The latest release of AnsiTerm by Robert Sinclair (c) 1992 AnsiTerm now supports xmodem file transfer, screen captures and keyboard macros. While still a bit slow, AnsiTerm works Well at 1200bd and does a fair job of translating ansi graphics for your Atari 8bit platform. AnsiTerm is a full vt100 Term emulator that requires 48k and an Atari 800 or better to run, as well as one diskdrive and a Hayes compatible modem. AnsiTerm works with all dos's, MIO and P.R. connection, and already has 80 col won't need any additional hardware. Works best on mono monitors, but is readable on color sets. Mike... ______________________________________________________________________________ Sherry L. Snyder L.P.N. Mike Todd - Publications. Tulane Dept. of Dermatology Tulane Dept. of Dermatology New Orleans, Louisiana. Psychedelic Daydreams ______________________________________________________________________________