› STEP I›› USING A RAMDISK WITH FLOPPY DRIVES›› If you are using a ramdisk (hopefully you are), amd disk space is at a premium, you will want to make more boot disks. These boot disks will allow you to load as many modules as you can into your ramdisk without having to leave the disk in the drive. You will be copying as many modules as you can from your boot disks to your ramdisk, and then you can take the boot disk out and put in a data disk. The data disk will contain such things as message bases, download files, etc...› On the same disk that you have SpartaDos your Z-Handler, MOE, and your RD.COM (if you are using it), create a folder called MODULE by typing:›CREDIR MODULE at the D1:prompt (refer to your SpartaDos manual for more information about this or any other SpartaDos command). Place as many user modules as you can into this folder. Hopfully you fit all of them into the folder. If you have only a single density drive, you aren't going to be able to fit them all in it. If this is the case, you are going to need to format another disk, create another MODULE folder, and place the remaining user modules into that folder.› Depending on how big your ramdisk is, do the exact same with any other folders that you can fit on your ramdisk (SYSMOD, SYSTXT, SYSTEM, etc.) --as you have previously determined by looking at the suggested setups for different ramdisks. NOTE: The SYSTEM folder is not on your CARINA II master disks. This folder is empty when your system is first put up. Simply create this folder, copying nothing in it.› What you will essentially be doing is creating a batch file that will copy all of your modules from your disk MODULE folder into your ram MODULE folder by doing (for example) a COPY D1:MODULE>D7:MODULE> (assuming drive 1 is your disk drive and drive is your ramdisk). If you had to make two module folders on two separate disks, then you will need to swap disks and do the copy again; then all of your user modules will be placed in the MODULE folder on your ramdisk.› Assume that you have created the four main CARINA II folders on drive one, and you would like to place them on your ramdisk on drive seven. You will need to create some initialize-batch files that will create those folders on your ramdisk and copy all of the files within the folders to the folders on your ramdisk. You will need as many initialize batch files as you have boot disks. For example, if you have 5 boot disks, you will need 5 initialize batch files---one for each boot disk. We must first create the initialize batch file for boot disk number one (the one with DOS, MOE, etc..,on it). To do this, go to SpartaDos, and at the D1: prompt type:› COPY E:D1:INIT.BAT›› The screen will then be cleared. Assuming the before-mentioned setup (your folders are on drive and your ramdisk is drive 7), type the following (PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE COMMENTS IN PARENTHESES! DO NOT TYPE THESE COMMENTS WHEN MAKING THIS BATCH FILE, AND ONLY TYPE THE ENTRY CORRESPONDING TO THE COMMENT IF THE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED BY THE COMMENT IS MET):›› (only if you are using a ramdisk built into your computer)›› RD D7:› CREDIR D7:MODULE› CREDIR D7:SYSMOD› CREDIR D7:SYSTXT› CREDIR D7:SYSTEM› COPY D1:MODULE>D7:MODULE>› INSERT NEXT BOOT DISK AND TYPE -INIT› CTRL-3›› The CTRL-3 means- while holding down the Control key, press 3. Do not actually type the characters CTRL-3. If your ramdisk is a drive other than drive 7, simply replace all the 7's with the drive number that your ramdisk resides.› The above batch file is for a boot disk that was able to only fit the MODULE folder on it (or part of the MODULE folder). If you were able to fit any other folders on this disk, then add the corresponding COPY commands to the batch file that will copy the files within those folders to your ramdisk.› Your second boot disk will contain any other folders that would not fit on the first boot disk (assuming that your ramdisk is large enough to hold any more folders). You will now need to create an initialize batch file for this boot disk as well. Unless this is your first boot disk, your next INIT.BAT file should consist only of copy commands. It should copy the contents of all folders on this next boot disk into your ramdisk.› Let's take the example of a someone who is trying to run CARINA II on floppy drives and a 192K ramdisk (built into their computer), and a single density drive as drive one. The boot disk directories would look something like this:›› X32D.DOS› MOE.COM› ZHAND.COM› RS232.COM› MODULE
› INIT.BAT›› The module folder would contain:›› WINDOW.BIN› TRANSFER.BIN› BOOTBBS› WAITCALL› GATEWAY› USERCOM› MAILCOM›› DISK 2:›› MODULE › SYSTEM› INIT.BAT›› The second folder would contain:›› SYSCOM› USEREDIT› FILEVAL› MAKEVOTE› COMPACT› EDIT› COPY› TERM›› The system folder would contain nothing at this point, but will contain the file SECTIONS.DAT by the time you are finished.›› The initialize batch file for disk 1 would contain the following:›› RD D7:› CREDIR D7:MODULE› CREDIR D7:SYSMOD› CREDIR D7:SYSTEM› COPY D1:MODULE>D7:MODULE>› ;INSERT BOOT DISK 2 AND TYPE -INIT›› Your initialize boot disk for disk 2 would contain the following:›› COPY D1:MODULE>D7:MODULE>› INSERT BOOT DISK 3 AND TYPE -CARINA›› This may seem confusing, but is really very simple. All you are doing is creating a ramdisk, creating folders in that ramdisk, and copying the appropriate files into those folders. If you notice the last comment, it says to insert boot disk 1 and type -CARINA. You will be creating another batch file called CARINA.BAT next.›› STEP J›› SETTING UP YOUR RUN-CARINA BATCH FILE›› A batch file is simply a text file. When you execute a batch file, SpartaDos redirects all input that would normally come from the keyboard to a disk file. This is used to type out a series of commands that are executed on a regular basis. To execute a batch file that has already been created, simply type a minus sing followed by the batch file name. For example, at the D1: prompt you would type -CARINA to execute the batch file called CARINA.BAT located on drive one (refer to your SpartaDos manual for more information on batch files)›› We now need to make your Run-Carina batch file. To do this, make sure the boot fidk with DOS, MOE, etc., is in drive one (if you are using a hard drive, go to SpartaDos, and at the D1: prompt type: COPY E:D1:CARINA.BAT›› The screen will then be cleared. Type the following (PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE COMMENTS IN PARENTHESES! DO NOT TYPE THESE COMMANDS IN PARENTHESES, BUT PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEM!):›› ZHAND› RS232 *› MOE› DATE **› TIME **› CAR›REM - INSERT DATA DISK AND TYPE: ***› RUN "D7:MODULE>BOOTBBS" ***› PAUSE› RUN "D7:MODULE>BOOTBBS" ***› CTRL-3 ***›› * = If you are NOT using the MIO as a modem interface› ** = If you are NOT using an R-Time 8› cartridge›*** = If you are NOT using a hard drive››› The CTRL-3 means- while holding down the Control key, press 3. Do not actually type the characters CTRL-3. Only type in a line that is conditional upon your having certain dquipment only if that condition is met. For instance, if you do have a ramdisk, but it is built into your MIO, and you are using your MIO as a modem interface, you have a hard drive, you do not have an R-Time 8 Cartridge, and say your ramdisk was drive 8 not drive 7, then your batch file would like this:›› ZHAND› MOE› DATE› TIME› CAR› RUN "D8:MODULE>BOOTBBS"› CTRL-3›› Also keep in mind that your RS232 handler might be called something else (AT_RS232, MPPRS232, XMRS232, SXRS232, etc...)› If you would feel more comfortable using a text editor to create this batch file as opposed to using the screen editor (E:), by all means, use a text editor.› You should now be ready to get the program running to the point where you can configure and initialize it. Let's find out! Turn off your computer, wait a few seconds, and turn it back on again (make sure that BASIC is installed and your first CARINA II disk is installed (if you are not using a hard drive). After the computer has booted, you should be in BASIC at the READY prompt. Type DOS and press the RETURN key.››IF YOU ARE NOT USING A RAMDISK, SKIP TO STEP L››› STEP K›› If you are using a ramdisk, type -INIT at the D1: prompt to initialize your ramdisk and copy all of the proper files into it. If your are using an MIO, once this has been done, you will not need to do this again, unless your MIO looses power.›› STEP L›› Now type -CARINA at the D1: prompt and after a few seconds your CARINA II BBS should start running. If you are not using the R-Time 8 Cartridge, you should now get the prompts to enter the date and time. It is ALWAYS VERY IMPORTANT that you enter the date and time correctly! Don't forget to specify AM or PM too! Consult your SpartaDos manual for how to enter the date/time.› If there appears to be a problem, make sure you have created your CARINA.BAT file correctly. Make sure that the correct files are on your BOOT disk. Make sure that all of the files are in the correct place. Go back to the beginning and check to make sure that you followed instructions correctly.›› CONFIGURING YOUR CARINA II›› Your batch file should have now run your BOOTBBS module. It should then say "Can't find config file" and then show you the configuration menu. The menu will display the following options:››]-[A] SYSTEM folder drive›]-[B] SYStem TeXT folder drive›]-[C] PASSWORD/INDEX/DAT drive›]-[D] MODULE folder drive›]-[E] SYSop MODules folder drive›3-[F] Modem Baud Rate›N-[G] ATASCII only configuration›N-[H] Printer support›N-[I] Chat bell on boot-up›N-[J] Keep a list of callers›0 [K] Backup after this many hours› [L] AT command - ATS10=255›› Select or RETURN:››› To change an item of your configuration, select the letter of the corresponding item that you wish to change. Pressing RETURN will save any changes that you make to a file called CONFIG.DAT onto drive 1.› Items A,B,D,E are the drive numbers in which your main folders are located: A=SYSTEM, B=SYSTXT, D=MODULE, and E=SYSMOD. Item C is the drive that you want your password file to be created. It will create itself automatically. The password file (PASSWORD.FLE) is also accompanied by an index file (INDEX.FLE). These two files should always stay together. If you ever decide to backup your password file, you also need to backup this index file as well. The index file is an alphabetical listing of all users on your BBS. CARINA II uses this file to find a user's account VERY quickly. Item C tells the BBS where these two files should be created along with where all files ending with .DAT extenders will be located (except for your CONFIG.DAT and your TERMCONF.DAT files---these are both configuration files and they both have to reside on drive 1). Since your USRVAL_0.DAT is on drive one, the easiest thing to do would be to place your password and index files on drive one as well. If you don't think you will have enough room on that drive, don't forget to move your USRVAL_0.DAT to the drive on which your password and index file will be created Remember, all files with .DAT extenders (except for the two exceptions previously mentioned) must reside on the same drive as your password and index files). More will be explained about these .DAT files as we go on. Change items A,B,D,E to the drive numbers where the corresponding folders are located. Change item C to the drive number where you would like your password file to reside.› Item F tells CARINA II what your modem's highest baud rate is. It is especially important if you have a 2400 baud modem to set this value to 2400. Most 2400 baud modems will not connect properly at 1200 or 300 baud if they are not configured at 2400 baud. This setting can be toggled between 300, 1200, or 2400 baud. Set this item to the appropriate value.› Item G can be used to lock out anyone who is not calling on an 8-bit ATARI. Keep in mind that this also lock out ST-callers (who are not using an 8-bit emulator). This used to be a very popular thing to do a while ago, but this configuration is rarely used now (with the emergence of the ST).› If you have a printer and would like to use it on your BBS, turning item H on will allow you to print certain things to your printer (like a list of people who have called your board and/or messages that a SysOp selectively wants to print out). You must have this option on for these features to work (and your printer MUST be on whenever these functions are carried out (unless you are using a printer buffer of some kind)).› Turning item I on will make CARINA II turn the chat bell on whenever you boot up your BBS. Whenever the CHAT command is executed by a user, the border around your screen will rotate in luminance once per second. Setting the CHAT bell on will also make CARINA II sound a bell (through your TV speaker) directly after the CHAT command has been executed. The user will only be allowed to access this command once per call.› Turning item J on will make CARINA II keep a list of callers. If you have your printer support on, it will put this list to your printer. If your printer support is off, then this list will be saved to your disk under the filename of CALLLIST.DAT. This file grows VERY quickly. If you have limited storage capacity, and you are not using a printer, I would suggest you not turn this option on. You really need a lot of space in order to use this function, or you need to create this file quite frequently. There is a function built into the BBS that will show you this file and allow you to view it (you can access this function while the BBS is waiting for a call. After you view the file, it will ask you if you want to restart it. You will need to access this function often (at least once a day) and restart this list after you view it if you are only running the BBS off of regular disk drives. If you have a hard drive, don't even worry about it.›