› Ðïóô  a Message››Example usage:››Post›Post "username"›Post [user account number]›Post "All"›Post 0›Post [section name]›Post [user account number] 'title'›› The post command is used to send a message to a user (or to all users) in a particular section. This can also be thought of as starting a new topic.›› When the post command is executed, Carina II will ask you for the user's name or account number that you would like to send the message to. Account numbers (as mentioned before) work faster than usernames; However, searching by username is still quite fast (aside from a little more typing on your part). If you don't, for instance, know how to spell a particular user's name, then you will need to resort back to the USERS command to show a list of existing users (and the correct spelling). When posting a message in a SIG other than Electronic Mail (the first SIG listed when doing the SECTIONS command), you may send a message to ALL as well (avoiding a search of the user's file altogether). Account number 0 is assigned to the parameter ALL, so you could do a POST 0 instead of a POST "ALL" (note that the quotes are needed when entering names at the command line).›› At this point, you will be asked for a title to your message. This title is also echoed into the topic field (as shown when doing a message read) and will remain the same throughout all replies to that message (and replies to those replies, etc...). It is most important that your message title tell something about the subject matter that you will be discussing when executing the post command. With replies, it is not so important.›› After the title of your message has been specified, you will then be placed in the message editor. Refer to the previous menu for instructions on how to use the message editor.›