X-Com Wedge Addenda. 1/13/90 by E.Bachman -------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to some bug fixes, the current version of the Wedge supports some interesting, features not mentioned in the main doc-file. Firstly the READ command now has a fast screen handler for text print operations. The multifile read default from version 2.0c has been dropped in favor of a global AUTOfile function, which can be toggled on and off. AUTOfile affects READ, WHAT, and VIEW. The VIEW command receives a "fast view" routine for SpartaDOS formatted disks, (ataridos disks still use the earlier view routines). Memlo has been increased from the v2.0b/c wedge but is still lower than 2.0a. (still under 200 bytes). Wedge disk accessories, and the resident formatter are the biggies for this release, and outside of some bug corrections (if there are any reported) I doubt if another revision will be released in the near future. Since there are other projects and programs requiring my time. I truly hope you will enjoy the using the Wedge as much as I have had bringing it to you. In Closing.. I can in no way thank all the persons who were of assistance to me in the creation of the Wedge, but a partial list follows.. Thank you's to... Bob Puff, Don LeBow, Pete Domingez, Mike Stoliker, and my friends in the LVAUG, for all your support and assistance. G'data! Ed.