(This blurb is by JRD; it didn't come›with the GTERM disk)››› GTerm›› Gterm is a graphical terminal, both›because it deals with pictures as›well as text, and because it has a›graphical user interface.›› There's a real doc file, but you›have to use GTERM to read it. It's›not immediately obvious how to do›that, so I've provided this readme.›› First, unpack the ARC file that›contains GTERM9RX.COM and›GRAFTERM.EPS. Turn on your serial›interface. Start up GTERM9RX. You›should see a complicated looking ›screen. Use the joystick to move the›cursor to the picture of a console,›lower center. Click the button. You›should get a directory list of drive›1. Move the cursor onto GRAFTERM.EPS›and click.›› That should do it. You should see›the doc start zooming past. Use the›START key to slow it down.›› Have fun!›