Attention! Fampy isn't in the Public Domain! It is SHAREWARE! You MUST register it if you use it! The Shareware fee is 10 DeutschMarks (around $6 as of Nov. 93), payable to: Fridag-Software Productions Wolfgang Freitag Hirschbergstr. 5 97424 Schweinfurt Germany (Don't forget about the return postage, if you want a reply (IRC from abroad)). Fampy may only be distributed with complete documentation (including the German part!)! It may NOT be distributed commercially. Fampy V2.3 ========== (c) by Friday-Software Productions 1993 Preface: -------- It's done! The first MD8-file player with ramdisk support is complete. What you now hold in your hands is the result of hard work... blah, blah ... a nearly perfect conversion... (I hate writing prefaces) Instructions: ------------- Fampy is completely operated by FUNCTION-keys and the SHIFT-key. The intro can be stopped by the START-key. Main Menu: START = toggle drive-number SELECT = Directory Menu Directory Menu: The first MD8-file will be displayed SELECT = next file START = load file OPTION = back to the Main Menu The screen changes colors upon loading while the the MD8-file gets recalculated (volume adjustment). The screen gets back to normal as soon as this procedure is finished. Playscreen: The background color is different on each line SELECT = Speed lower -> pace faster OPTION = Speed higher -> pace slower START = Play SHIFT = back to the Main Menu While replaying, a small logo can be seen in the middle of the screen. Sample values are represented by means of PM-graphics. Playback can be stopped by pressing the SHIFT-key. You'll get back to the Playscreen. Note: don't hold down the SHIFT-key too long or you'll get back right to the Main Menu! BTW: the program is RESET "resistant". You'll get back to the Main Menu when you press this key. If you want to reboot, press OPTION and RESET simultanously. And now a few words on the displays. Here are the complete names: Pattern Nr.:00 Sektor Nr.:0000 Ram-Bank:0 Speed:D (You'll notice that all displayed values are in hexadezimal.) -The Pattern Nr. will be displayed only while the MD8-file is loading. That way you can watch how much memory patterns need compared to the samples. Until now the player can come up with files containing about 100 patterns. I think this should be enough for a while! -The number of sectors is displayed together with the filename, that way you'll know immediately how long it is. -The Ram-Bank Nr. will change while loading. This happens as soon as the main memory or the previous bank is full. In each case the number increases by one. The following table serves as a reference: : Ram-Bank Nr.: : O : l - 4 : 4 - 8 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Memory Type: : main memory : XE-banks : additional banks : More than 8 additional banks won't be needed for sure! The longest MOD-file I've converted was about 300 KB. This is equivalent to a MD8-file of 150 KB. This file nearly filled a DD disk while it needed only six additional banks! Most pieces will fit into the memory of a not upgraded XL, you'll also find quite a few for the XE. Pieces that will not fit into an XE (130XE) are hardly to get. The control values for the PORTB register are chosen in a manner that they should work with all ramdisks I know of. The first 8 values are the same for all of these. I hope there will be no more problems on this side. -The pace is 'D' on most MD8-files, but I've got one that plays with speed 9. A few words about the disk-routines: a density testing is conducted for DD-disks (170K), they'll be accepted without problems. Files are accepted both on DOS 2.5 and MYDOS disks! Fampy doesn't need a DOS, it won't be loaded upon booting. I had to give up on the idea of supporting the Speedy upgrade. If you've got one, then you should buy an OS supporting its high speed in the first place. So, that's all! Should you have any further questions then you can write to the address below (include return postage or an international reply coupon!). Those in a hurry can use my telephone number. If you need additional MD8-Files then simply send me some blank disks, write in what format do you want them back and how much memory your computer has. Of course, don't forget about the return postage. MD8-files will be available soon from many PD-distributions. It goes without saying that you can send me MOD files you want me to convert into the MD8-format. Fridag-Software Productions Wolfgang Freitag Hirschbergstr. 5 97424 Schweinfurt Germany Tel.:09721/87852 (after 14.00 hours, (this is 8.00 a.m Eastern Time) Enjoy it... Special Thanks to: -Eisbaer Corp. for the MOD-file describtion, the great "FAMPY"-Logo and all those MOD-Files -Lord Helmchen for lending me his 320 KB-XL -Alfons Kluepfel for lending me his copy-station (simply great) and for printing all the stickers and to all others who helped me alot.