› Äáôáâáóåó ››Example usage:››Databases›Databases [section name]›› A database is simply a text file containing (hopefully) useful information. Carina II's database command is a tree-type structure. That is, the database is categorized in a hierarchy much like subdirectories (folders) on diskettes. Depending on how the SysOp has it set up, a database may have just one database (in which immediately upon typing the command "database", a database will be shown), or there may be many databases which are all listed in a menu, or there may be multiple menus. This works exactly the same for the "games" command and the help database.›› After a menu has been displayed (if the database has a menu), one of the following 3 things can be done. The ÛÒåôõòîÝ key will quit the database, the "-" key will bring you back to the previous menu (if there is one. It will bring you back to the command prompt otherwise), or you can make a selection from the menu (as many as A-Z choices may be available).›