY|PFc\޽hvYtyb+gd4q(VEgۨ2tUI!uvjȨTXtټΉyu7jۇf#gVF}EjH{gy}ɪSGcۦHC;05!k}fhuhɞwvw9UhvgͽVx44G5[vWSEתdGG[VG}vex'iWG[˪d3Fjȝ]w؍izC6Q _슦i[i3g"%Sw뿹W $aGgFg߉ǙDUYeh76ڛXwQuVH}Zd[juCZgfܖۦvu{zIWRgl{3wPWtHLǑT&g콽(u'gTe}ghh5#˝dY7׌YfۮۘrVI}؛uf7~hewꝦ{3#ίCvvyyxŘLǑT&g콽(u'gTe}ghh5#˝dY7׌YfۮۘrT00`i$zz0ys$R "4VUʫe DhxژfvB!3VxݺVT2!3$WxZK}˺wfeT34VgwxݻvB3D34DUfeVffgxxwvwwe1"!Vxwx̺gffUDDVx̺fT3DD3223DFfxZL}ܪfeD24Ufw˻wwwwwxwuTDDDC3#Ewwwwx̻˺vfTT3DVww̺ZM}wffUfUTDUVffxfeVgwwwwwwwwwfx˻vfVefgwwwfeTC3CEfffgffgwwxZN}vffweUUVffffffeVfffgwwggvwwgxwfwvfgwwwwfvwwwwwwwwffwvfwxwxwwxwZO}wwwxvfgwxwwffwvfvywwvwfgxxwwfwwwxwwxwwwwffwwwwwgwwwfwwxZP}wgvwwwwwffgwxwwwxxwwwxwgwwwwwwxwwwfUUfgwfwwwwxwxwZQ}wwwwwwwwwvffwxwxxwwwxxxxwwxwwZR}xwvfwwwxwxxwwfvwwwxwwwwwwwwwvgfgwwZS}wwwwwvfffgwwwwwwxwxwwwxwwwwwxxxwxZT}wwwwwwwxwxwxxwxwwwxwwwwwxxxwxXwxxxwxxwxwxwxwxwxx^V}xxx˽55f @DEwmDVfxeg@p^W}`P/ <@z `#?P 0zoo^X}_7g'6o y` hQ?uP?P|q}UA[/oN OɥF߀ )k^Y}PpFv=S Ƀ8E-5C8<` ا50k|֞D4&-@|K܋Itǖ`)W"v늤S60L^Z}X̘4E9 yA49ua[ir8TEglhXc#a|G#BIhSGܛhhgY˩czdhw͛7zsdvz(eWVV3^[}YgYFucfhwzhxuUythhWxTFvfxUwgɉVuzdC5efhhwfvWefg^\}yvzhwxc6zwefhxfyVwgUhywDWvvWWwvzwfwxvwwxwwwvywxgvgww^]}wexwwwxwwxvgfxvxwgxxwwwwhvgxwwwfxVxwx^^}wwwwwwywfggxywwxxwxxxfxwwwghwgxwwgwxxxw^_}wwwxxxwwxxxwwxwwxyxww^`}wxxxxwwxxxxxwxwxwwxx^a}wxwxwwxxxxxwxwxwwxx\$y, Error #F:A, has occured - see((( computer manual for description.@-($Compiler will re-start. (Hit returnc}):@=@%}_%6-F:A0,%AV$F:A1,G6-F:A2,%AV$F:A3,O-[AU_  }3F:d}A8,%AV$F:A9,%@B D:COMPILERE B AV$F:A3,O-[AU_  }3F:Jess return. LOAD This will load a tune into memory from disk. If a tune is already in memory, then *f}you will first be asked if you wish to erase this from memory in order to load in the new one. Press Y for yes, or *g}N for no. Pressing N will return you to the main menu. After pressing Y, you will be asked for a filename. Typ*h}e in a filename of a DMS2 music file that is on the disk, and press return. There is no need to add D: or any exten*i}der, as these are added for you. If the file can't be read, then you will be told so and returned to the main menu.*j}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. 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Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}would play as a piano. You can set up all 3 samples in this way. Note: saples under 21 sectors long will not fill a*s}