› ό Αξ Ιξτςοδυγτιοξ το Γαςιξα ΙΙ ό›› Carina II comes with a user manual (in text-file format) containing all of the help files shown in this database. If the SysOp has it in the download area, I strongly suggest you download it and print it out to your printer (if you have one). To download the file, make sure you are in ASCII mode with no VT-52 graphics and no page breaks. If you have an 80-column printer, make sure you are in 80 columns. If you have a 40-column printer, switch to 40 columns. You can change all of these parameters by typing "Settings" at the command prompt. When you are ready, and you have located the file, download the file using ASCII protocol (X-on/X-off) (i.e. Capture it), save it to disk, and print it to your printer. After you have finished, change your settings back to normal. If you have no idea what I just said, then just ignore it. If you have some idea of what I just said, then download the file anyway you want and read it off line at your leisure.›› Welcome to the Carina II BBS software! I hope you enjoy your stay. The first thing that needs to be said is  ΔΟΞ§Τ ΒΕ ΙΞΤΙΝΙΔΑΤΕΔ΅  This is a very large system that does a lot of things. Don't think for a second that because you can do so much implies that it is going to be hard to use, it's not. The system was designed to be very consistent. For instance, once you've gotten the hang of the message area (reading them, moving from one message to another, etc...) you'll instantly know how to use the file area (and visa-versa). Everything should be (fairly) self-explanatory. There are mini menus at most prompts. These mini menus are very brief explanations of what commands can be used. If you need a detailed explanation on how to use them, you should come back to this help database for the full explanation. You should get the hang of it very quickly.››