** X-Com Wedge v2.1 ** Problems, Incompatibilities, and other fun stuff. E.Bachman 1990. ======================================================================= I will break this text down into sections covering, in detail, the Wedge's system requirements. This should cover most of the common problems users have been experiencing with the Wedge. If, after reading (and hopefully complying) with the details covered in this text. You still have problems with the Wedge. PLEASE!! report to me with a detailed description of your problem, along with a complete system description including peripherals, and software currently in use at the time. See the main doc file for details on contacting me concerning bugs and incompatibilities in the Wedge. If you're here because the format command results in a blank screen, then proceed immediately to "PETERSON.TXT". * Hardware requirements * The Wedge requires an Xl or Xe computer having at least 128k of system memory, The extended memory must be managed in a compatible fashion to the 130xe, having 16k banks, and controlled via the PIA register at $D301. Further, the ANTIC chip must have access to the extended ram, either by a separate bit (as in the 130xe) at $D301, or by being tied to the CPU's extended ram enable bit, (like the Rambo'ed xl's or the CSS upgraded Xe's). * Software Requirements * Notes on DOS: The Wedge was designed to work with SpartaDOS version x3.2d ONLY! It does not support any earlier version of 3.2 dos, and will abort if it finds a dos other than 3.2 resident. I recommend that the Wedge be used with an unmodified copy of x3.2d since there are patches to 3.2 dos that the Wedge will NOT work with. Most notable of these is the XF551 patch for 3.2 dos. MIO users who swap drives will quickly learn that Wedge incompatibility is not the only problem with this patch. I make no guarantees that the wedge will work with ANY patched version of 3.2 dos, so there you are on your own. Memory resident programs/handlers. The Wedge has been tested, and works well with a variety of ramdisk and R: handlers, as well as many resident programs which alter system defaults. In no way can I test every possible memory resident handler, and there are some (like config.com for percoms, on your Sparta 1.1 dos disk) that I know don't work with the Wedge, you can avoid the config.com conflict by running config. then re-booting your console, leaving the drives turned on. Handlers like Express PRO's "bbsprep" I have NO experience with so there again, you're on your own. In regards to any memory resident handlers, if you are experiencing problems with the Wedge, remove all your resident handlers, if that corrects the problem, add them in one at a time. Until you find the culprit. Once again I would appreciate hearing about any problems you may have regarding memory resident handlers. Applications and other software. This is a topic which is wide open. The Wedge works well under a variety of programming cartridges, with the exception of BasicXE, due to the memory conflict. The Wedge should get along well with most diskbased programs, but always be aware of memory conflicts between your software and Dos (including memory resident handlers). Note: most programs requiring memlo be below a certain point, usually state this in the documentation. Further, there are some programs that will simply not work with the Wedge installed, most notably programs requiring extended memory, or which keep their screen memory below $8000. The first type of program is usually easy to spot since extended ram would be a requirement, the second is not so easy, however they should prove to be little problem unless they supply a direct access to the DOS command line. While I'm on the subject of command line access, Bobterm's CLI works well with the Wedge (use SET AUTO OFF, when you read, view, or what a file), DeTerms CLI, unfortunately, does not. The Wedge's EXIT command has been supplied to painlessly remove the Wedge in order to run programs that conflict with it. I am always interested in hearing of new programs that the Wedge works with, don't hesitate to drop me a line concerning this. * Ignorance is NOT bliss! * I can't express this strongly enough, Please, read the documentation supplied with the Wedge! A great deal of time has been expended to make these docs as clear and informative as possible. At least half of all reported, (I wonder how many unreported!) problems with the Wedge stem from not reading the documentation! If you're like me I came across sparta after using (and hating) ataridos. Sparta was the first thing I ever ran on my atari that I HAD to read the docs for! It wasn't possible to "bluff" my way thru it, Sparta was actually difficult to learn, but most rewarding when I did. I believe you'll find the Wedge to be the same way, but you have sparta under your belt, this will be a snap! ** If you're here, then.... ** If you've come to this point, and have read the "PETERSON.TXT" file as well, and still haven't solved your problem, please document it as carefully as possible and send it to me, along with a complete system description. See "WEDGE.DOC" for info on how I can be reached. Thank you for your support. Ed Bachman.