››››› › The following is a list of changes from version 1.10 of BobTerm to› the current 1.20 version:› › Bug Fixes:› ----------› › 1. Connects at 19200 Baud within the dialer will no longer switch down to› 1200.› 2. The delay between redials has been increased to work with a wider› range of modems and settings.› 3. The line editor now allows full ATASCII cursor editing (editing› filenames, macros, etc...).› 4. The first character of a macro may be any character, including a› pause.› 5. ATASCII<->ASCII protocol translation with MIO problem fixed.› 6. FModem upload to FoReM boards finally fixed.› 7. A couple bugs that caused the header and first blocks of each file in› a batch transfer to be repeated were tracked down and fixed.› 8. Obscure XModem padding problem fixed.› 9. Fixed various lockup points when using the MIO.› 10. When saving the capture buffer, a disk error now causes an error› message to be displayed (none was shown before).› 11. RAM-based OSes may now be used. An example of this is the HAPPYXL› program that gives high speed data transfer with modified 1050 drives.› 12. A lockup problem occurring when capturing and using the XEP driver was› fixed.› 13. The filename entry prompt for a full capture buffer makes sure the› name you enter is good before saving (it used to just erase the buffer).› 14. Doing a COPY E: in the command processor interface for› SpartaDOS 3.2 now works.› 15. The 835/1030/XM-301 modem handler has been re-written to properly tone› dial, as well as respond with the proper messages in the proper timing.› › › Enhancements/Modifications:› ---------------------------› › 1. The non-batch receive protocols are self-adapting, in that they will› automatically adjust to the sender's protocol (If you select a CRC› protocol).› 2. Protocol sends are slightly faster.› 3. The FAST CIS XMODEM receive protocol now supports 1k block sizes. I› suggest you use the 1k block sizes (by specifying the protocol to› CompuServe with PRO:X1K), as it causes the data stream to be continuous.› 4. In the batch file selection area, pressing "A" at a file query will› mark ALL the rest of the files in the directory mask you have entered.› This saves having to hold "Y" for all the entries.› 5. Separate pathnames are stored in the config for upload, download, and› capture. This saves having to type the path all the time.› 6. Separate upload and download default protocols.› 7. Spaces are inserted between successive RETURN characters in ASCII› Sends, so your formatting will be preserved in message editors that› normally 'eat' the blank lines.››››››››››››› 8. Fine Scrolling is now available. Use Shift Control S to toggle. Its› status is saved in the system config.› 9. The Word Wrap flag is now saved in the system config.› 10. Parity is now supported. Use the VT-52E for Even, VT-52O for Odd, and› ASCII for No parity. Vidtex has not been eliminated, use the VT-52O for› CIS Vidtex emulation.› 11. The VT-52 emulation is more compatible with VT-100, ANSI, and a few› other emulation modes. It does not support the entire VT-100 command set,› but its better than it was before.› 12. The timer/clock will keep the proper time on 50Hz PAL systems.› 13. Internal BASIC is automatically disabled for all DOSes. This took› some serious probing into SpartaDOS to make work. Also, OSS carts are› also disabled under all DOSes except Sparta.› 14. The Dialer's Print List option has been removed, and the buffer size› has been decreased by 256 bytes. This had to be done to make room for the› new features. If you wish to make a hardcopy of your dialing list, you› may use an older version of the term for this. The dialing list format is› the same.› 15. The Capture buffer may now be viewed before it is saved. The view› function is accessed by the [C] command from the main term menu.› 16. The TONE/PULSE selection was moved from the main menu to the dialer,› where it was actually used.› 17. The modem's result messages returned when using the dialer are now› displayed. (BUSY, NO DIALTONE, etc...)› 18. The dialer now depends upon the modem's result codes rather than the› carrier detect signal, and so should work with just about any› hayes-compatible modem, regardless of configuration (the messages have to› be returned in verbal as opposed to numeric).› 19. The dialer now has an option of sending the first macro upon› connection. This can be used for automatic logons. I suggest adding one› or two Control Ps in the beginning of the first macro to account for the› time needed for the other modem to properly connect.› 20. The Long Distance code feature now supports the ability to embed the› BBS number within the LDX code. See the main documentation for› information.› 21. When a DOS function is completed, you are returned back to the DOS› Functions menu.› 22. The DOS Functions have been assigned letters instead of numbers, the› letters corresponding to the same ones used by DOS 2.x. This should make› operation friendlier and easier.› 23. The Command Processor interface for SpartaDOS now has a feel much more› like the real DOS.› 24. The ability to copy a single file is now available in the DOS› functions!› 25. The Atari 850 Interface handler is loaded every time; you don't have› to power it down prior to coldstarting.› 26. Any handler BobTerm loads will be unlinked when the term is exited.› This should prevent random lockups that happened with various DOS and› handler combinations. Note: it is recommended you use the [Q]uit command› to exit the term, rather than pressing RESET.› 27. The Control 1 function to start/stop printing may now be used in the› View a file, View capture buffer, and command processor interface› functions.› 28. The macro processor has been enhanced with two new functions: a››››››››››››› Control D will cause a 1/2 second delay. This is useful for generating› the HHH sequence for logging on to GEnie.› 29. A Control N in a macro will cause it to link to the next macro. Thus,› you are no longer limited to 31 characters in a macro! Note that neither› the Control N nor the RETURN that follows it will be sent.› 30. The curly brace characters in the Ascii character set are translated› to Control A and Control D characters (for open and close). The braces› may be sent by pressing the same keys.› 31. The chat buffer may now be sent without a RETURN at the end. Type an› ESC prior to hitting RETURN.› 32. The $7F character in the Ascii character set is now ignored. This› serves no useful function, and caused problems on GEnie.› 33. Attract mode is disabled while the dialer is busy dialing numbers.› 34. The messages on the top status line have been enhanced.› 35. The term screen is displayed while using a transfer protocol. It was› found that BobTerm could keep up with 19200 Baud transfers with the screen› fully on; so the top three lines indicate the transfer status, and the› rest of the screen displays the term screen. Note that any bad bytes› received while in the transfer are sent to the term screen, so if you› start a transfer while the other side is still sending, you will be able› to see the incoming data.› 36. The BOBTERM.CNF file is now larger, and is not compatible with config› files created by older versions. Delete any old config files you may› have.› › › That's all I have documented that was changed. Its possible that› there may be a couple minor things that have slipped past me. Please be› sure to read the main documentation for more detail on the enhancements.› › When uploading BobTerm to a BBS or giving it to a user, upload the› whole ARC file, or make sure the disk contains ALL the data files› unaltered. Thank you.› › Bob Puff 04/27/90› Suite 222› 2117 Buffalo Rd› Rochester, NY 14624› › CompuServe Mail: 76702,1076› GEnie Mail: BOB.PUFF› ››››››››››››››››››››