** The X-Com Wedge v2.1 ** *** Quick Reference Chart *** ======================================================================= ABAT syntax:ABAT [Dn:][path][filename.ext]] desc : spec or disable an auto batchfile to run on reset. params : filespec of a batch file, or none to disable. e.g. : ABAT ABAT AUTOBAT.BAT ABAT D1:AUTOBAT.BAT ABAT >DOTHIS.BAT ....................................................................... COLD syntax: COLD [/X] desc : coldstart the computer. params : "/X" enables the X-cart (if there is one). e.g. : COLD COLD /X ....................................................................... COUNT syntax: COUNT [Dn:][>path>][fnam.ext] desc : count the number of files, or spec'd files in a directory params : * none * e.g. : COUNT COUNT D2:* COUNT *.M65 COUNT D1:DATA>FOO*.DAT ....................................................................... DEC syntax: DEC [decimal number] desc : convert a decimal number to hexadecimal. params : a decimal number from 0 to 65535. e.g. : DEC 1234 DEC 65535 ....................................................................... EDIT syntax:EDIT [Dn:][path>]filename[.ext] desc : create a textfile from the Editor. params : filespec of the textfile to create. e.g. :EDIT STARTUP.BAT :EDIT D3:>BAT>TERM.BAT ....................................................................... EXIT syntax: EXIT desc : exit the Wedge and return to normal system config. params : * none * e.g. : EXIT ....................................................................... FIND syntax: FIND [Dn:][path]filname.ext desc : find the spec'd file(s) on a drive. params : * none * e.g. : FIND *.M65 FIND <*.TXT FIND D3:MYFILE.TXT FIND >DATA>NEW*.* FIND D4:>ACTION>FOO.BAR ....................................................................... FORMAT syntax: FORMAT desc : format a floppy disk in sparta format. or re-init drive. params : * none * e.g. : FORMAT ....................................................................... HEX syntax: HEX [hex number] desc : convert a hexadecimal number to decimal. params : a hex number from "0" to "FFFFFF". e.g. : HEX A HEX E456 ....................................................................... LIST syntax: LIST [Dn:][>path>][fnam.ext] [/P] desc : double column dir list, use like "DIR". params : use "/P" to pause listing. e.g. : LIST LIST D2: LIST >TEXT> /P LIST *.M65 LIST D1:DATA>FOO*.DAT ....................................................................... MOVE syntax: MOVE [Dn][path]filenam.ext dest>dirpath> [/O] desc : move files on the same drive. params : use "/O" to overwrite existing filematches. e.g. : MOVE TEST.DAT SUBDIR1> MOVE D2:*.* > MOVE >*.COM >CURRENT> MOVE NEW*.M65 >ML> /O ....................................................................... PCOPY syntax:PCOPY [dn:][path>][fnam[.ext] [Dn:][path>][fnam[.ext][/A] desc : non memory destructive copy, from a Dx: device ONLY! params : same as the "COPY" command. e.g. :PCOPY *.* D3: :PCOPY TEST.OBJ FINAL.COM/A :PCOPY SRC> D7:*.?XX ....................................................................... PEEK syntax: PEEK [hex value] desc : view a byte and word value of a location in memory. params : the memory location, in hexadecimal. e.g. : PEEK A PEEK E456 ....................................................................... POKE syntax: POKE [location] [value] desc : put a byte or word value directly into memory. params : address to poke, value to put. in msb/lsb hex format. e.g. : POKE 53 0 POKE 2C5 80CC ....................................................................... PURGE syntax: PURGE [Dn:][Dirpath>] desc : multiple file delete with query. params : * none * e.g. : PURGE PURGE D3: PURGE OLDFILES> ....................................................................... READ syntax: READ [Dn:path>]filename.ext [/A,F,T] desc : paged file(s) reader/viewer. params : "/A" ascii convert, "/F" force binary mode, "/T" text mode e.g. :READ NEWFIL.TXT READ ASCII.TXT /A READ D4:>DATA>FILEX.BIN /F READ *.* ....................................................................... RENDIR syntax: RENDIR [Dn:][path>]oldname newname desc : rename a subdirectory params : complete old and new dir-names, no wildcards. e.g. : RENDIR TEST CURRENT RENDIR ASM>ACTION OTHER RENDIR DL1 OLDBUFF ....................................................................... SET syntax: SET [command] [option] desc : control AUTOfile & Wda default directory. params : "autofile"- ON/OFF , Wda - dirpath or none to disable. e.g. : SET AUTO OFF SET AUTO ON SET PATH SET PATH D3:>WED_UTLS> ....................................................................... VIEW syntax: VIEW [Dn:path>]filename.ext [/P] desc : view the contents of arced or alfed file(s). params : use "/P" to pause the listing. e.g. :VIEW TEST.ALF VIEW D3:>DATA>NEW.ARC /P ....................................................................... WDA syntax: WDA [Dn:path>][filename] desc : load in or re-enter a Wedge Disk Accessory. params : name of the Wda (no extender!), or none to re-enter. e.g. : WDA WDA CALC WDA D3:>TEST>HELP ....................................................................... WHAT syntax: WHAT [Dn:path>]filename.ext desc : identify filetype(s). params : * none * e.g. : WHAT TESTFILE.ARC WHAT D3:TEST.DSK WHAT >SUB>THIS.* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *** MIO-Specific commands *** ........................................................................ DSWAP syntax:DSWAP /xx[S] [[dn:path>] [filename][ext]] desc : swap mio drive assigns. "/drivenumbers" are mandatory. params : "S" save current dirs, batchfile to run on completion. e.g. :DSWAP /13 :DSWAP /23S :DSWAP /74S BATFILE :DSWAP /56 D1:>ASM>MLPREP.BAT ....................................................................... LFT syntax: LFT [option] desc : display/toggle the Mio linefeed option. params : none to display, "ON" or "OFF"to modify. e.g. : LFT LFT ON LFT OFF ....................................................................... MIO syntax: MIO desc : call the Mio main menu from dos, no reboot. params : currently unused. e.g. : MIO ....................................................................... MLOCK syntax:MLOCK [-,+][#,@] desc : set, clear, or display the lock status of mio drives. params : "-X" unlock, "+X" lock, "none" display. X is the dn: e.g. :MLOCK :MLOCK +3 :MLOCK -3 :MLOCK +@ <--(shifted 8) = ALL drives. =======================================================================